
Devil In White Coat

Follows Rick Sanchez after Season 3 Episode 1. After destroying the Galactic Federation, and tearing apart his daughter's marriage, Rick goes out on a night of Drunken ravelry. However, an accident occurs that transports Rick Sanchez into a world where the thing he hates the most reigns absolute, Magic.

Silus_Mkhwananzi · Cómic
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6 Chs

Ricks and Turns

Ricks And Turns

"Follow me, children"

Rick beckoned with a sarcastic voice as he led the peerage to another hidden room within the weapons' vault. Once he had gathered them all up in a line, Rick took out a spanner-shaped device and fired a blue light beam, resulting in a rectangular portal.

"Okay, listen up dickheads. The goal here is to get you all in good shape, and according to the deal, you only have 10 full days to do so. Fortunately, time isn't a problem for me. As I will make sure you have plenty of that."

Rias and the peerage exchanged confused looks, as they couldn't fathom Rick's words.

"Okay, from those befuddled faces of yours that looks like the expression someone would make if they just got asked why coconuts aren't classified as mammals if they've got both hair and milk, I can tell you're confused. Although I can't blame you, I'm a genius, and you're...ahem...not that."

Rick stated blatantly, trying to piss them off.

"Now let me explain. This portal in front of you leads to another dimension where time is condensed, it's a dimension I like to call...uh... btlg Narnia. Yeah. So in layman's terms, 13 hours here, is about a week and 12 hours there. Viser here is going to train you in this dimension. And by train, I mean repeatedly kick your asses until you learn to walk it off. However, for you to not end up being crackheads lost in time, you'll all have to return to this world after spending seven days there. Any question?"

Kiba raised his hands in response.

"What is it?"

"Sir? You can already condense time which is already impressive on its own. So if you don't mind me asking, what else can you do?"

"Everything else, any more questions?"

Issei raised his hand.


"Yeah, you said this dimension is called btlg Narnia. Is there any chance that btlg means Bootleg?"

Issei asked whilst cackling, which pissed Rick off.

"Fuck you, I'm not a ripoff. Any more questions? No? Good now take your bags and fuck off because I've got things to do, I'll

see how you're doing at 6 pm, not that it's my top priority"

Rick uttered rudely as he opened a portal and disappeared, leaving the peerage in the hands of the woman they almost killed.

"Well, what are you waiting for? You heard the Master. It's camping time!"

Viser stated with a sadistic voice.

"You know? I'm getting some bad vibes about this."

"Yeah you think?"

Koneko responded to Issei- who was leaning closer to him- in a modest voice.

"So Koneko?"

"What is it?"

"Are coconuts Mammals?"

"Shut up."


Issei responded with a regretful low tone as they went through the portal.


A few hours have passed and Rick is descending down Tokyo Tower using his jetpack. That part of the city was oddly vacant today, which was a convenient enough time for Rick to check the signal for the second area with diverse concentrated magic, magic that was of earthly origin.

As he landed on the surface, Azazel, the first reasonable person Rick encountered, met him below. As an intellect, Rick could tell that he was stalking him.

"Mr Sanchez, I see you're tinkering as usual"

"And I see you're stalking me as usual, looks like I'm not the only one with a weird alibi"

Rick stated jokingly with a smile, causing Azazel to chuckle as a result.

"It would appear so. So, care to join me for a drink or two?"

"Sure, why not, I was done anyway"

With that, Rick disengaged his Jetpack and the two started walking together.

"Hey, where's your other friend?"

Rick asked in a curious manner.


"Your friend, you know the other guy stalking me, the little raven-haired imp"

"Rick. I came here alone."

Azazel answered with a stern voice.

"Huh? I swear I saw someone else following me. If it wasn't your partner, then who could it be?"




"Nah, I should probably just ignore it."

Rick Island: Bootleg Narnia Realm

A beautiful, lush tropical forest, filled with strange birds, grassy plains and very tall trees. This was the condition of the condensed Narnia, a dimension Rick warped overnight after taking inspiration from Froopyland- a dimension he made to keep the neighbourhood safe from his own daughter.

This however, was more realistic. It appeared to be a giant volcanic island, almost mimicking Rick island, but the creatures, from the beasts of the land, to the birds of the sky, were strange and alien, but still amazing to look at.

This is what the peerage felt when they came out the other side of the portal, a sense of relief and calm, the hot tropical wind across their bare skin, the sounds of nature, and the beautiful scenery.

They had appeared in what looked like a beach in another dimension, but as he peered endlessly at the blue ocean, they could tell there was an edge leading to nothingness. The only landmass in this dimension was the island they were on top of. This truly was an artificial dimension.

Viser came out last, taking a deep breath before going out of the portal.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

Viser said, stretching herself as the peerage watched awkwardly.

"Okay listen up you kids, this is how it's gonna go. I...will beat you up. Repeatedly, and you duty, will be to get over it in some way. Keep in mind that whatever wound you get while here can be healed, so chill out. I am also not allowed to kill you, but you can do whatever you want with me."

The peerage smiled in relief as that technically was an advantage.

"Keep in mind that despite the disadvantage I have, this will hurt, a LOT."

The group still didn't take what she said seriously, and thought she was joking or just being hyperbolic.

"On that note, you did almost kill me once, remember that? I certainly haven't forgotten."

She continued, her voice getting more serious.

"But I blame myself back then. I was like what? ...I don't know, a thousand time weaker back then?"

She joked, looking up.

"But don't worry, I promise, that no matter what happens, it's only going to be partially personal. I'm only gonna use like, 30-35% of my power so you know, it's fine. Well, there's no time to loose so let's begin. I can give you a headcount if you wanna run. Would 200 seconds do?"

She asked mockingly.

"We're not running."

Rias responded.


"If we're gonna kick this bastard's face, we fight!"

Koneko and Issei followed respectively.

"I'm also ready."

"Bring it on lady."

Asia and Kiba uttered simultaneously.

"And what about you?"

Viser questioned, looking straight at Akeno, who chuckled slightly as a result.

"You really need to ask?"

Akeno answered back, her hand already surging with lightning.

"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you."

She lifted her hands sideways, allowing the wind circling around her to slowly lift her up, as she revealed her devil wings, before reducing them to just two pairs. There was silence for a few seconds before Viser was suddenly set ablaze, scaring the Peerage.

It was at this moment that something strange happened. The creature of this land began making uncontrollable sounds, the birds hiding in the trees flying away.

Rias, who was confident in the beginning, could feel a change going on, a change involving bloodlust, anger, vengeance, lust and despair. It was circulating around the area and was like nothing she had ever seen, felt or experience. Just as she was experiencing these things, a sudden realisation dawned upon her, and she began to slowly, move backwards.


She uttered slowly, everyone looked at her in confusion.

"Everybody run!"

She said, causing everyone to run for their lives as Viser finally opened her eyes. She looked around at where they were standing and noticed they were no longer there.

"Huh, they're already gone."

She commented. Twelve flames immerged from her body and began to morph until they became her. With the clones complete, she looked at the direction in which the peerage had disappeared

"Well, let's begin shall we"

What followed for the next six days in this world was what could only be described as a gore fest. Involving each member of the peerage, except one exception, the only one who was absent when they attacked her. Other than her, there was lots of blood, gratuitous violence, extreme physical and mental torture and ....other things that shouldn't be mentioned.

The horrific and traumatic events that played out have already been written down in another file, but I think they are too graphic and could change the nature and tone of the story, two things I need to be weary of to prevent that decrepit junkie from escaping. He will accept my gift to him.

Day 7 of Day 1

Rias and her peerage had gone through a lot over the past seven days, it was unlike anything they had ever experienced. Viser and her clones weren't even trying to be lenient when she got her revenge.

It was currently morning in btlg Narnia and Rias slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a grassy plain, the rest of the peerage followed suit. As they regained consciousness, they could hear laughter coming from a close proximity.

They looked out at a distance and they could see her, Asia and Viser, conversing while wearing white picnic dresses, and enjoying a meal of drinks and sandwiches on a large picnic basket. It was bizarre to see something like this happen, considered the violent actions that were inflicted upon them by this now relaxed person who sat in front of them.

It was then they remembered that Asia was abducted by her on the first day they had tried to run away, which made a lot of sense, as she wasn't among those who tried to kill her once. The peerage, with their torn and ragged clothing that they had worn for the past seven days, marched straight to the odd scene. Viser noticed them through the sounds of their footsteps.

"Oh, hello there, how've you been doing?"

She said with a sheepish smile. Issei was about to attack her, but was dissuaded from his actions by the peaceful scenario that lay in front of them.

"Why? Why did you put us through all of this!?"

"Yeah, this was not cool man!"

Rias and Issei asked respectively.

"Calm down you big babies, I was just cooling off steam, it's not a big deal, and besides, you're the ones who wanted to unalive me."

Viser spoke, much to the disgruntlement of the peerage. As she said this, she took out a lengthy sandwich- which was more of a meatball sub- and began to stuff her face.

