
Devil's Sakura

Betrayal... That's what the 27 year old military officer, Takamura Daichi experienced when he was shot to the head by his own best friend and fellow soldier, Asakura Kuzuki. Expecting his death, Daichi was shocked when he was reincarnated into the body of a 15-year-old boy, Hanazono Haruto, 15 years to the future. With this newfound opportunity, Daichi now Haruto will stop at nothing to get his revenge on his killer, using whatever means necessary to make sure that the snake Kuzuki will die the most painful and humiliating death... No matter what the cost.

NekoAAA · Real
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13 Chs

7: Motivational Speech

Inside the gymnasium of Asabe, numerous students were all gathered in preparation for the entrance ceremony of the Academy.

There was no particular seating arrangement, and anyone could sit anywhere, given that it was still the first day. The school most likely had not finalized it yet, so Erina and I took our seats at the two available spots at the back.

"Wow, this is real, is it not, onii-chan? I never expected to be a student of Asabe of all things." Erina marveled as she wore the same school uniform as the other students who surrounded us.

"It's real indeed, Erina." I smiled while keeping my eyes locked on the stage in front. "This is where hard work and perseverance take you, the culmination of your efforts for the past couple of months. Granted that it was Mother who forced, correction…. Motivated you, but still, you endured, and it all paid off. I'm proud of you, little sister."

Erina looked at me with wide eyes, and an embarrassed blush formed on her cheeks, "Thanks, onii-chan. I would never have done it without you or Mom."

"Hey, that's what family is for." I patted her head with gentle affection.

"Mou!! You were never this straightforward before!! I can't fathom how you can say such embarrassing words with a straight look on your face!!" Erina pouted cutely, and I laughed lightly at her adorable reaction.

Having a sibling to look after and take care of… I would never have imagined that I would care for her like this. Perhaps it was one of my hidden desires since I was an only child in my previous life.

To have a family once more… yes, this second life of mine is not so bad after all.

Still, I have an objective to accomplish. Before I stain my hands and carry out my revenge, I must eventually abandon all familial ties so they won't be involved in this treacherous path that I have undertaken.

Erika, Erina… I'm sorry.

My self-pity was instantly halted when someone took the stage and caught our attention.

"Greetings, proud students of Asabe."

It was a beautiful middle-aged woman wearing a formal black suit and long pants. She has long black hair, and her demeanor indicates how refined and dignified she truly is.

"I'm the principal of this Academy, Watanabe Rukia." The woman introduced herself. "For many years, Asabe has been the pinnacle of education throughout the country, and we have produced many outstanding individuals who excel in their respective fields. As a student of this Academy, each and every one of you possessed the same opportunity to be that individual who shall leave a lasting mark and legacy in this beautiful world we live in."

Watanabe Rukia. So that woman is the principal of this Academy. Despite her age, she certainly has that air of a dignified and noble lady. Making connections with her may be one of my tickets to meeting with Kuzuki. After all, Asabe is affiliated with our country's politicians, and there's a high chance that Kuzuki is among them, given that Himegi is a student here.

The daughters are one of many options; I should expand my horizons if I want to take down the snake.

Watanabe continued her speech for some time as she told us what to expect here in this Academy and gave some gentle reminders regarding the school's regulations.

"And before I end my speech, Asabe has once again made a lasting mark on one of the pages of its proud history books. I'm sure you are all well aware of a commoner… an exceptional student with humble origins who not only passed the entrance examination but also perfected it."

At the mention of this "student," A.K.A. yours truly, murmurs were heard from most of the student body, and I can't help but be a little concerned at being mentioned in front of the whole school.

My sister cheekily elbowed me softly, and she grinned mischievously, "First day of school, and you're now Mr. Popular? Wow, many would kill just to be in your place."

I sighed in response and forced myself to be the epitome of calm. Really, the attention is entirely unnecessary, if I'm being honest. Hopefully, this ongoing trend will pass, and the sooner, the better.

"With that said, Hanazono Haruto, please come forth and make yourself known to your peers."

Yup, I knew it. Just my luck. The principal just had to call my name now, huh.

"Hehe, go break a leg, onii-chan." Erina sure was giddy and patted me on the back.

Well, whatever. I might as well get this over with. Who knows, maybe this might be a good thing, and Kuzuki may perhaps take notice of this rising prodigy and will be more inclined to meet me in the future.

