

A voice appeared silently behind her. Although she was startled, she turned around slowly, and then slowly raised her head. Seeing Nanda in front of her, she blinked and blinked again. After blinking, she couldn't help blowing a whistle.

"When did you come? How did you know that I was here?"

"Who are you?" Before speaking out, he had closed the closet leading to this room, and he had installed silencers on all the organs, and even the soles of his shoes, so as long as people didn t see it , Will not notice at all.

"I know my disguise is very lame!" Cassia said sharply.

"Since you know that you are a shameful cross-dresser, why don't you listen to me and stay in the room, and instead run out to attract attention?"

"I'm staying in the room!" She forced him to pretend to be crazy.

He didn't follow Cas joking and asked the point, "What do you want to know? How do you know this is the room with the best view?"

Cassia shrugged. "Intuition? A genius girl? Maybe my parents are heterogeneous. That's why I have the feeling that this is the room with the best view... Staring at me? Okay, tell you. I heard footsteps in the hallway. , So I just find a room to avoid it first, who knows this place is so great, you can see everything!"

"Then what do you see?"

Cassia raised his eyebrows, and answered him slowly, "Just a bunch of boring people who sip and sip, you say hello to me, I say hello to you, and your beloved Susan, who is dressed dignified and noble. It's really not like me, a wild girl, why don't you entertain her, but come here instead?"

Seeing Susan herself, her self-confidence was destroyed again. She was a young but mature woman with beautiful brown hair and elegant temperament. If she stood with Nanda, she could say It's a match made in heaven.

"somebody is coming!"

There were footsteps in the hallway, the carpet was thick, and the other person's footsteps were lightly placed, but Nanda's ears were sharper than ordinary people, and he grabbed Cassia into the closet.

"No sound is allowed from now on." He squeezed her lips until she blinked at him and nodded. He didn't let go.

It was just right for two people to hide in the closet, but Cassia had to sit in Nanda's arms, she was so naughty that she opened a slit to peek.

"Is it really safe here?" The woman's voice was extremely cold.

"Don't worry, I paid the cook. He said that this room will never be visited by anyone. It is safe. As long as the door is locked, we can do it for as long as we want!"

"Where is your wife? Wouldn't she find you?"

"Don't mention that unappetizing big belly! Baby! I miss you so much! Come, let me see you, you are so beautifully dressed today, I really don't know why the boy Nanda was willing to refuse you?"

"Humph! He will regret it, I will make him regret it..."

"Let your perfect work of art slip away from him. He is really stupid. A person like him who is not good enough to get all the favor of my father. There is no reason in this world... Don't say so much. Now, that kid doesn t know how to cherish, let me replace him and love you well!"

The woman let out an unbearable groan, and the man eagerly took off his clothes. Looking out from the seam of Cassia, he just saw the intimate part, it is still very clear...

Wow! Hot! Wonderful!

Suddenly, Nanda stretched out her hand to cover her eyes, she turned her eyes to stare at him, it was useless! My eyes are covered!

"Quick! Hurry up! More! I still want...oh! No...no more...no more...don't come again..." The ecstasy escaped from the woman's lips.

"Baby! Tsk tsk...you are so sexy...you really stand naked in front of that kid, but he pushes you away?"

"I don't want to mention that anymore... It's a shame for a lifetime..."

"Okay! Don't mention it!...I love you! Baby..."

"After success... will you marry me?"

"Of course! I'm so fascinated by you. I can't do it without you... Although I sleep with Sophia every night, my mind is full of you..."

"Prove it to me!"

"I'm coming! Baby! Put your feet on my waist...Ah!..."

This time, Cassia's ears were blocked!

strangeness! What does it matter if she listens! It's not fair to allow him to listen well!

By the time Nanda's hands left her eyes and ears, the men and women on the bed had already begun to wear clothes. They were still very ethical, and knew how to flatten the sheets.

"How long is your plan?" the woman asked as she buttoned the buckle of her underwear.

"Almost!" The man smirked. "The cook gave an important message. He said that kid seemed to care about a girl."