""What are you even eating?"

"Oh, this"

She uttered to Kiba, motioning the meatball sub.

"This is something that Rick keeps in his refrigerator. Apparently, it's a recipe he pulled from another dimension, it's called Death Sandwich or something. It's really great."

"Well, since you've been clearly enjoying yourself in more than one way, can we at least have something to eat too? We're starving."

Issei requested.

"Sure, dig in, just keep away from the Death Sandwich of Death. I heard that this thing is so delicious and unhealthy, it can literally destroy your stomach, and even its creator suffered the same fate."

"But you're eating it and you're fine!"

"What can I say, I'm just built different."

She continued, which angered Issei even more.

"You're A DEVIL. WE ARE ALL DEVILS. How the hell are you different from us!?"

"Oh yeah."

She realised, whilst sitting in a thinking position.

"Well, I guess I'm just built better."

Her blatant response cause Issei to growl in anger.

"But hey, look at the bright side, at least you're now free from my blacklist. Now we can be buddies. I promise I won't do this again. I'm gonna be good old Master Viser from now on. Now sit the fuck down and eat."

A few minute passed and the basket was almost finished, with Issei and Koneko being the ones who ate the most.

"Hey, didn't Rick say we must be back on the seventh day."

"Well, the seventh day at 12pm, so we still have about three hours left."

And just like that, three hours passed and the team returned back to earth, were Rick was already waiting for them just on the other side of the portal.

Rick Island

As the peerage stepped out of the portal, Rick and Viser's eyes met for a while before either could speak.


"Master Rick?"

Viser responded hastily.

"Any progress?"

"What do you think?"

Viser responded crudely as he walked past him. Rick smirked at her as she passed by, little did he know how flustered the devil was, as she enjoyed the casual rude chats with the scientist, as it made her feel closer, contrary to Kalawanar, who has a more submissive relationship with Rick.

"So... Looks like you're with stuck with me, Lil Kiddos, for now anyway. So tell me, how'd it go?"

Rick was forced to cover his ears after a multitude of complains in the form of screaming and yelling were forced out of the mouths of peerage, who were too angry at Rick to act civil. Rick immediately regretted asking, although he couldn't care less about what they were saying.

"Do me a favour and save your complaints for YouTube, in case you haven't noticed, this isn't really a democracy, it's a Rickpublic. Now follow me, I need to brief you on your progress."

Rick said as he used his portal gun to teleport away from the room they were in. The ORC followed him through the portal, and appeared in what looked like a university hall, with a projector, auditorium seats and everything.

"Everybody take a seat"

Rick ordered as the ORC did so. Rick switched off the light and used the small remote he had to turn on the projector.

A blue screen, with the physical and supernatural stats of all the devils in the room appeared. The screen was split into five consecutive sections, each with bars that indicated their physical strength, their speed, their magical power level and magic capacity. Within each bar, was a section labelled with a small green line, and another with a small red line. Almost like a bookmark. The red line was ahead the green line to the right.

"Based on my own observation, and Viser's pessimistic tabs, this is what I have come up with."

He lectured, zooming close to Rias's stats.

"From my studies, you are one organism, divided into two different variables and two scenarios. Of course the organism is a Demonic Mutate, or as you call it, a devil. Some of you, looking at you crimson, are born with the mutation, whereas some of you aren't, but rather had the mutation introduced into your bodies."

"Yeah, we already know, but, what does that have to do with our progress?"

Kiba asked.

"That's the thing you see, turns out both variables have one thing in common, you both possess the same supernatural essence, demonic energy, however, most of you don't seem to be using it, the only exception is Rias, Akeno and Kiba, whose abilities seem to be somewhat directly related to that energy."

The ORC stared at each other confused. As a result, Rick scratched his head out of exasperation.

Koneko looked at her hand in realisation.

"Let me try and expand on what I'm trying to say here. Sir Epstein (Issei), you use what I may regard as draconic energy to boost up your strength. Instead of the energy you inherited when you became a devil, you rely on that gauntlet of yours"

Issei looked down in realisation.

"And Asia, your abilities from before and after becoming a devil have certainly not diversified, but because I like you better, your power still bleeds from that IKEAN accessory in your hand. I think we can fix that."

"Wait, what exactly are you gonna do with her?"

Akeno asked

"I'll do the only thing studios do nowadays to gain public traction, I'm gonna rip off Marvel"

Rick said, his voice seemingly turning more serious.

"And what about us."

"Good question, I'll get to that later, but first..."

Rick said taking out a tray of blue jelly beans.

"Have one and then pass the tray forward"

Rick said, handing the tray out to them. Each took a jelly bean and ate it.

"Wonderful, now that we're done, let's get to it. We already know your classifications, so we can get started, RIAS!"

Rick shouted, calling her out by her real name.

"Yes sir!"

"Despite your unique, bloodline, the way you release your power is sloppy and unoriginal, you need to stabilise and focus it before I mistake you for Wanda Maximoff. Kiba!"

"Yes sir!"

Kiba responded loudly.

"Your skill involves swordsmanship, however, you're only adapted to western-style swordsmanship, you need to open your mind and master different skillsets and adapt them with your power, also, try to use your demonic energy to increase the strength of you blows and speed of impact, you can start by simple meditation, this goes to you too Rias!. Asia!"

Rick called out.

"Yes sir!"

She replied.

"Since you're more of a healer, you don't have any offensive or defensive skillsets, however, after my modifications, that's soon going to change. For now, focus on controlling your demonic energy. Issei!"

Rick called out.

"Yes sir!"

"Control your dick."

"Huh, bu..."

"Now is everybody covered? Great, now go to bed, I'll brief you again next morning."

Rick opened a portal leading to their dome. Just as they were about to leave...

"Wait, you and you, stay. I'm not done with you yet. Everyone else can fuck off."

He stated, referring to Akeno and Koneko, who remained in position standing whilst the rest of the Peerage went through the portal.

Rick went on to take a sit at the front- lecturer's- desk.


Rick said as, pointing at the seats they were sitting on.

Akeno and Koneko complied and slowly fell to their seats, looking at each other with confusion in the process. Rick went on to sit on his desk that was facing the entire lecture hall. He took out his flask and drank from it. He then took out a device that looked like a large silver capsule.

He popped open the top like a bottle cap and then proceeded to pour in a blue mix that he kept in the draw of his desk. He closed the top and began shaking the device. Akeno and Koneko sat there watching and casually exchanging confused looks as the old scientist continued in this process.

Rick then pulled up his right sleeve, revealing his artificial collar. He tapped on it, activating the techno-functions of the device, which began to glow and vibrate, making a strange sound, like a teapot on a stove. As this happened, Rick stared intently at the two girls, tapping his fingers in the desk.

As time passed, the sounds and vibrations of the device, alongside Rick's tapping, got louder and more aggressive. The trend continued to the dismay of the two devils present, before it all stopped abruptly, when the device shut down. Rick popped the device open once more, and the portion he had poured in was now solidified and cut into different small 3d chunks.

Rick put his hand into the device and took out a cuboid chunk, and popped it into his mouth before proceeding to chew violently. Since he was done creating his blueberry chewing gum, he could pay attention to less important stuff, the two brats sitting in front of him.

"Okay Detention class, how do you wanna do this?"

Akeno and Koneko looked at each other with an even bigger sense of confusion.


They exclaimed.

"To add more clarity, should I beat around the bush like a fucking moron, or should I just burn it and get this over with?"

Rick questioned rhetorically as he put his feet on top of his desk.

"We don't know what you're talking about old man."

Akeno uttered with an annoyed expression.

"So the latter then, great, good thing we're on the same page. I'll make this fast."

Rick pointed towards her...

"Angel wings are supposed to have more plucky feathers than yours appear to have. And as for you..."

Rick pointed at Koneko...

"Cat ears still a big trend for weaboos worldwide, you should consider flaunting yours more often."

Both Akeno and Koneko were left shocked but the old man, who had figured them all out.

"You know, if you're really that afraid of body shaming, you should know that Onlyfan users are willing to fuck anything this time around, just ask the traumatised pony jar if you don't believe me."

"We're not being immoral you disgusting old fool!"

"Oh is that so, then surely there's a better reason as to why you're going to such length to inconvenience my fucking Job! Why tha fuck are you repressing your true identities? You know that weakens you right?"

"You wouldn't understand our situations, okay!?"

"Try me?"

And just like that, the two of them explained their situations respectfully. Akeno explained how she blames her fallen nature and the fallen nature of her father for her mother's death, and Koneko explained the situation with now renegade sister, who was corrupted by the power she also wields. Each of them tried their best to make it clear as to why they have to repress themselves no matter what, and how it was the utmost crucial thing to do. And Rick, being the gentlemen he was, listened all the way, he gave his ears fully and heard their pains, offering sympathy to their internal suffering. This, along with the overbearing force of his kindness, insured that the response he gave is of the utmost resp....

