
devil fruit convenience store

Are you crazy about money? Can a fruit be sold for 100 million? " "Mr. Stark, this is no ordinary fruit, but a devil fruit that can give you super powers!" … He was reborn into the world of American comics and bound to the Devil Fruit system. From then on, the world began to change. Deadpool: "It's amazing. The smooth fruit has brought me back to the peak of my appearance!" Iron Man: "Tony is very interested in the Weapon Fruit, no one can steal it from me!" Thor: "Impossible, the thunder and lightning summoned by this person is actually stronger than mine!" Captain America: "Thanos, if you can, eat the fruit of my punch again!"

bin_li_0442 · Ciudad
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35 Chs

All we can do is fight

"Boss, there is a question you need to know."

On the road, in the car.

After some hesitation, Wesley reported to Kingpin, "The letter requests a private meeting with you, and it is a very strong request."

"What does he want to do?" Kingpin asked very unhappy.

"He wants to re-establish a cooperation treaty with you."

Wesley knew Kingpin would be angry, but he told Kingpin the truth.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Kingpin's expression immediately turned from sunny to cloudy, and the entire car began to become depressed.

"Letters are becoming more and more of a problem for me."

After being stunned for two seconds, Kingpin slowly spoke, "But fortunately, it won't be long before I don't have to endure this trouble anymore!"

Kingpin is actually very afraid of Xin. He knows that Xin is a very powerful person, at the level of Daredevil, so Kingpin has never dared to act rashly.

He even had the idea of using Daredevil to kill Xin.

However, this idea was in vain when Daredevil was killed.

The letter became Kingpin's biggest headache after Daredevil.

But now...

Nothing will be a problem anymore.

Even not just the letter, Mrs. Gao, Leland, and the Big Bear brothers will no longer be a problem.

Kingpin would never have to join forces with others to control Hell's Kitchen.

This place will be his own territory.

Thinking of this, Jin Bin's eyes began to become more and more sharp.


But at this moment, the car at the front of the convoy suddenly lost control for some unknown reason.

It tilted a few times and suddenly hit the guardrail.


Fortunately, the drivers of the following cars were all experienced veterans. At the critical moment, they turned the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes. After some violent output, they finally stopped the car in a thrilling way.

The tragedy of a series of collisions was avoided.

"How is this going?"

Jin Bin's face suddenly turned ugly.

Wesley didn't say any nonsense and immediately pushed the door open and got out of the car.

At the same time, the other bodyguards in the car also got out of the car immediately.

"what happened?"

Wesley walked up to the first car and asked the driver of that car.

"Someone threw nails into the road."

The driver frowned and answered.

Wesley's expression suddenly became serious, he became vigilant, and immediately began to observe the surroundings with vigilance.

The other bodyguards of Jin Bin were the same and instantly entered a state of alert.

At the first moment, he put his hand on the gun on his waist.

In this secluded and uninhabited section of the road, someone deliberately scattered nails on the road. Even a fool knew that something was wrong.


Suddenly, a figure flashed across the intersection ahead, immediately attracting the attention of everyone present.

Everyone looked at each other, and many people took out the guns in their hands and pointed them at each other.

But when they saw the figure of that person, everyone couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Because it was an old man who looked to be in his eighties, so thin that a gust of wind could blow him to the ground.

That's all, the key point is that the old man is blind!

What danger can a blind and old guy pose?

The timing of this old man's appearance was a bit of a coincidence.

"You go and see."

After Wesley pondered for a moment, he casually gave instructions to a bodyguard beside him.

The bodyguard nodded, walked directly towards the blind old man, and blocked the blind old man's way.

"Hey, old man, why are you here?"

The bodyguard shouted sharply at the blind old man.

The blind old man didn't say anything nonsense, he just opened his windbreaker that almost covered his entire body.

A sword was taken out from inside.

The expression of the bodyguard beside him changed slightly.


But before he could do anything, the blind old man suddenly turned his hands.

A cold light flashed past, and the bodyguard's neck was immediately cut open.

Blood spurted out.

"In the next life, remember to be polite to the elderly."

It was only then that the blind old man shook off the blood on his sword and said very coldly.

Stickman, make your debut!

Wesley and others all changed their expressions.

No one thought that such an old man, whom they looked down upon, would be so powerful!

Everyone raised their guns in unison, intending to kill the old man.


But at this moment, a long-haired woman wearing a smart outfit and covering her face suddenly jumped out from behind the crowd.

Holding two short blades in his hands, he rushed into the crowd and killed with a swing of his knife.

Erica makes her debut!

Almost everyone's attention, including Wesley and others, was attracted by the stickman, and Erica was also a master in her own right.

Her secret sneaked in without anyone noticing at all.

Killing everyone by surprise.

Tsk tsk tsk!


The sounds of flesh and blood being cut by sharp knives continued to sound, as did screams and muffled groans.

Even the well-trained ninjas from the Shouhehui are nothing in front of Erica, let alone these ordinary people who can only pull the trigger?

Even though he holds a gun in his hand, its effectiveness against a master of Erica's level is still very limited.

Many people don't even have the chance to pull the trigger.

One after another, people just fell down.

What's even worse is that Gunsou also comes to kill him at this time!

Wesley gasped when he saw it. The fighting power of these two men was on the same level as Daredevil. Even if they were not as good as Wade, they were almost the same.

There is simply no way people like them can stop it.

"Stop them!"

Wesley snapped at his men and rushed towards Kingpin's car, hoping to drive away as soon as possible.

It was only then that he discovered that nails had been scattered around all the cars.

It must be that woman who did it!

At this critical moment, Jin Bing could no longer hold his breath. He hurriedly got out of the car and learned about the harsh conditions at the scene.

"You, you, come with me, and the others will stay behind!"

Wesley randomly named two people, and then began to quickly escort Jin and evacuate quickly.

Bang bang bang!


But Gunsou and Erica were so powerful that the gunshots behind them became weaker and weaker, became more and more rare, and finally disappeared completely.

After just running a few hundred meters, everyone was killed by the two of them.

Looking at the two people who were chasing them quickly, the faces of Kingpin and Wesley became increasingly difficult to see.

There is no escape.

For today's plan, there is only one fight!

Kingpin saw through the situation at a glance and made a decisive decision quickly.