
marriage than accident

Than meher called the waiter and  said to him to bring two plates of pav bhaji and two cups of coffee. After that meher said to sneha that , if you want something else you can order it . Than in some time the waiter came with the order and kept it on the table and went away. When sneha began to eat some boys who were sitting behind them began to comment bad things on sneha and after listening that meher was very angry and start to beat them and sneha stop meher and take him outside the restaurant and take him home and in the car she try to control his anger and said to meher that,  'You should not be so angry because people work are to comment on some one but our work is to ignore it sometime.


So, please control your anger and be quite. Than they reached their house and meher went to his  room and than sneha also went to their room and than she tell priya  everything that happened in the restaurant. So , priya said to sneha that,  I think meher is little upset for what happened in the restaurant so you should go and cheer up him but sneha told to Priya that, I think this time , I have to let him be alone because I think he will be OK in the morning. Than they went to sleep.



But in the morning they meet with meher and he was and not upset anymore than meher asked Mr mehra for going to the mall for marriage dress shopping and Mr mehra said meher to take sneha and priya both with him for shopping and they went for shopping and bought all the clothes for marriage and come back home because tomorrow there marriage is going to happened.In next morning, they all began to arrange there clothes and jewelry because they have to go to a famous hotel because sneha 's  marriage is going to happen there. So they all do the packing and went there.


In the evening ,all the guests had arrived and sneha was getting ready in her room. Groom had already arrived and was sitting in the mandap and prist was saying his prayer and meher was repeating the prayer behind him and in some time bride arrived  from the stairs and meher was looking at her and cannot get his eyes from her and the bride sit beside meher and than meher said to her that , she was looking beautiful and than sneha smiled.


Sneha was wearing a Sky blue colour lehnga and some jewellery on it and with full bride make up she was looking so gorgeous and meher Was wearing golden kurta with a little makeup and he was looking very handsome on it. Than the marriage ceremony started and prist start his prayer and than he said to them to stand and take seven round of the fire in which first groom will move four rounds in which bride will be behind him and than in second Bride will take three rounds in which groom will be behind the bride .


And than both began to take round of the fire and than priest told them to sit and tell meher to wore the 'mangalsutra'  to sneha and put 'sindur' in his head. And the marriage completed and when they were leaving the hotel sneha began to cry and Mr mehra also began to cry and than they meet to each other and say goodbye to each other and the ' Barrat' has gone from there. But sneha was still crying and than meher cheer up her and said her to not cry.


After some time meher hold sneha 's hand told her that,  sneha I really LOVE YOU from the first day I have watched you in the cafe and I still love you did you love me or not than sneha also told meher that, I also  LOVE YOU. But when she say this word there car unbalanced and collapse with a truck and there accident happened and both were fully injured and there were blood all over the road   and they were stuck in the car and both fainted but both were holding each others hand.


After some time police and ambulance came there take them hospital meher was little injured but sneha was admitted in the ICU and doctor said that, she is in serious condition and her lots of blood has loosed so we will need some blood of his parents or friends who have AB+ blood group because in our hospital there is no AB+ blood in the blood bank. So we will need it quickly and than Mr mehra said to meher that,  now I cannot give my daughter my blood because it will not match with her so now what will I do and he began to cry .


And after some time subham came with priya and he asked Rajiv about sneha  , and Mr mehra told her everything and than priya said to him that  , Uncle don't worry you cannot give her blood because of blood pressure but I can give her my blood because my blood group is AB+ and than she told doctor about it and doctor take her blood and start the operation.



After some time doctor came out and say operation is successful but we have to wait for 24 hours  for her recovery than we can say anything. Than doctor said to meher to take rest for some time and said Priya to eat something for recovery of blood and he went to see another patient. Meher sat outside the room and than Mr mehra told him to take rest in his room and said to subham to take him inside his room and than subham hold meher and take him inside his room and sit with him. Than after some time he went to see Rajiv and bring coffee for him and went inside the Priya's room saw her and than went back to meher room and sit beside him.


Will sneha die or she will live?