"Oh Boohoo, cry me a fucking river okay!?"


"You see? That kind of behaviour is why we didn't want to bother ourselves with someone like you!"

"Did you even care?"

Akeno and Koneko roared respectively.

"I took time to make my own chewing gum instead of getting the one I already had in stock, that's how little I give a fuck!."

Rick uttered, causing them to turn their faces away from him in disgust, which ticked him off slightly.

"You know what, fine, as a though experiment, I'll humour you, just for a minute. Let's just pretend I understand why you are willing to pull an Elsa for your bestie. In exchange, I want you to reflect on this scenario."

Rick took his feet off the table and leaned unto it as he put his elbows on top of the desk.

"If this goes south, a blonde psychopath, with less charm than Bateman in American Psycho, will go balls deep all up in your best friend virgin gutter, and we both know that he's gonna be clapping those cheeks as much as he wants and then brag about to his slutty crewmates. Not only is he gonna be 'getting schwifty' with her, but this time, it won't just be him beating his meat on a paper drawing of her, and all that while you douchebags and his dick of a brother watch from the corner of shame and regret like the cucks you truly are!"

Despite Rick's aggravating use of vocabulary, Akeno and Koneko where left in discontent due the realism and likelihood of his words. Rick then took out his portal gun, and opened a portal to their room.

"Go to bed and make sure you think about this, if you want my advice, I'd say get your shit together. Like my niece would say 'get your shit together, put it in a backpack, then stuff it in a shit museum'. Goodnight!"

Rick stated as they walked through it. The portal closed just as Rick opened one to his own room. Scratching his head, Rick jumped on top of his bed and landed on his back. As he was slowly drifting to sleep, Rick heard some footstep. He looked to his left, where the door to his bedroom was, it was Viser, wearing a nightgown that exposed most of her legs, and two of her four-buttoned shirt were open, revealing her cleavage.

"You got room for two?"

Rick paused for a moment whilst starring directly at her chest.

Two Days Later

It was early sunrise and Rick was in the middle of his morning stretch routines, which he rarely does. With the peerage finally having mastered the basics of his regiment. Things were finally going smooth. Speaking of which, while Rick is busy being...well... himself, let me take some time to go through a rundown of what's been happening to the peerage for the past two days within.

We'll start with Kiba. Kiba barely had any problems during the training. Just as Viser had promised, she was finally 'nice'. In her terms, thereby giving meaning to Kiba's beat downs, Because of his inhumane levels of concentration, dedication and skill, Kiba was Viser's best student.

Rias of cause had her destructive energy, which according to Viser, could greatly injure Riser if need be. So she was working on increasing its potency. Along with focusing it at one point, like a bullet, or a pressurised water cannon. Because of this she was the second best.

As for Akeno and Koneko, Rick's words resonated a lot with them, and it forced them to reflect on whether they were being selfish on this issue, to which they concluded by affirming yes. After that, they could confidently use their powers, well, kind of.

Bootleg Narnia was an island occupied by large trees, and their vastness was enough to separate each member of the peerage from each other. So because of this, Koneko and Akeno training couldn't be noticed or heard by the other members, who were also training within the bushes, hence, they would use their hidden attributes when fighting. However, by coincidence, due to constant movement, one member would meet up with them, leading to a loss of confidence and them quickly retracting their attribute, which disrupted them. Hence, they were the fourth and fifth best.

As for Issei, well, let's say he's training was...training. And his mind was as powerful as that of a shonen protagonist. And because of what was constantly happening on the first day. However, for obvious reasons, his speed had increased vastly, and her lung capacity was off the charts, he was essentially as fast as lightning thanks to...things happening. However, his power compared to rest of the peerage is supposedly the greatest, hence he had a proportionally larger gap to cover that the others, and hence he was the sixth best.

Now for the elephant in the room, Asia. Asia was slowly adapting to using her twilight healing sacred gear. And her control of demonic energy was improving faster than Viser thought it would, and adding it to her healing power, she could accelerate the speed of her healing. Viser also got her to use some of her demonic traits, such as increased strength and speed, to adapt to self-defence, which leads us back to Rick.

For these past days, Rick was thinking of the perfect Marvel character to rip o...I mean get inspired by, because Asia wasn't a power type, Rick needed a character whose power was centred on physical attributes. Because giving her something like a the Celestials, Dr Doom, The Living Tribunal or King Knull – all these aforementioned characters were characters that Rick actually considered, he really wanted to give Asia one of their powers, and heard already made successful drafts to do that- would drain her more than her twilight healing already is. Also it would make the main character flawed. Also plot.

So after three full days, Rick had someone, although they weren't fully the MCU, yet, they were still relevant enough to suit Asia and the electric attribute she was slowly developing from studying Akeno's power.

So after he was done with his weird morning stretches, Rick, using the collar, turned on the surround sound speakers in the room, and a loud pitch echoed across the room, alerting everyone. Issei was particularly frightened by the noise, as he let out a scream whilst getting up. Koneko on the other hand, did not show a reaction, as she expected the old man to do something this annoying.

"Good tidings...bitches."

The peerage just stared around, with tired and angry eyes.

"Meet me in my lab, pronto."



Thirty minutes passed, and the peerage was well dressed, and ready for a new day of training. As the team approached Rick, they noticed that he was compiling multiple things, from books, to chemicals, and even injections.

"Uh... Mr Sanchez?

Rias called out.

"Oh goodie, you're here. Hey, shorty, be a dear and hit the lights will you? And make sure you hit the left one, okay, don't do something my Grandson would"

Rick asked Koneko whilst pointing at a grey switch behind him. Koneko was irritated, and was hesitant, but ultimately decided to do what Rick said. She turned off the lights, thereby leaving the lab in complete darkness. The only source of light remaining was the glowing, bubbling pink substance that Rick was working on. Rick put on his goggles so as to carefully study the substance's reaction. He then reached for his pocket and took out red powder in a pack and phased it into the container with the substance. The substance's bubbling intensified for a few minutes, before completely stabilising. However, the pink was now much brighter, with a whitish fade to it.

"That should do it"

Rick said, talking to himself.

"Okay, you can turn it back on now"

Koneko turned the lights back on.

Rick took the fluid and put it in very small vial. He put the vial in a small box and set it to Japan's room temperature for ten seconds. He then took it out of the box and stuck and injection into the vial to extract the fluid.

"Okay Asia, come on"

Rick said, squeezing a small amount of the fluid out of the container.


Asia screamed, moving away from Rick.

"Rick what are you doing?"

"You'll see"

Rick answered Issei as he got closer to him. Asia was standing behind Issei.

"Rick, you're not putting that thing inside her"

Rick sighed at Issei's overprotectiveness.

"Look, I worked on this thing for an entire night, it's gonna be fine."

"You worked on it for one night, and that's supposed to reassure us?"

Koneko stated.

"People who test their own inventions are those who believe there's a chance they won't work, I don't have the luxury for that doubt, now quit treating me like I'm sus and get over here"


They all responded. Rick was pissed.

"Listen to me and listen to me well, this is my dips, I am above you, I... own you, you are my property, and as long as I say that no one can do a thing about it. Now taking that into consideration, I ask you two questions. One, if I wanted to poison her could I? and two, will any of you be able to stop me?"



"I guess those question answers themselves"

"Smart answer Ms Bloodnut, I like it, it makes you sound like Princess Merida and Sherlock Holmes's lovechild."

Rias frowned and narrowed her eyes angrily at Rick's response.

"Now do we have everything cleared? You!"

Rick called out to Asia, who slowly started to move away from Issei.

"Yes sir!?"

"Get over here!"

"Yes sir."

Asia heard what Rick said loud and clear, so she he let go of Issei and started moving towards Rick. Issei tried to stop her, but Asia reassured him.

"It's going to be fine Issei"

She said with a sheepish smile. She finally got closer, she lifted her small sleeve all the way up to her shoulder.

"Here, just make it quick, okay?"

Asia said as she closed her eyes, waiting for the injection. A few second seconds passed and Asia looked up to see Rick standing there confused.

"W...what are you still doing?"

Rick asked.


Asia wondered.

"I just finished giving you the short, you've just been standing there biting your lip for 30 seconds."

"Wait, really, but it didn't even hurt."

"I'm a perfectionist, the point of an injection is to remove the pain, not introduce new... pain. Now let it sit for an hour, it's gonna take a while for your new copyrighted powers to settle in. Also, have this..."

Rick said as she gave Asia two bracelets. These weren't ordinary bracelets as they seemed to be of alien tech. Asia took them from Rick hands and fitted them in each hand. The bracelets seems too thick when Rick gave them to Asia, but somehow they were able to fit in when Asia put them on.

"What are these?"

"It's military tech I retrieved from a group of Zigerion scammers who were after my concentrated dark matter formula. Which they almost succeeded before I... you know, wiped them of the intergalactic map."

