
Devil in Devils son in-law

Nova Wakes up to find himself in a world from a story he read, Devils son in-law. a world for the strong, only power matters. if your weak you will get used up and left for dead, before he gets the chance to worry though he thankfully gets a system. A DxD system in a demonic world, Nova beings his own story with knowledge of future events and aims to survive the approaching end times.

Pretending_Author · Cómic
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122 Chs


"Well, I guess that explains it, if the plan to put Shea on the throne works then you will have two devils in power out of the three empires. that's kind of freaky coincidence that it all worked out in your favor and you didn't die." I can't help but agree.

"Truly I used up a ton of my saved-up luck on that encounter." she nods and reaches into her ring and pulls out three papers that look like they were torn apart and are very old.

"I guess your luck was pretty good on that information you bought as well, I sent three people to look into the ' map fragments ' and they were there. Kanita didn't want to give his up but after a message from me he coughed it up. you said it wasn't a rush so I was waiting till all three got here before telling you about it." she hands over the three map fragments and I realize I am only one away from completing it, I need to send a message to Catherine to look into Celine since she was the one to find the last one I am missing. "The one in Moling was easy enough to find, they just asked around to a few goblins since you said one had it and offered some black crystal coins and they had it within the hour. Chandler from blue lava gave his over without a fuss since he was assuming Obsidian sent the person looking for it."

I pull out a pen and paper and trace out the space missing from the map on the paper and send it to Catherine letting her know it's in her empire. within a few moments I receive a letter back, opening it up I read it and she is letting me know she has sent people to look into it. once I have the last one plus the ring I stole from the old mayor I will be able to track the treasure in the dead sea.

Given there are at least 3 extremally powerful people on the way to it but I have a plan. Olypheus is my plan, her dad doesn't know she is alive. he thinks his wife died with their kid and even adopted a talented black dragon to make his heir, he is a demi-god black dragon and the emperor of dragon island. if I can retrieve Olypheus and befriend her she can make contact with her dad, I then will be able to bait the old man into going on the treasure hunt with me and I won't have to worry about dying.

Or I can just risk it all and do it without him, that way he won't steal most of the treasure. all I need from it are the origin fragments of light and dark, with those I can trade for source power from the respective elemental kings. with source power, Zola will be able to break into the kingdom fast. the hardest part for her was crafting her kingdom, after that she flew past demigod and became a false god almost faster than Chen Rui. if I can reincarnate her then it should be even faster and a super op fairy dragon devil with perfect elemental control sounds like something I need in my life.

"Thanks for finding these for me." she smiles.

"No problem, it was easy enough with the details you gave me. I can probably get you into the vault tomorrow to steal the sword if you can use the cloak. obviously, it can't go missing right as I leave it but you can honestly just walk in when the door is open and take it even without me." with the sword I will almost have enough to promote to demon overlord, as well as obviously strengthen Shea's position and soon will be able to make a move on Obsidian. Lucifer's bloodline will be icing on the cake as well as the trait Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light.

"Sounds good to me, sometime tomorrow I will come back to the capital and sneak in and find it since it would be better to get it while you are not around. unless you want to just say screw it and head over to dark moon full-time, or somewhere else. I will let you know when I plan on raiding crystal valley and Broc's uncle should be there, you can just pop in and help out. though you probably need to reach demon overlord first, you're close as is and if you focus on that till its time you will certainly make it." Me and her plus Catherine and Paglio should be able to kill all three of their overlords with none escaping, I could tempt Zola to come as well to put a nail in their coffin. the crystal dragon has her ancient rune tablets there and if she knew that she would charge in alone and send them packing as she loots all their things. It's a thought, they also have a huge research facility there that even managed to make real Gundam fighters and stuff but in canon, it gets blown to hell.

"You know, I very well could do that. it would be a much better use of my time to strengthen myself since we will have a civil war soon as well. all my connections are already solid and nothing Obsidian can do to break them, I have all the blackmail from over the years and that's all I will ever need to keep the elder family's in line when Shea ascends. maybe will have to make a few examples but they would fall in line fast when they realize it's futile and will only hurt their interests to resist." this chick can be scary at times, I scoot over a bit dramatically to which she smiles amused. "Scared?" she raises a brow inquisitively.

"No, but I do need to head back and deal with a poison dragon who has been sealed for a long time. It's time my boy can stretch his legs and come out and play." I stand and stretch my back as I say goodbye and teleport right above the blue lake.


