
devil fruit convenience store

Are you crazy about money? Can a fruit be sold for 100 million? " "Mr. Stark, this is no ordinary fruit, but a devil fruit that can give you super powers!" … He was reborn into the world of American comics and bound to the Devil Fruit system. From then on, the world began to change. Deadpool: "It's amazing. The smooth fruit has brought me back to the peak of my appearance!" Iron Man: "Tony is very interested in the Weapon Fruit, no one can steal it from me!" Thor: "Impossible, the thunder and lightning summoned by this person is actually stronger than mine!" Captain America: "Thanos, if you can, eat the fruit of my punch again!"

bin_li_0442 · Ciudad
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35 Chs

There is no sea floor stone in this world

The two of them added friends in a hurry, and Luo Xia pulled Zhao Helen into the group.

"Is there a new person in the group? Dr. Zhao? I knew it was you!"

The guy Deadpool actually replied in seconds, which made Rorschach wonder if he had been idle all day.

"Mr. Wade, please give me your advice in the future!"

Helen Zhao, on the other hand, was as polite as ever.

"Welcome Dr. Zhao to our Devil Fruit Family." Luo Xia also welcomed Helen Zhao in the group.

"Then store manager, I won't bother you."

Helen Zhao said goodbye to Luo Xia at this time, and took the remaining half of the healing fruit in her hand, "I can take this with me, right?"

"Of course Dr. Zhao, you have already paid, this is your thing." Luo Xia smiled at Helen Zhao.

"So store manager, goodbye!"

"Goodbye Dr. Zhao, remember to introduce a few clients to me!"

"I will, store manager."

After a brief greeting between the two parties, Helen Zhao left the store with the half of the healing fruit.

"The progress is very good, another one was sold!"

Rorschach was still in a very good mood.

Originally, he was prepared for a tough battle, but to his surprise, he closed a deal just the next day.

This is a very good start.

Next, he only needs to sell four more orders, and Rorschach can settle the reward again.

"I hope Helen Zhao can also bring me a few customers." Luo Xia can be said to be full of expectations.

Unlike Deadpool, Helen Zhao is an elite member of the upper class and is friends with Tony Stark, so her connections are naturally different.

Rorschach still has high hopes.

"Store manager, store manager, how was your chat with Dr. Zhao?"

In the group, Deadpool started calling again, "Dr. Zhao is indeed very beautiful. I didn't lie to you, right? @ Dr. Zhao, what do you think of the store manager?"

Deadpool guy!

Rorschach stroked his forehead.

Have you really put yourself into the role of matchmaker? I really can't see that Deadpool still has such bad taste.

Luo Xia simply ignored Deadpool. Helen Zhao was in the group. How should he answer such a question?

"Wade, the store manager is a very good person, but I only respect the store manager and have no other ideas. Please don't misunderstand me."

Helen Zhao did explain.

But Deadpool ignored him at all and started gossiping in the group about Helen Zhao's views on mate selection, what kind of boys he liked, etc.

He also said that he was asking for Rorschach!

This made Helen Zhao too lazy to talk to Deadpool in the end.

But Deadpool still kept chattering, and no one paid any attention to him. He was able to chat for half an hour in a self-answering style.

Rorschach suddenly regretted bringing such a talkative Deadpool into the group.

There are only three group members now. If there are more group members in the future, wouldn't Deadpool be a huge mess?

Should I ban this guy?

Rorschach really couldn't help but have such an impulse.

"Forget it, just do whatever you want."

Rorschach finally quit the group chat, out of sight but out of mind, and logged on to the Pesticide International Server again, planning to play two more times.

Although the experience is not that great, it is still enjoyable.

He really didn't expect that there would be a pesticide game in this world.

The big penguin is awesome!

The day ends like this.

There is no doubt that Rorschach has never been able to sell a Devil Fruit since Zhao Helen.

This kind of "luxury product" that can easily cost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars is not easy to sell, and Rorschach is very open to it.

He didn't dwell on it, and he locked the door and closed the shop without taking any clouds with him.

As for the Devil Fruit worth tens of millions in the store, will it be stolen or something?

Rorschach was not worried at all about this, because when he left, all the Devil Fruits had been put into the system.

The store is now empty.

After finding a random place to eat something, Luo Xia hailed a taxi and came to the beach.

Looking at the endless blue sea, Luo Xia secretly prayed in her heart: I hope there is no such thing as sea tower stone in the sea water of this world!

That's right.

Luo Xia came to the beach specifically to verify this issue personally.

Everyone knows that the Sea Tower Stone can defeat Devil Fruit, but is there such a thing as the Sea Tower Stone in the Marvel world?

But no one knows.

Even the system doesn't know.

Only Rorschach could verify it himself.

In the past, Rorschach was not a person with abilities, so naturally there was no way to verify it. This delay has been delayed until now.

After taking off his coat and shoes, Rorschach took a deep breath and started walking towards the sea step by step.

The cold water covered his feet. So far, Rorschach did not feel any discomfort. He began to move forward cautiously.

One step, two steps, three steps...

The seawater gradually submerged Rorschach's calves, thighs, waist, and torso, and finally reached Rorschach's neck.

At this time, Rorschach looked at some people swimming and playing on the beach not far away, and decided to make a final attempt.

Anyway, there are so many people here, even if something happens to him, he will be rescued. This is why Luo Xia chose this crowded place.


Taking a deep breath, Rorschach dived into the water.


Nothing happened.

There are no sea tower stones in the sea water in this world!

Devil Fruits no longer have any weaknesses!

Rorschach was still very excited about this.

"Then...it's time to train your fruit abilities."

Rorschach made such a decision.

There is no way, even if he has a system, the fruits still need to be developed and trained slowly.

Although he can add points directly through the system, who knows when the sales task will be completed?

Until then, Rorschach can only train on his own.

However, the ability of the Shining Fruit was too cool. After searching carefully, Rorschach finally came to a deserted mountain.

"It's impossible for someone to come to this place where birds don't poop, right?"

Rorschach observed the environment at the scene and was very satisfied.

Then he stopped talking nonsense, put cross marks on some stones, and started training.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Tsk tsk tsk!

In the barren mountains, dazzling lights began to flicker.

One stone after another was exploded into slag by the golden photons shot by Rorschach.

Even though it is only the most basic use of the fruit, its power is already amazing.

More powerful than conventional bullets in this world!

It can only be said that things like Devil Fruit are cheating.