Rick stated blatantly, unaware of how shocking his statements were to the Peerage. Back within the CFC, Rick would do all of these things and no one questioned him, it felt normal for him and everyone in his world.

However, things were different, in this world, not even Devils, let alone Trihexa herself, could pull off the things Rick has, and in this world, the least was expected from humanity, especially those without sacred gears. So to see some old man, who appeared out of nowhere, with nothing but a 15 second long fart, saying things like 'concentrated dark matter formula' and 'intergalactic map' was nothing but mind-blowing for these poor devils' uninitiated brains.

"Each of them is laced with a Nanofiber defence mech. And it can emit telekinetic waves."

. . .


The peerage stuttered in confusion which caused Rick to sigh.

"A huge blue forcefield that goes 'boom boom' and 'move stuff with your mind' powers, the Zigerions couldn't perfect the technology, but with my modification and a bit of isotope 322, I was able to make some improvements. Just clasp both your hands into a fist and that should activate it."

"Wow! Thank you Mr Sanchez. I promise to use them well!"

Asia stated enthusiastically.

"Uhuh, okay, get ready to enter the Narnia portal, Viser will be on her way in a moment."

Rick stated as he opened the portal and left. The Peerage left the room and flew back to the mansion, where Viser was waiting for them. They praised and congratulated Asia for her new undiscovered abilities.


Meanwhile, Rick appeared back in the capital. He was seated in the same café where they had met up yesterday. He was waiting for the fallen angel to arrive so that they may take that detour they were talking about. Of course the fallen angel did arrive in his casual outfit, and was ready to go.

"Sorry for being late, I had work."

"Sure, let's just pretend I believe you."

Azazel chuckled at Rick's sarcasm.

"Very well then, have it that way? Are you ready?"

"Yeah let's go, not like I have anything to do anyway."

With that, Rick opened a portal to the underworld. It led right outside the entrance way of the Gremory family estate. Right beside the door was Sirzechs and her fiancé, Grayfia.

"Mr Sanchez."

Grayfia, who had already met the man, greeted her scornfully, with her gaze narrowed to reveal an angry expression.

"Ms Tits."

Rick replied, earning a disgusted look and a grunt from the maid-themed devil as she headed back to the mansion. Sirzechs didn't take kindly to the old man's words.

"Old man, if I were you, I'll be wary about how I address my wife."

"And If I were you, I'd watch how I react, Will Smith, because I'm the Alice of this Wonderland, and I'm no Chris Rock. Now let's just go inside before I blow this entire dimension up."

Rick said as he shoved his way past Sirzechs and inside the mansion. Sirzechs rubbed his heard in distress, as Azazel walked past him.

"Azazel, does he always make such annoying jokes?"

He asked. Azazel leaned closer to his left ear.

"He's not joking."

Azazel whispered, then he followed Rick. He walked into the mansion, leaving Sirzechs confused and stuttered. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and followed Rick and Azazel inside the mansion. He caught up to both of them, and led them deep down the halls, to what appeared to be an office setting. He sat in the main office desk before offering them a seat.

"Okay, gentlemen, now that we're here, let's get to talking."

Sirzechs said as he turned to Rick.

"Mr Sanchez, how are things coming along with my sister and her peerage?"

"Oh, you mean bloodnut?"

"Bloodnut?" (×2)

Azazel and Sirzechs questioned, puzzled.

"If I were to loosely summarize, I'd say..."

Rick stated, scratching his head in thought. This forced Sirzechs' curiosity to increase, as he was slowly beginning to expect the worst.

"Right now, your sister and her lackeys are at a draw with their rivals, well, at least judging by the stats I collected from both sides. Your sister's ability at this point should be equal that of Firehead's."

Rick stated, arrogant to how shocking his words were to Sirzechs.

"And all that in just three days, I'm impressed old man"

Sirzechs replied, sighing in relief.

"Mm, yeah... you owe me by the way"

Sirzechs looked up at the old man, who was taking a sip from his container.


"You owe me"

"Owe you? For what?"

Sirzechs asked, confused.

"The thing"

"What 'thing'"

"The training thing, according to your little sis, this whole thing was your fault, and since she has nothing to give that I actually want, you will."

Rick answered confidently.

"And what is it that you actually want?"

"For you to be my back-and-call."

"And what if I refuse?"

The question forced Rick to rub his temple, as at this point, he expected the message to be clear by now. But no, it wasn't, Rick had more to do if he wanted to prove his authority, and fortunately, he had prepared beforehand.

"Rick, while I'm vaguely aware of your capabilities on earth, this is the underworld, and in here, your human capabilities are meaningless."

"Oh yeah, and these human capabilities are the same ones you entrusted to train your sister to defend herself from being a cumdump thanks to your assholery. "

Rick's offensive blabber angered the devil, as he immediately began radiating his demonic energy as a means to intimidate the old man into submission. Azazel who was besides Rick was somewhat tense, as he had been careful to avoid any conflict with the current Lucifer.

"Ho! Look who's finally putting on their big boy pants..."

Rick uttered as he took a sip from his flask.

"...But seriously though, you should stop that, I think we both know how this is gonna end."

He continued, Sirzechs stared at him for a while before settling down. He took deep breaths and stared at the old scientist.

"What do you want?"

Sirzechs asked calmly.

"Two things. You see, truth is, I'm a bored man, and I'm suffering...from success. So since I've got nothing to do, and the fucker writing this isn't planning on handing me back to Dan and Justin soon, might as well go nuts, become famous, live a little. Which is why I want you fund me. I need a plot of land, any land, I don't care if it's barren since I can just terraform it. Make sure there are official deeds to it. I'm gonna use that land for some random experiments, and who knows, maybe even build a country there."

Rick stated. While his proposal was harmless in theory, it felt practically risky. Sirzech's didn't fully comprehend the scope of Rick's cunning, and had to only guess that it was something that could rival the powers of the underworld. The presence of such a mind, especially if that mind was a Human's, could lead to instability and reshape the status quo. As such, Sirzechs couldn't risk that, since he himself was a leader.


Sirzechs replied.

Rick looked down in disappointment.

"Well, too bad, I guess I'll have to stop your sister's training program. And just to add salt to injury, maybe give that power to her boyfriend."

"Is this supposed to be funny or threatening, just how efficient could your artificial influence be."

"Good question, you should ask my servants, or my...fiancés, as they'd prefer to be called"

Rick, responded dismissively.

"Fiancés, what is he talking about?"

"A once two-winged angel now seraph stronger than me and Michael combined and can create new spells using Hebraic Biblical passages and a once stray now high-class pure-blooded devil who has the abilities of every pure devil bloodline in existence and immune to holy attacks from any pantheon."

Azazel answered, referring to Kalawanar and Viser. The response shook the devil as he couldn't understand the logic behind it.

"What kind of leader would give his subjects so much power?"

"The kind who can afford to."

Rick answered Sirzechs.

"Y...you a madman!"

"Of course I am, what your point? Just think of all that power, in the hands of the most unhinged motherfucker you could think of. Or better yet, after I boost him, I could brainwash him into attacking the underworld, and starting a war. Maybe have him take your mommy, your wife and sister as warbooty after he wins."

Sirzechs was now trapped in a corner. If he refused Rick's offer, he could potentially destroy the underworld, maybe even side with terrorists and radical factions, and if he accepts, Rick will potentially destabilise power systems. However, weighing both outcomes, Sirzechs managed to come up with the best answer.

"Very well then, Rick, we have a deal, now what's your second request?"

"Oh that's easy, just tell your annoying spy to stop following me!"

Rick demanded much to the confusion of the devil and the fallen angel.


"Don't play coy with me, Azazel already told me he had no idea who it was, so I can only assume you and your weird ass family had something to do with it."

Rick continued.

"I'm sorry, I still don't understand, could you describe what this 'spy' looked like?"

"You know, black raven hair, purple eyes, short, and dressed appropriately enough to attract paedophiles on Tiktok?"

Rick responded. Azazel thought deeply about the issue, as he was just as confused as Azazel was. After some deep thoughts, Azazel finally realized what was happening, and for the old scientist's sake, hoped it wasn't the case.

"Rick, this 'spy', did she have tapped breasts"

"Well, I'd prefer to use the term nipples cause that's an insult to breasts, but yeah, why?"

Azazel looked at Sirzechs and they both nodded at each other, acknowledging the fact that both had caught on to what was happening.

"Rick, how long has she been spying on you!?"

"I don't know, about a week now, maybe."

Sirzechs and Azazel looked at each other, a sense of fear engulfed them and shone in their faces.

"Okay will someone explain to me what the fuck is going on!?"

Rick exclaimed angrily.

Narnia World

4 Narnian days Later

Chaos and destruction covered the landscape as each member of the peerage duelled against their own set of clones. Among them was one who was making the most progress.

