
Devil Cry...

"Playing hide and seek, are we?", Den said.

"Be focused they can attack us from anywhere",Haiely commanded.

Devils attacked them from behind. Den quickly turned around his arm changed into a devil's arm and he stabbed the devil with it.

Haiely performed a back somersault and she crushed the devils with the giant projection of her devil arms.

"All clear guys! You can come out" Kylie said on the communicator.

"We did it" Den said in excited voice. Haiely sighed at his childish behaviour but said nothing.

At the base....

"One more successful hunt" Mei said. Haiely was sitting in a corner listening to the music on her playlist.

"Come on Kylie celebrate with us",Mei said.

"You know I have to upgrade few weapons and I've got no assistant",Kylie replied in a taunting voice as Mike always helped Mei in doing her stuff.

Haiely listened to all this stuff, got up and walked towards the main computer and inserted a pen drive. A screen appeared in front of her and she clicked the activate option.

"Good afternoon! Miss Haiely How can I help you?" A voice said attracting everyone's attention.

"Yeah whatever" Haiely said.

"For the people who don't know. This is Technosa an A.I. created by my mom to assist, she can do anything, from upgrading weapons to making a coffee" She continued.

"Awesome!!" Mike exclaimed.

"Miss Haiely! I am detecting some radiation from the Devil Cry" Technosa informed her.

"What!! that's not possible" Haiely exclaimed.

"Yeah the Devil Cry is sealed in the neutral dimension" Den said.

"I think someone has brought it into the Human dimension again",Technosa replied.

"Hey! What's this Devil Cry thing??" Mike asked

"Trouble, Big trouble" Haiely answered.