"A Taiwanese girl who is only 18 years old was picked up by him in Taiwan ten years ago. After returning to Washington, she did not live together. This girl did not live here until three months ago."

The woman's eyebrows suddenly frowned. "But Nanda never mentioned that there was such a girl."

"You also know that his defensive heart is heavy enough. You are just a group of like-minded partners. How could he reveal the matter to you?"

The woman's eyes darkened. "That said, he never opens his heart to others, and because there is no one he loves, there is no weakness."

"It would be great if he could start from his aunt. The kid cares about the old woman. Unfortunately, the old woman is a judge of the Federal Supreme Court. If she has an accident, we will be finished."

"Then the orphan with no background is the one we are looking for."

"That's right!" The man said grimly, "But Nanda protected her tightly. I have just sent my subordinates to look around, but I didn't see any Eastern girls."

"Could it be a message error?"

"This can t be wrong! I once caught a glimpse of an oriental girl here ten years ago. At that time, Nanda had just returned from Taiwan. I visited without warning. After the servant opened the door for me, I saw a girl climbing a tree, but Nanda came back soon. I never saw that girl again. I didn t care about it at the time, but now that I think about it, it should be The oriental girl that Henry said."

"Is it pretty?" The woman frowned deeply, quite concerned.

"Hey! Just a skinny wild girl. Even after ten years, she won't have much growth. How can she compare to you? Baby...you are so sexy..." The man couldn't help but touch the woman. Chest.

"If it's just a wild girl, why does Nanda care about her so much? Still carefully protecting her from exposure?"

"I don't know this anymore, it should be a "father-daughter love"! Hahahahaha..."

"After you find that girl, what are you going to do?"

"Take her to take a nude photo! Then the kid will have to be at my mercy. Who told the old man to only pet him? It's his life!"

"Are you sure if you just take a nude picture of that girl, Nanda will give up?"

"What do you think?"

"Give him a strong "warning" so that he will not dare to fight with you on the Chetan Group, and make him understand that everyone he cares about will be hurt by him, breaking a foot, a hand, or blinding the girl. Just eyes, or, simply find someone to rape her..."

Cassia shivered in the closet.

Sure enough, the most poisonous woman's heart! Compared with men, women are more hateful! The heart is more vicious!

"Will this be too much? I'm afraid that the kid will go crazy and it will be against us." The man hesitated.

"That's how you can't make a big thing." The woman snorted coldly. "Whatever you do! Don't dare to do it anyway.'Someone' is waiting to do it. You also know that your ridiculous half-brother Iri and stepmother are not fuel-efficient lamps."

"I see, I will consider what you think, baby, don't be angry, kiss."

The two were neatly dressed and hugged and kissed against the dressing table for a while before they left one after another.

One minute later, Nanda still clamped on Cassia tightly, not letting her go out.

Cassia used his eyes to convey the message "Why don't you let me out?"

Two minutes later, Nanda's arms still clasped her shoulders.

Suddenly, the door opened.

The woman walked in again, making sure that there was no one in the room, and then left with confidence.

Cassia's eyes widened, and asked him again with his eyes, "Did you know she would come in again to take a look?" This woman is very suspicious!

Nanda didn't say anything. He printed his handprint on the instrument, and a door opened in response. Cassia watched him "make magic" in amazement. Isn't this a wardrobe? Why is there still a door?

He went out first, and Cassia jumped out of the closet. He was surprised to see that he pressed the handprint once again to close the secret door. She was in an aisle, a confined space, and her speech would even echo, so fun!

"Are you finished?" She jumped in front of him like a bunny. Seeing his unrelaxed face, she knew that he must be vomiting!

Hallelujah! Let her hear so many secrets at one time, it's really dead! Damn it!

"You don't have to ask anything, and I won't tell you anything." He strode forward.

"Really?" She nodded without refuting. "Then I will go out to meet the family of my uncle Long-legged, anyway they happen to want to know me too!"

He suddenly turned around and held Cassia's wrist! "you dare?"