Kiba channelled more of his demonic energy onto the blade he was using, and by doing that, he was able to counter Viser's clone in a stalemate. Unlike the other members of the peerage, particularly Issei, he wasn't running away from the clone, but rather, he took every blow, as he perceived every ounce of pain as a lesson to make him get stronger.

The fight between him and the clone was particularly intense, reminiscent of a life and death situation. However, it has to be noted that Kiba was still taking more blows by far. So eventually he got exhausted and fell to the ground in defeat. The clone took out a small container of its tear and administered it to Kiba, who was instantly healed on the spot.

Kiba stood up, examining his hands.

"You think you could go again?"

Viser asked, intimidating the teenage devil. Kiba glared at the devil before taking a stance and readying his weapon.

"I thought you'd never ask."

With that, the fight continued


Rias, Akeno, Koneko and Asia were attacking their clones. Yes, Asia, could now hold an offensive position. After the unique abilities given to her by Rick. Asia was able to sense danger around her and react at lightning speeds, she was able to move faster, and she was able to use those skills for combat, among three other abilities to be revealed later.

However, the potency and duration of the ability depended on the amount of demonic energy she used. If she used a lot of demonic energy, her abilities would be stronger but would drain quicker, if she used less demonic energy, her abilities would be less potent but they would last longer. Each ability drained basically the same amount of energy, but the more abilities she used at a time, the more demonic energy it cost.

Asia didn't have that much demonic energy to begin with, so she had to mostly depend on the Zigerion Defense Mech to push Viser away while she healed Viser...okay that sounded confusing, didn't it?

So speaking of Asia, Asia had the most unique form of training, apart from Issei -this is because at this moment, they were the only ones who were charged with more than one clone, although bear in mind that Asia's clones were charged with less powers that all the others.

So Asia's task was simple at first, a clone of Viser would manifest itself in front of her, and then injure a part of its own body- usually the arm- and ask that Asia heals it. Every time Asia did, it would inflict a deeper wound. To one point, the wound was even bone-deep, and Asia had managed to heal it. Which meant that she could control the power of her sacred gear much easily.

The other thing she was supposed to cure was an ever growing wound. In this second Phase, the clone would inflict a wound on itself, and then it would keep on adding devil energy to spread the injury. Asia would have to add more power unto her twilight healing to keep up with the speed and close the wound.

The third phase- that is the current phase- was even more challenging. Asia had to heal a clone of Viser, while defending herself from another clone that was on the offensive against her. Which proved to be extremely difficult for her, but at least it did help in terms of control in tough situations.

Rias, Akeno and Koneko on the other hand pretty much had the same issue. They had to master control of their demonic energy more efficiently. Since one of them was pure-blooded and the other ones didn't want to reveal their other selves-this is despite the fact that they were already using those hidden halves in their day to day lives, albeit a lesser version of it.

Among the three, Rias was the one who was able to use her abilities more efficiently, this was due to the fact that not only was she pure blooded, she was also freely using all her powers, unlike Akeno and Koneko. Also, the realisation that this fight was all about her future also helped motivate her. Among the two concealing themselves, Koneko was second after Rias, due to the fact that she was more confident in her abilities than Akeno. Followed by Akeno herself, this was due to the tragedy of her childhood.

And now as for the protagonist himself.


Yeah, Viser wasn't messing around. Issei held the most powerful of the sacred gears, so of course she was going to use more power- about 21%- on Issei compared to the rest. And five clones, yes, five clones, including the Real Viser were after his ass.

"At first it was just 1 clone and herself, but Issei kept on running and running and running for the first five hours after the 1 minute head start. It helped on his case as it did increase his speed. He was using Ddraig to boost his speed, agility and lung capacity, and due to constant shock from chances of imminent destruction, Issei's body could hold more of Ddraig's powers by the passing minute. Thanks to running away.

However, 5 hours of running is enough annoyance for someone who has nearly endless stamina. The boy hasn't even tried attacking yet, although he was as fast as lightning than lightning at this point, the boy was that fearful for his life. Viser wasn't having it, so she split more power between four more clones. And the clones continued to chase the boy across the forest.

*ohmygo... I mean Ohshitthey'recatchingup. They are catching up! Ddraig, more, NOW!*

Issei screamed internally.

"Issei y..."


Issei screamed, interrupted Ddraig.

"Huh, very well then, boost"

Issei's power increased, and he could run even faster, although his body was beginning to develop pain all over, it was better compared to the ass whooping that left him bloodied two-earthly- days ago.

The clones were having a hard time catching him, the guy was so fast that he was literally running uphill-from a distance, it almost looked like a Sonic the Hedgehog speedrun- Which is exactly what he was doing at the moment. Eventually he stopped at the edge of a cliff.

Now he could use his devil wings to fly, but at this moment, he wouldn't fly fast enough, as he still wasn't adept to flying at fast speeds yet. So at last, the boy decided to become a man, and face her head on. It was about to be the fight of a lifetime, his lifetime.

The man closed his eyes.

*Are you ready, Ddraig*

"Finally, it's about time, let's end this. BOOST!"

Issei was about to launch an attack. The clones were finally relieved and were ready to counter, however, their boss approached and reabsorbed them. She wanted the pleasure all to herself.

Viser took on her fiery phoenix form, and dashed towards Issei. The flames that made her up transitioned into a fiery whirlwind. Issei saw this as an opportunity to try and hit her, but he couldn't, as the flames split apart and circled around him before rematerializing back into a tangible form behind him.


Viser whispered in Issei's ear before binding his arms with both hands. She then pressed against his back with her chest and leaned even closer to his ear.

"You were running away Ise" She whispered.


"And I was chasing you Ise"


"I was chasing you for 5 hours Ise"

"Well I..."

"I was chasing you for 5 hours because you were running away for 5 hours...Ise"

Viser responded with whispers, this time, Issei didn't even try to answer, because Viser would just interrupt her again.

"Why are you running Ise? Why are you running?"




"I asked you a question Ise."

"Oh uhh...yes. Of course."

"Habdo neshim, do you know what that means?"

"Uhh, it means respect women?"

Issei stated

"It means respect women, good, you can translate it. For a second there I forgot you were a devil...Wait... Is this turning you on?"


"Don't lie to me boy, I can practically smell the horniness."

"Y...yes. Kind of."

"Good, enjoy it while it lasts, because what I'm about to do to you won't."

Viser stated, her voice slowly reflecting her inner rage. Issei could feel it from behind him, he tried shrugging her off to escape.

"If you continue to move like that, I'll crush your spine"

Viser threatened. Causing Issei to stop moving in fear of his life.

"Besides, it's only fair I do this, as payment for wasting 5 hours of my time, don't you think?"

Viser stated, with a sadistic smile on her face. Issei didn't respond.

"Unless of cause, you think otherwise, then maybe we can move on to my second option, which involves breaking things that aren't meant to be broken, and shoving them were they aren't meant to be shoved."




"I...I'll take the first option please"

Issei responded with a low voice, admitting to the inevitable.

"That's what I like to hear. For that, I promise to be gentle."


Devil Matriarch: Phoenix

Viser transitioned back into her phoenix form.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahaaaaaaaaa. AAAAAAAAAA..."


Wait a minute? Did I say 'fight' of a lifetime? Sorry, my bad, I meant to say torture, it was gonna be the 'torture' of a lifetime...again, yep, I had to run it over reapetedly while writing this as it made less sense in context but this is literally the friendliest term I could use to describe what she did to him.

The devil cried in anguish, his screams reaching every other member of the peerage, as they got distracted from their training, feeling a bit sorry for Issei, despite knowing that he was gonna be fine in the end.

Back On Dxd Earth


Rick and Azazel are in Rick Island, discussing everything about the deed with Sirzechs, and news about his new spy friend.

"So let me get this straight, I'm under surveilled by the most powerful being in this reality"

"Yep, Ophis, and technically she's the second, but that's also complicated. The thing about her is that once she sets her eye on something, she's sure to get it. I honestly can't think of any force in this world that can dare oppose her"

Azazel responded. They were currently at the rooftop of Rick's mansion, gazing down below.

"You know, the way you phrase it makes it sound like you're sorry for me."

"I'm sorry for her."

"You're a terrible liar."

Rick responded, earning a smirk from Azazel. He then went on to look at his watch.

"Well, looks like they'll be back in a few minutes."

"Who? The Peerage? You said you sent them into a space where time is condensed right?"

"Yeah, so If I'm guessing correctly It should be around evening of the 7nth day by now, and they should be packing 2 minutes before 6 o'clock.

"I see, that's not confusing at all."

"Again, you're a terrible liar."

Rick stated with a monotone voice.

"Come now, you know I meant to be sarcastic this time."

Azazel answered as he and rick stood up, it was getting windy outside so Rick and Azazel went back inside.

A few minutes passed, and Rick and Azazel were waiting at the Narnia portal for them to return. And alas, they did.

