




Artillery fire can be heard in the background as the soldiers move from their positions to cover before they get smolderd like their comrades before them.

It's been a few days since the war began, and the death toll is already in the hundreds of thousands as the Ottomans were completely unprepared for modern warfare.

News of the British encroachment towards Bagdad from their colony in Kuwait reached the Sultan who threw a hissy fit and killed a servant. The same happened again as the British neared Jerusalem from Egypt.

The Balkan front completely collapsed as the Ottoman Army in the Balkans got cut of from the mainland as they retreated towards Albania who they still had control over.

The Russians came to visual distance from Erzurum as they began bombarding the city.

The Black Sea Fleet destroyed all Ottoman ports as multiple landingcraft breached the shores and took over the surrounding land.

To combat the superiority of their enemies, the Ottomans conscripted millions to fight as they held on to their positions by sacrificing these very men.

This is the first war in history were a nation had a army fighting that consists of millions of troops.

Russia and Britain called in more troops so their positions wouldn't be overwhelmed. They may have the superior Army, but the Ottomans have the numbers.

Right now the fight for the city is a stalemate, as the Ottomans keep filling the dead with fresh bodies.

"Your Highness we have to break this stalemate or we risk the Ottoman reinforcements completely depriving us the opportunity from taking the city."

Anastasia listened as she looked at a battlemap of the current positions of her men and the enemies.

"Michael, i understand the urgency, but we need to systematically crush them. Deprive them of hope and then crush it some more."

Michael the Marshall of the Caucasian Military District nodded at Anastasias words.

"So, send in the Juggernaut forces to scare them out of their trenches and have all Artillery focus on hostile troops. Seize the attack on the city."

Michael and other Generals nodded as they ordered their men to be ready to fire at exposed Ottoman troops.

-With the Ottoman troops-

The Russians were ruthless, they crossed the border and quickly arrived at the entrance of Erzurum. The same with their Fleet in the Black Sea, cities on the coast got removed from the map before troops land and take the city and its surrounding territories.

Right now the Artillery keeps firing with no end in sight, this makes the Ottomans question the Russian gunners humanity. How are they not getting tired.



The Artillery focused towards the trenches as it began to destroy all comand structures and underground tunnels.

"Whats going on!"

"Help! My leg!"

The Ottoman were completely unprepared to the suden shift as many got turned to human confetti before anyone could take appropriate cover.

As they all took cover a group of armored men arrived on foot to the trenches and jumped in.

They wear full Armor that covers head to toe and wield Gatling Guns.


A young Ottoman man noticed the men as he looked at them with curiosity.




Before he could do anything else another Juggernaut who came from behind hit his head with full force and crushed it.

"Move on, kill all enemies of the Saintess."

One Juggernaut spoke in a monotonous voice as they all spread out within the trenches.

"Comand, this is Kill Team, we arrived stop the bombardment."


"Understood Kill Team, happy hunting."

The Radio transmission turned off as in the next moment the Artillery stopped firing at the trenches and refocused on the city.

The Ottoman soldiers were confused what happened, but this didn't last long.

They heard a whirling sound before a devastating storm of bullets came at them.




One moment there was calm, next moment you see your comrade next to you get reduced to vapor as a hail of lead blitzed everywhere.

"Whats this! Everyone retreat!"

One desperate man screamed out which everybody listened to and got out of their trenches and ran towards the rear lines.


With their backs exposed, the Juggernauts had an easier time disposing the enemies.

While at the same time the Artillery refocused again on them and killed everyone who was running.

-With Anastasia-

Indeed, the Juggernauts really are a good investment. Thse men in Armor are perfect for terror inducing and clearing tight areas.

"Your Highness, the enemy trenches are cleared. The city is exposed."

Anastasia looked at her men who waited for orders.

She cracked her neck and knuckles.

"Alright, time to show them what Urban Combat looks like, who's with me?"

The Generals looked at Anastasia as Michael hit his chest with his fist.

"I am with you till the end your Highness!"

Soon the rest also complied as Anastasia smirked.



"All forces, the city is exposed, show them your might, give no quarter!"

She spoke to a radio and soon all Radios got bombarded with war cries and confirmation.

Short Chap, but the war continues

Lumine007creators' thoughts