As soon as I arrive I burst out all my demonic energy causing the deep blue water to fly in all directions ruining the lake. a pissed-off dragon roars as he launches a fist in my direction, only to see me holding a clear crystal that seems to have a living eye in it. he pauses seeing the treasure and likely recognizes it as he lunges once more in my direction.

"You bastard! that's my Stardust eye! you can't have it, its one of my most prized collections!" this gem is one I recognized since this is a treasure of the leviathan family, but more importantly it was the gift Chen Rui gave to Krobelus on behalf of Paglio as an engagement prize. she already loved Paglio, or at the very least used to before he ' died ', and when she found him alive and learned he scammed her she was pissed. Chen Rui cut through the tension by proposing marriage on Paglio's behalf using one of his most prized gems.

"no sir no sir!" I shake my finger as he tries to catch up, his sealed power being below my full power at this point it's easy to play keep away. I store the gem breaking his trance and he shakes his head.

"You got the treasure? quickly hand over the Eye of Sauron!" I can't believe that's its actual name, I toss over a different treasure containing an ominous eye. The dragon snatches it up and immediately gets to work breaking the light and dark seal. I pull out a golden throne and sit as I watch over it to make sure nothing happens.

Thinking once more about the silver case I feel tempted to try to nab it, I mean the false god inside could easily enslave me with one wrong move. but the power of destruction potentially hangs on this hook, the power that Sirzechs used to become the strongest. given he was also stupidly powerful from birth or whatever freak incident led to his power becoming so strong, either way, his bread and butter is destruction.

I wonder if I will get it from the single page of the book of destruction or if I need all three, if that's the case it's doomed till I reach peak false god since Satan in this world has a page inside his body. still worth the risk, in my opinion, I will set up fail-safes to try and limit the risk.

"AHAHA! I am free! screw you Midnight Sun!" I smile seeing my buddy jumping around in joy, his power even raises to peak demon emperor. the name midnight sun reminds me of Morningstar, technically people will mistake me for Morningstar. the people who know the name Morningstar in this world also know that the royal family's seven artifacts are his body. the true god Morningstar or at least I think he was a true god, he could have used the artifacts to take over Chen Rui. in the end he didn't because he wanted to die or stay where he is currently.

The false god female in the silver case was actually in love with Morningstar, he didn't love her back though. he loved the goddess of elements. the goddess of elements is also the one who made fairy dragons like Zola, she is waiting for one to get strong enough to be her new body. good thing I can change Zola's body and prevent that from happening by making her a devil, not sure if the Goddess can even do anything because she is in that eternal sleep. and her power is concentrated in the elemental realm. I stand up when I come to a realization, I can likely get the case from the false god easily.

Even if she wants to keep it she would give it to me if I was the person she loved, no? I can wield the artifacts which are impossible for anyone but me and Morningstar. so if I introduce myself as Nova Morningstar she would likely believe me right? or at least be curious since no one should know about this other than false gods and the elemental kings.

Yea this could work. it's risky, very risky. but the payoff could be huge.

I just wear the artifacts as ' protection ' against the box. and when she comes out I introduce myself as Nova Morningstar, she will be interested in me as she was with Chen Rui because of the multiple artifacts. but she was willing to kill Chen Rui for the book of creation at a moment's notice, but if she thinks I am the vessel of the beloved who she descended to follow then she wouldn't want me dead right?

This also runs the risk of her going Yandere on me since I am weaker and can't disobey her, demon world girls can be crazy sometimes. she may want to train this vessel for when the soul comes back then the body can't live without her, or something crazy like that.

"You alright Nova?" Paglio waves his hand Infront of me, I snap out of my thoughts and smile at him.

"I am perfectly fine buddy, wondering if I should risk it all or just play it low and slow currently." it is too risky, right?

"Well don't rush into anything that will get me killed with you." he snorts and turns around as he pulls out a bottle of wine. Tsundere.

"Don't worry buddy we have a deal and I always keep my end, I won't get us killed until I completely free you."

Wait, keeping my side of the deal. Satan is known for always keeping his side of the deal.

I could use the case as barging chip, he will get the case. but he will also get rid of the scary false god lady and free me of any worry. in return, I get to try and spark my destruction trait and maybe get Olypheus off his domain. I could also get him to release Tiffany to me in return for the case but that conflicts with his goals of getting the silver case in the realm of sleeping gods. only she can enter with her body of light and dark elements, I might could and possibly shea with the Lucifer trait.

Lots to think about, I am not a super simp so selling out the woman to try and get my destruction trait seems safer. but also it puts Satan one step closer to trying to become a true god and then he could enslave all of us in the demon world with just his presence.

thanks for reading!!!

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