Huh, Azazel looked at them in wonder, none of them appear even scratched or tattered. However, from the growth in power, Azazel could tell that they were definitely experienced. Issei on the other hand was particularly silent for some reason.

"Hey, Ponytail, you alright?"

Rick asked as he walked past him.

"What do you think?"

Issei uttered in a low voice.

The peerage went to on to rest their minds.

"Huh. So she did the thingining huh?"

Rick questioned himself.

"The Thing...ining?"

"Yeah, it's the torture method that involves crushing the diaphragm or something? It's a lot to take in. Come on, I have some interesting stuff to show you, I've been working on this one for the past three days."

"uhh... yeah. Sure"

Azazel uttered as he followed Rick. Rick showed him whatever it was that he had prepared. After he was done, Rick opened a portal to Azazel's abode, and he bid him farewell.

An Hour Later

Everyone was seated in the briefing room as per Rick's instructions. Rick finally arrived drinking a bottle of Sapporo, before smashing it to the ground like the respectful person he was.

"Good evening cock suckers, how are you all doing?"

Rias and Koneko responded by raising their middle fingers at him.

"Nice I see. So before we begin, does anyone have any comments?"

No one responded, Rick looked up and noticed Issei was still in shock.

"Issei, I see you look very concerned up there, you're giving us the 'fear factor gone wrong' vibe, is there something you'd like to share with us"




Hopelessness, Misery and anguish,

I am suddenly breathless.

If I struggle, I'll surely perish,

the pain is endless.

' In this temporary world, what is there to gain? '

she asks me as splits me asunder.

I shall never strive again,

for she only shows mercy, when you surrender.




"Okay then, thank you for the um... mesmerizing poetry, bro. That definitely didn't unnerve anyone"

Rick spoke sarcastically.

"So let's look at how you all did today"

Rick said, pulling up their states in order of those who made the most progress. In order of who made the most progress.

"Kiba, you're doing extremely well, if I didn't know any better I'd say that you were exceeding my expectations, and I never say stuff like this lightly so keep it up, boy"

Kiba nodded in respect.

"Rias, the way you can concentrate your energy has really advanced, not only that but your demonic energy has grown, good work Bloodnut"

Rick stated.

"Asia, I see you've unlocked all five of your new 'totally defensive' physical abilities, and have mastered four of them, I can't say I'm not impressed, however, you still need to learn how to use your abilities more efficiently, which is why I will be asking Viser to be focusing more on your hand to hand combat than your healing."

"Yes sir, thank you, sir"

Asia exclaimed with a sheepish smile, to which Rick smirked.

"As for you, the wondering sisters, I'm not sure how long you're planning to keep this up, but as a man of secrets myself, I'll keep my distance. But all I can say is, you...

He pointed towards Akeno.

"Your control is excellent, but you could also do with attack potency. The same goes for shorty here. And now for the elephant in the room."

Rick looked at Issei.

"Ise! My dude, whatever happened out there, man?"

Rick was messing around with him, but he didn't respond.

"Look, I'll try to be as cheerful as possible. Of all the members of the peerage, your physical endurance and power have grown the most. And you can now hold more Devil energy than all of them, thanks to advancing your gear, and honestly, I should put you up there with Kiba actually.

However, here's the problem. Your power at its fullest potential is about a thousand times stronger than the power of your friends' full powers combined, according to my research, you and I should be the only two people in this room who can kill God. So to sum it up, everyone else is proportionally more advanced than you, because they are closer to their full potential, which is lower than yours than you are to your full potential, which is higher than theirs."

Rick finished speaking and waited for a reaction from him, to which he got none.

"I'm gonna pretend you understood what I just said and encourage you to roll up your sleeves and put some elbow grease into your training, and maybe learn to handle torture with...less...p...poetic trauma."

Rick finally concluded briefing them individually, as he looked up to all of them.

"Okay, so from now on, you'll all be looking at your own starts, take these."

Rick said as he opened the desk shelf and pulled out a tray with futuristic-looking watches in them and handed a watch to each member of the group.

"Everyone got a watch, good. Now put it on and tape it twice."

They did as told and as they did, a holographic screen was projected in front of them.

"You'll notice two stats marked with 30 small bars each, these represent physical aptitude and demonic strength. You'll also notice that there are two bookmarks in each of the bars, with the red bookmark exceeding the other bookmark. Now the red bookmark, is your full potential, meaning the full extent and application of your power. The other bar is the level you need to be in to defeat five of Riser's lackeys. That is as far as I will take you, you'll have to reach the red bar on your own."

Rick explained, to which all of them understood.

"Any questions?"

Kiba raised his hands.

"Yes Kiba, what is it?"

"Sir, I noticed this section on the bottom right that says 'metaphysics', what is that? And should we be concerned about it?"

Kiba asked as he tapped the section, and the screen changed from blue to green. Displayed on the screen were long complicated equations.

"Oh yeah, that. Those are Wave Functions, mathematical representations of necessary principles that define your extrinsic and personal existence."

"Um...necessary principles?"

"You know, Destiny, Death, Dream, Desire, Destruction, and Delight. You don't need to worry about these, the only people I've met that can decipher them are me, Bill, and Yahweh. And between the three of us, only Yahweh can properly manipulate them since he also exists necessarily.

But here's a fun puzzle for you. Anyone who manages to put these equations to use will become necessary, and gain the power to control all things in and out of reality, be they tangible or intangible, literal or metaphysical."

The team marveled as they looked at the Hologram, they didn't understand most of what Rick was relaying, but his last statement was truly tempting to them.

"Okay, that's enough, just tap the watch twice to turn it on and off."

With that, everyone turned off the watch.

"Good, class dismissed, now go to sleep."

Rick said as he was about to exit the room. However, before he could go anywhere, he was called back. The reason was well...

Back when the team was packing, they kept on hailing insults about Rick. Asia couldn't really understand where they actually stemmed from, as she thought Rick was a genuinely nice guy. I mean sure he was rowdy and a little mean-spirited, but deep down- very deep- there...somewhere, there was a heart of gold.

So she planned to try and convince the team that Rick was a good guy on the inside. How you ask? By having him tell a Bedtime story of course. Asia had a personal belief that the stories one told were a window into their hearts and thoughts, and so she thought she should, you know, do that. And boy did it go as you'd expect. But you know what, you guys be the judge of this.


Rick was sitting on a small stool, in the middle of the beds of the peerage. All the members were in their sleeping gowns, and ready to rest. With that, they were ready to hear some of Rick's delightful tales.

"Are you guys being serious about this?"

Rick asked.

"Very well then. Everybody, hearken to my tale, and tale so true and ancient, a tail as long and old as my huge dynamite penis."

Ignoring the scientist's gross remarks, the peerage leaned in closer to hear Rick clearly. Rick, the great storyteller and 'Morty-vater' of souls, took a deep breath, and opened his lips, as he told his...uh...soothing tale.

"Once upon a time, There was group of 6 teenagers, 4 girls and 2 boys, all of them were devils. One of them, a red haired girl, was betrothed to a fiery mess on the behest of his stupid brother.

"Ooo, family drama, I like where this story is going?"

Issei stated, smiling in anticipation.

"Huh, Issei..."

Kiba sighed as he scratched his temple.

To free herself from marrying the creep, the girl proposed a pokemon battle against him, if she wins, she won't marry him. So in order to win, she sought the help of a so called 'shwifty one', a well-aged, handsome legend with a based attitude and a sexy unibrow that speaks for itself.

"Ah shit, here we go again"

Koneko remarked, dumbfounded.

Of cause the man refused, because he had better, much more productive ways to waste his time.

Rias at this point was gritting her teeth in anger.

The girl begged and begged, even offering to suck the man's HUUUUUUGE di-

"Okay, we get it! JUST MOVE ON ALREADY!"

Rias interrupted, causing Rick to move on.

But he refused, especially because the man didn't want to be viewed as the next Victor Salva. So the girl decided to take matters into her hands and as a result, failed spectacularly. Because of that, the next 10 000 years where gonna be nothing but agony. A century passed, and the red haired girl not only had to worry about being a demonic soccer mom, but also had to worry about getting underworld child support for her 650 children, whose 1990's 'Ashton Kutcher' jackoff of a father couldn't give two shits about. As for the friends, the short white haired one and the blonde dude started a gymnastic together, but was later ran out of business as humanity lost hope in fitness because of an upcoming pandemic. The black haired one got into a very sexual open relationship with the ponytailed one to drown their depression. Eventually they broke up after things got too stale and his dragon infused dick couldn't satisfy her anymore.

After Rick had made things look awkward between the two of them, Akeno and Issei tried hard not to look each other in the eye, and it became more difficult by the second.

The raven haired one signed up to work for Underworld's pornhub and would be featured in a lot of gangbang videos. She would later be fired for almost going too far with one of the pornstars on set. As for the ponytail kid, he becomes a registered sex offender 2 weeks after the divorce.

