

She had a wicked smile on her face, and she quickly moved her hand to hold his handsome face, with red lips aimed at his lips, shyness is another dimension to her, let him admit that sincerity to her is more than feminine dignity More important, she just wants to conquer him, how?

"Stop playing with fire." His voice was charmingly hoarse, and her seductive innocence was almost soft. He couldn't help but toss and kiss her delicate and trembling lips, fingers sticking into her silky hair from the sides of the neck. .

"You are playing too!" Cassia closed her eyes, her heartbeat accelerated and her breathing was shallow, realizing that his dexterous fingers were gently rubbing her shoulders and necks, and her heart was tumbling with unquenchable enthusiasm!

"Yes, I'm also playing with fire..." He whispered and chanted. "I was tempted by you, conquered by you, Cas, are you happy then?"

This is what she wants! She would not be so stupid as to give him a chance to breathe and consider!

"Prove to me that you are really conquered by me." She unbuttoned his shirt, looked at him fieryly with clear eyes, and teased his chest awkwardly with her hands.

"Stop! Cas! You will regret it." The heat churns in him, and he has exhausted his self-control.

"What do I regret?" She stared at him coquettishly and innocently. "Do you regret dedicating the virgin body to you? No! I won't regret it, this is what I have been looking forward to for a lifetime."

Under Cassia's hazy gaze, he couldn't help but leaned over and put his lips on her lips. She screamed, and he even more vigorously absorbed the fragrance in her lips, and the blood rose from boiling to the highest point!

He kissed her so hot! She rested on him softly and weakly, letting his lips slide down from her lips, madly hicky all the way, he pulled up her coat and caressed her, she couldn't help groaning, and he could not help but breathe, and his movements became more and more. The more wild, the whole person finally hugged her.

"Why do you want to stop?" She looked at him in astonishment, gasping for breath, and the heat was suffocating in her body!

"It's not the time yet." There was still a trace of reason in his mind.

He was referring to the unsafe study! Who knows who Henry has bought as informant, but Cassia pouted, "I don't care! I must be your person today!"

He is so passive, so she must strive for her own rights!

"Willfulness will only do bad things. Get off me immediately and go out if nothing happens."

"No!" She refused absolutely. "I'll go back to my room first, and then sneak into that room. You go up the secret path, and we will meet." Seeing his eyes full of disapproval, she immediately choked, "If you're "not following", I'll go and tell Matt myself. , I am the one he is looking for."

Shit! Cas is "really" again!

Is he a tortoise? Why haven't you climbed over for an hour? Shouldn't it be a tortoise? Her enthusiasm was almost extinguished.

Cassia waited in that room, waiting to be a little tired, and then waiting to be a little sleepy, originally sitting and waiting, later turned into lying and waiting, finally climbed into the bed unknowingly, leaned his head on the pillow, closed his eyes ...

Two hours have passed since she opened her eyes, and she saw that the sky outside the window had turned dark, how about Nanda?

He didn't come!

She immediately went to the study!

no one!

She came out angrily again, and the maid Joanna was just changing the sofa and greeted her when she saw her. "Miss. Cassia, why didn't I see you all afternoon, are you going to have dinner?"

Cassia gritted his teeth and pointed to the study. "Where is the person?"

"Did you say Mr. Nanda?" Joanna blinked and pointed in the direction of the restaurant. "Mr. Nanda is dining at the restaurant. Tonight's main course is grilled lamb ribs. If you don't like it, you can replace it with..."

Without waiting for Joanna to explain what could be replaced, Cassia rushed to the restaurant immediately.

Too much!

She has already said that she will reveal her identity. He doesn't take it seriously, and he is still in the mood for dinner. Isn't he afraid that she will really sell herself?

Suddenly, the feet that rushed to the restaurant slammed to an emergency brake.

what! She didn't want him to be accurate!

She hurried back to the room and took a fragrant royal bath with rose shower gel, then picked out a silver-blue dress with low-cut spaghetti straps from the closet, put on heavy make-up, put on three-inch high heels and sprinkled half of it. Bottle of perfume, and after strenuously curling up long hair, put on long earrings, and walked gracefully to the restaurant.

Before she arrived, the strong perfume scent floated into Nanda's nose, and he turned his eyes...

"Hello, good night, Mr. Nanda, how does the lamb chop taste?" She deliberately pretended to be unfamiliar with him, and artificially opened the dining chair and sat down, with a coquettish line at the corner of her mouth.

"How much perfume did you spray?" He looked at her dubiously, but was surprised.

He didn't go to the room to look for her. He thought she must be very angry, but he didn't expect that she would still be in the mood to play a drag game with him.

He would never meet a woman again, could be so naughty under her anger.

"Spray half a bottle, it smells good?" Cassia blinked playfully, put the napkin on his knees gracefully, signaled the maid to serve the food, and deliberately drank a few glasses of red wine. "Alfred wants to invite me to a movie, and he will come to me later." She choked to him!

"Should I send a car to take you there?" Nanda said flatly.

Knives, forks, spoons and plates almost flew out at the same time!

Does it matter if she is dating other men?

Cassia angrily cut the two pieces of lamb chops into seventeen or eight pieces. She ate them one by one and glared at him with gritted teeth. Finally, she drank a large bowl of soup, took a napkin and wiped her mouth to recover. Graceful, leaving the seat like a queen.

She looked at him quietly, and the oppressive feeling caused by quietness forced him to look at her too. The two looked at each other like this. After a long time, she finally wrinkled her nose and decided to give him another chance.

"If you don't want me to date Alfred, there is still time to speak."

Please her! Please beg her!

"I wish you a good time, I want to go to bed early today." Nanda continued to eat slowly, unaffected by her at all.

Choke you to death! Choke you to death!

Cassia's brow furrowed deeply, and he said in a loud voice, "Okay. You send us a car for a date, I want to lengthen the luxury car!"

She rushed back to the room upstairs, rudely unplugged the silver tulip chain and threw it on the dressing table. She never needed this love order again! He didn't care about her anyway.

She cleaned her heavy makeup and curly hair in the bathroom, took off her sexy dress and put on a cotton nightdress. With wet hair and a depressed face, she slowly climbed onto the bed with the light turned off, and she shrank into a ball. , And then slowly pulled up the quilt and stuffed himself in it.

The salty tears fell from her eye sockets, she wiped them off, sniffed, and the tears fell again.

After so much effort, she still couldn't get his attention, and he still didn't want to make her his woman, no matter what reason he held, she couldn't accept it.

He didn t know how much she worked secretly in order to be his woman. She was definitely not a small flower or grass that broke when she broke, nor a cat and puppy who had a bowel movement when she was pressed. Why could he not follow How can she face up to the predicament again in relative frankness?

Does he think pushing her far away is really the best way to protect her? She withered and died before he could get rid of those who would harm her.

Suddenly, she heard that the door was quietly opened.

"Is it Bruce?" Her voice was crying. "Did he have a bad conscience calling you to come and see me? It's a bad idea to ask you to come and ask me why I still don't go out on a date?"

"Cough!" There was a fake cough, and there was no answer.

"You tell someone, I'm fine, Alfred broke his leg on the way to pick me up, so I will go out on a date tomorrow." Sorry Alfred!


"Also, I'm practicing yoga. This is the newest type. You can sweat it when you hide in a quilt. The effect of body shaping is better. If you need it, I can teach you."


"Bruce, what is he doing? Is he really asleep?"


"I see," the tone was extremely sad. "You go out, I want to be quiet... Uh, no, I want to continue practicing yoga, don't disturb me, go out!"