As the representation of tranquility, I stood straight and walked the platform while ignoring the public's scrutinizing gazes.

While walking, I caught wind of Himegi, and she smiled rather brightly at me when we locked eyes for that short while.

I returned the gesture with my own smile, and the girls beside her looked away frantically and began whispering with one another.

Strange, I could never truly understand young women of their age, even back in my previous life. When I inquired Himeko about that, she merely scoffed in response and told me that I was as dense as a rock.

As I reached the stage, Watanabe welcomed me warmly, offering a handshake.

"Hanazono Haruto-kun. It's an honor to welcome you to this prestigious Academy of ours." The principal said with a proud tone.

"The pleasure is mine, Watanabe-san. It's a privilege to be a part of something grand that is this Academy." I accepted the gesture, and we both shook hands.

"Now, Haruto-kun. Perhaps indulging your fellow students with a speech is of no trouble? I'm sure your fellow students are thrilled to hear some words from the one who swept the examination for the first time since this Academy was founded." Watanabe requested.

A speech? Hmm, I suppose it would not hurt. I'm pretty used to pep-talking and increasing the morale of my subordinates. Perhaps this is not too different from my time as a soldier.

"It's no trouble at all, Watanabe-san." I agreed with her request, and Watanabe smiled as she gestured to me to the podium.

Adjusting the mic, I cleared my throat and eyed the numerous students in front of me.

Thankfully, I'm already used to public speaking during my time as a military academy student and, later, as an actual military officer. Thus, I didn't feel nervous and instead smiled with great vigor at the situation that I was in.

Situations like this are where I truly thrived. Stability under Pressure is one of the main principles taught to us back when I was still a Military Academy Student.

"Hello, everyone, my name is Hanazono Haruto, and it's a pleasure to be with you all. I'm sure you all know my story, so I won't bore you with the details that I'm sure you have already heard over and over again. As such, I want to convey one thing, wait… two things actually…."

To everyone's surprise, I stepped out of the podium and brought the mic with me, placing me at the center of the stage.

"Perseverance and Discipline!" My booming voice echoed throughout the gymnasium and shocked the entire student body. "Those two core principles never failed me once in my entire life. Combine those two aspects; even the weakest person can rise to the top and compete with the strongest. Like myself, I started at the very bottom. The time I had amnesia was when I was at the lowest point of my life. But everything comes with a silver lining. After some deep thinking, I decided that having amnesia meant the opportunity for a fresh start, and instead of wallowing in depression, I decided to become better, to reinvent myself. I studied hard every day, and after a year, my perseverance paid off, and I was accepted here at this Academy!!"

I took a deep breath to compose myself and continued, "Of course, perseverance falls short if you do not have the Discipline for it. In working hard, Consistency is the key. Sure, you can be the most hardworking person today, but if you are as lazy as a sloth the next day, then it's not going to be enough, and your progress is comparable to the guy who does things half-heartedly every day!"

I took a step forward and looked at them with a sincere expression, "Discipline… the ability to do the right thing without others looking. Discipline comes from even the smallest things like, for example, finding a trash can to throw a small piece of candy wrapper instead of just loitering it to the ground, or on a more related matter as a student, taking the time meticulously to study a subject matter until you fully comprehend it instead of just understanding the bits and pieces enough for a passing grade."

Smiling widely, I decided to inspire, "If you master these two principles, then you shall be more than capable of being on the top of the world, just like how I feel today!! A year ago, I never imagined myself to be a student of Asabe!! And yet here I am. The same goes for my little sister, who is with me today!! She, too, has displayed the same pair of principles and has been accepted here alongside me. As her Big brother, I could not have been prouder for her."

I looked at and pointed at Erina; indeed, she was hilariously covering her face out of sheer embarrassment at being mentioned to the whole school.

Haha, I suppose I'll be hearing an earful from her later, but really, she's an excellent example of how far an individual can go if they simply follow the two principles.

To wrap things up, I finally said, "Good things must start with oneself, and eventually, like a ripple, it shall spread to others as well, just like how my sister was inspired to follow in my footsteps. Well, honestly, that's not the whole story, but she still got here in the end. Anyways, that's all, ladies and gentlemen, and I hope that I provided some insight that shall inspire you to be the best version of yourself."

With everything said and done, I bowed my head and returned the mic to the podium.