As for the blonde girl, she searches for the Shwifty one, and seeks his help, out of a good heart, he agrees. The old man gave the girl $20 trillion worth of precious stone from the gold he 'borrowed' from across universes to get his resources. She starts orphanages and soup kitchens worldwide, and becomes the C.E.O of a non-profit organisation called...um... the Correlation Of Really Really Usefull People Together. And they all lived happily ever after...in their imaginations.


"The morale of this story my younglings, is that whenever you have the Rick on your side, take as much advantage as you can, before it's too late. So what did you think?"

Rick opened his eyes, he noticed the horrified eyes staring at him from the left, and the disgusted ones from the right. Each filled with enough dread and trauma to keep a man awake just long enough for his college graduation.

"I can tell from your 'bitty eyes' that you enjoyed that"

Rick said as he got up from the chair and began stretching his back.

"Well don't you worry about it. There's only a 50% chance that it might actually happen, there's also the other 50% chance I made the statistic up just to piss or scare you off. Well, time for me to go, have fun trying to sleep tonight. Hehehe."

With that, Rick left the room using his portal gun, leaving the poor kids traumatised, but hey, at least now they'll train harder to make sure that it doesn't happen, right?




God bless.

The Next Day

The next morning, Rick was briefing the peerage before their next venture to Bootleg Narnia. As he was doing so, his phone rang. Rick picked up, it was Azazel.

"Oh hey dude. Can I call you again later? I still gotta take care of my precious losers here."

He hung up after.

"Oh geez."

He uttered.

"Okay, team Rick, time to roll out, you've only got six days before the match begins, so be sure to bring me good results, not sob stories, now get out there."

He continued.

The peerage went in through the Portal, with Kiba ahead of everyone else, and Asia behind.

"Hey, Asia"

Rick called to her.


Asia gestured as she heard Rick calling her.

"What is it?"

She asked.

"You wanna know the trick to winning?"


Asia nodded.

Rick leaned closer to the girl's ear.

"Well...whisper, whisper, whisper, whisper, and whisper."

Asia face became red in embarrassment because of what Rick had told her. She covered her reddened face and quickly ran past everyone else as she went through the portal.

Speaking of the call. Rick had to call Azazel again since Azazel previous call was cut. Azazel picked up his phone.

"Hey Az, How's it going?"

"Rick, what happened, you didn't pick up your phone?"

"Yeah sorry, I got caught up in some...work"

"Let me guess, The Crimson Princess and her peerage?"

"Yeah, but nevermind that, tell me what's happening?"

Rick stated.

"I got word from Sirzechs, he told me your deed will be finalised tonight. However, you can still do whatever you want with the land mass during the process. Just be sure to be there tonight for the signing."

"Good, I'm on my way. I'll see you soon."

"Sure thing."

With that, Rick hung up.

"Hey Kalawanar!"

A blue circle formed behind Rick and Kalawanar immerged from it.

"Yes Master Rick?"

"Get yourself ready, we're going to the underworld."

"Is something wrong down there?"

Kalawanar asked.

Rick walked closer to Kalawanar and grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Tell me angel, how much do you know about politics?"

Kalawanar looked in thought.

"Um...Rule with an iron fist and um...crush all rebellion?"

Rick smirked at her words.

"Then no, there's nothing wrong going on in the underworld...yet"

He uttered.

"Now come on, go get ready, I'll see you outside the mansion."

Bootleg Narnia

Three Narnian Days Later(Day 3 of day 4)

As always, things were very tense in the training field as Viser pushed these young devils to their limit. Even though she was holding back quite a lot.

The Peerage had improved a lot, as this time, they weren't just getting their butts kicked. One person in particular who seemed to be progressing well was Kiba.

He was fighting toe with one of Viser's clones. The clone was using its large claws to attack him, and Kiba his sword. They kept slashing at each other, but Kiba was using so much force that he got disoriented quickly, also the loud sonic bash his sword made as it made contact with Viser's claws didn't help. Viser used this opportunity to slash away Kiba's sword.

Kiba's hands were now raised upwards due to the force. Fortunately, he was still holding his sword in his left hand. However, his chest was now exposed for Viser to freely inflict damage, but before she could do that, Kiba opened his wings and flapped them to create enough force to push himself away from the clone. He concealed them after, and as he was still being dragged back by the force, Kiba plunged his sword to the ground to counteract it.

"Sword Birth!"

He used this chance to summon weapons from the ground using his ability. He managed to trap the clone in the chaos, giving him the chance to strike. Kiba channeled as much demonic energy as he could to ensure that his strike would be lethal. He opened his wings and flew vertically upwards, he then positioned his sword towards it.

Then, with great force, Kiba launched at it and sliced the clone. And from the right side of the neck to the bottom left of its stomach, Kiba cut the clone in half, causing it to light up in flames and disappear, re-joining its master.

Kiba became the first person to complete the training, and it took four ordinary days and exactly three weeks, three days, and 36 Bootleg Narnian hours to do so. As Kiba was panting, with a satisfied smile on his face, the real Viser came by to see him.

"Wow, so you're the first one huh?"

Kiba narrowed his gaze as she saw her. Although he had certainly grown stronger because of her, the training was still a nightmare, especially on day one when she was just beating them up and basically just torturing and ridiculing them. He would never forgive her for that experience, as it not only affected him but also affected his friends as well, especially Issei, who was her main focus.

"Oh don't be so glum, because you won, you won't see me again? ...huh?"

As Viser was talking, he noticed something that she should have the moment she arrived.

"What is it?"

Viser just pointing behind him, Kiba looked behind him and was shocked by what he saw.

That Same Night

That same night in the Narnia world, everyone was gathered together by Viser. Everyone except Kiba, who was speaking to Viser.

"What do you think this is about?"

Issei asked Akeno, who was right next to her.

"I can't say, but if they had to drag us here, I'd say it's something important?"

"Maybe they're dating now, who knows?"

Issei said, jokingly.

Just as they were talking, Viser walked in and Kiba followed behind her. They both stood in front of everyone and were ready to make an announcement.

"Okay so here's the news"

Everyone waited in anticipation.

"Kiba has officially completed his training, which means he won't be joining you for the remaining days."

Everyone was shocked. At the same time, they were happy with their friend's progression.

"However, things went a little... let me say, too well"

Everyone was confused by what Viser was now saying.

"Kiba, you can show them now"

Kiba stepped up front, took a deep breath, and revealed his wings. Everyone's jaw dropped at what they were seeing, all of them had gotten stronger ever since the day of torture, but they never expected this to happen. What they were seeing now was unexpected, and seemingly improbable. Instead of one pair of devil wings, Kiba now had two, which means that he had self-evolved.

"Congratulations Kiba"

"Yeah Man"




Dxd Underworld

That Night

"Okay just move it to the left, and try to not shake it too much, I just resized that thing so it might be very unstable"

"Understood, Master Rick"

"I'm glad to hear that, if that blue crystal hits the ground, whatever species survives in the next million years will be using devils as fossil fuel."

"Says the guy who thought it was a good idea to bring it down here in the first place."

"Shut up Azazel, I can hear you!"

Rick refuted the sarcastic Azazel, who was night bathing down below on the desert grounds.

Rick had previously requested a piece of land in the underworld, and since he wasn't exactly a so-called 'superior species' like everyone else there, Rick needed some connections.

Azazel was his first plan occasionally, but after his contract with Sirzechs, things changed. Now Sirzechs did not want to comply with Rick's request, so as a sign of respect, Sirzechs purchased unfertile land that surrounded an unappealing dry valley. He had no idea what the old man was planning to accomplish- he was just passing time-, but he knew that whatever it was, he isn't going to let him enjoy the process of fulfilling it.

When Rick, Azazel, and Kalawanar went to check up on it, they were distraught by what they saw. They also noticed that the land was cursed so Kalawanar had to use his holy energy to dispel the curses. Using her biblical enchantment, she was also able to erect springs around various parts of the island, as per Rick's orders.

Rick, on the other hand, designed a blue energy crystal- the same crystal he had in his former shy pooping place. The crystal- which was the early part of the project- was finished at twilight. There was one other thing that Rick had to do- this one involving alchemy- to put the finishing touches before calling it a day. He just needed to design it in his holographic sketchbook. It didn't help that in the process, Rick had to instruct Kalawanar on where and how to move the crystal, and where to finally put it. This took until sundown, which is where we are now.

"Good, now just gently put it in the middle, and let go on 3"

Rick stated, referring to the middle of two hilly landscapes with sharp tops pointed at each other. Kalawanar did as instructed.

"Aaaaand 3!"

Kalawanar let go of the crystal and flew to where Rick- who was seated atop a hover chair- was. The crystal stayed afloat.

"Okay Azazel, your turn."

Azazel's pupils turned to face Rick as if annoyed or tiresome.

"You watch, you do the work, now put some elbow grease you junky"

Rick stated.

Azazel got up and dusted himself off. He stretched his hand towards the crystal, summoning a magic circle. As he did so, his body was engulfed in dark power. He fired that energy at the crystal for a few seconds before ceasing.

It was currently night-time, meaning that the valley was currently engulfed in darkness. However, due to Azazel's energy, the crystal emitted a blue glow, making it the current source of light for the surrounding area.

The blue light sent a massive wave of blue energy across the entire valley, fortunately, Rick surrounded himself and everyone around in a forcefield to prevent them from making contact with it. As a result, the crystal glowed brighter, showing that it was finally becoming stable.

The energy that was being ejected from the crystal was so intense that it literally affected the magnetic field and you could see aurora borealis surrounding it.

Just a few moments after that happened, Sirzechs and Grayfia arrived and were surprised to see how much the landscape had been altered. This included the Blue floating crystal that illuminated the entire area, and the Northern Lights centered at the source.

The Devil didn't want to seem troubled, so he just ignored it externally and headed toward Rick.

"Oh hey there, I just want to tell you how thankful I am for this. I didn't think the soil would be this good."

Rick said taunting the current Lucifer, whose true emotions were slowly beginning to show.

"My Lord, just ignore them."

Grayfia said, tapping him on the shoulder"

"Oh, Ms. Tits! I didn't see you there, how's life been treating you?"

"Will you just leave me alone!?"

Grayfia yelled back at Rick.

"Just take your deed."

"My deed, who told you I was gonna be the owner, I just said I would inherit it?"

Rick responded playfully as he snatched the deed from Sirzech's hand, his pupils looking sideways.

"What? Well if this does not belong to you, then who does it belong to."

Rick just smirked and turned around. He motioned to them to follow him as he walked away. Once they got to the area, Rick put his left arm around Kalawanar's shoulder and pointed forward, instructing her to keep her eyes forward. He then pulled up the holographic sketch. The design sketch lifted itself up from the small board and folded itself up into a small rectangle.

"Begin 3d rendering, golden project"

The rectangle suddenly flew off to where Rick had instructed everyone to keep their eyes on. A few seconds passed and there was only silence until that was disrupted by the sound of a giant laser beam striking the area, the frightening beam carried spiritual power, courtesy of Rick's brilliant mind and enormous assholery.

Once the laser beam was deactivated, a massive pool of molten rock was left behind. The bubbling sound from the melted material could be heard from half a mile away. The massive pool sprang upwards, causing a sudden trauma on the earth below.

It sprang up to about 3000 meters into the sky, covering an Area of 1500 square meters. From Sirzech's point of view, it looked as if they were an invisible force holding this sudden uplift, which was nothing below impressive. This continued for about 30 seconds until the molten rock melted into a perfect rectangular prism.

"Is that it?"

Sirzech's asked, sounding disappointed.

"Sshhhh, just wait for it."

Rick answered excitedly.

A few seconds later, a crack was heard. A piece of rock fell from the tall 3000-meter prism. Then, more cracks began to form. The size and quantity of these cracks grew to a point in which when pieces of the cuboid fell to the ground, they were regressed to dust particles.

Giant vacuums started moving toward the site and cleared the dust. Once that was done, the area was left clear for everyone to gaze at what was left behind. Keep in mind, the scientist had absolutely no motivation to do this, he was just being a massive jerk.

What remained was a golden statue that covered an area of 1500 square meters, and was 3 000 meters tall. The statue was a giant feminine figure with 6 pairs of wings. The statue was also wearing the Apron of Ephod. This was the clothing worn by the Jewish high priests of Levitical Priesthood and bloodline- the bloodline Aaron bore, the first Great Jewish Priest who was also Prophet Moses's older brother - during the first and second temple periods of Israel.

This holy garment was originally worn over a blue material and was made of blue, purple, and scarlet material, with designs of a gold threat skilfully woven into the fabric. This garment was fastened at each shoulder and had an intricately woven band with which it could be fastened around the waist. Gold settings on each shoulder were onyx engraved with the names of the twelve sons of Jacob or Israel. Fastened to the ephod was a breastplate into which the Urim and Thummim- Lights and Perfections- could be placed.

These were twelve precious stones on the plate. There were aligned in 4 rows in the breastplate. The first row was Ruby, Chrysolite, and Beryl. The second row was Turquoise, Sapphire, and Emerald. The third row was Jacinth, Agate, and Amethyst and the fourth row was Topaz, Onyx, and Jasper. Rick decided to take creative liberties and engrave the names of the twelve disciples of Jesus into these ones.

To note, the stature was entirely made of precious stone, however, through the use of lighting, Rick was able to replicate the colors of the original cloth. The precious used for the clothing was genuine in the statue.

The statue also wore a necklace that seemed to have a cross around it. The statue's pose was like that of the Statue of Liberty. The only difference was that instead of a torch, it was the Menorah, a Jewish symbol alongside King David's star that consisted of the seven lampstands. Rick intentionally made sure that these lampstands burned in seven different colors, and that each lampstand represented the seven spirits of God which can be found in Revelations and Isaiah.

Despite all of that, Sirzechs wasn't shocked in the slightest by it, because there was another feature that shook them more than the rest, well more like it freaked them out. This is the same feature that shook Kalawanar as she was engulfed in emotions. Tears were visible in her eyes as she slowly began to weep. How could she not, the statue was built in her likeness after all.

"Here, sign it. That's an order."

Rick said as he handed her the deed.

"The city's not complete yet, we'll still need residents and all that. Meaning that we're gonna have to start searching for people with those weird sacred gear things once we're done.

"Master Rick?"

Kalawanar uttered as she put both her hands on top of the scientist's shoulders, slowly pushing herself closer to him. This was when Rick realized what was about to happen. It was also the same time I did some research and found out that Rick (198cm) is actually taller than Kalawanar (175cm). Azazel felt awkward standing right next to them so he shifted sideways

"D...do you really mean it. Is this really all for me Master?"

Rick looked directly into her face. She had a genuine affectionate look going on and her eyes were glowing, and her cheeks were as red as strawberries. It seemed like a cross between genuine romantic bursts of emotions, and genuine horniness. Rick tried to ignore it and turned her face aside.

"W..well, duh, obviously, but don't get the wrong idea, I've built plenty of statues of myself across the mult..."

Rick couldn't finish his sentence as his mouth was covered by Kalawanar's lips. Rick felt awkward in this situation, but he ultimately let it happen, after all, it didn't hurt anyone. Kalawanar eventually let go of Rick, but not what she felt at the moment. She took the deed and signed it. She gave the deed back to Rick, before quickly taking off to the sky in excitement, to marvel at her statue.

"...Okay, so that happened. Well, it was great doing business with you, I do hope you come visit whenever you get the time. It's gonna take us about three weeks to at least finish with the capital."

"So you're gonna be putting the capital here?"

"Yeah, why not. This is 20 000 hectares we're talking about. Hey, come check this out."

Rick said as he fired a portal. He rushed into the portal, and Azazel followed him. Sirzechs and Grayfia stood there and looked suspiciously at the green portal. Rick's head popped up from the portal.

"Hey, why are you standing there, come on. This is really exciting stuff, I promise."

Sirzechs and Grayfia looked at each other before complying and following them. The four were now standing at the podium on which the statue stood upon.

Rick dashed towards a golden post on the podium and pointed at the statue.

"Check it."

Rick uttered

The couple looked at the post and immediately broke into a sweat when they saw it. On it, an inscription was chiseled in 5 extinct biblical languages, Sumerian (Noah), Akkadian (Abraham), Archaic Hebrew(Moses), Galilean/Northern Aramaic(Jesus Christ), and Ancient Greek(Saint Athanasius), and it wrote:


As beings of old, Sirzechs, Grayfia and Azazel could read and understand these dead languages.

"Are you serious!?"

Grayfia uttered loudly.


"We're at war with the fallen right now, and you want give a piece of land that's under our jurisdiction, to ONE OF THEM!? is this some kind of joke to you?"

Grayfia uttered loudly as she drew closer to Rick. Rick put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a genuine look, which creeped her out. He took a deep breath as he was about to respond, and Grayfia waited anxiously for the answer.


Rick responded. Grayfia eyes immediately turned white due to a sudden loss of brain cells.

"Well, time to go. I'll see you soon. There's gonna be wireless electricity by the way, so be sure to stop by once we're finished."

Rick opened a portal.

"Kalawanar! Are you finished?"

Rick called up to her.

"Yes! I'm on my way!"

Kalawanar flew straight at into the portal, screaming in excitement. Rick sighed and entered, followed lastly by Azazel before the portal closed up.


Sirzechs called.


"After the Rating Game is over, please summon the other Great Satans, we need to hold a meeting about this."

Sirzechs stated with a serious voice.

Part 2 coming next...

Hi there, so apparently I can't load more than 20 000 words a chapter, which is a bummer, but fortunately, I managed to split the chapter into 2 parts. I will post the second half as Ricks and Turns 2.

Silus_Mkhwananzicreators' thoughts