
Unexpected Landing

"Captain we still have a problem with the landing gear. The hydraulics shows no response! I repeat, the hydraulics shows no response! Said the man in uniform with a terrified face.

"We are constantly losing altitude; we have to land, as long as we can maintain control of the direction we can make it." This is a lie. Whenever the landing gear won't responds the plane will most likely be torn to pieces because of the friction and the fuel will immediately fire up. By spending all of our fuel we reduced the change of such disaster. However we still have to land.

But I am the Captain I can't show any sign of doubt or panic even if my colleges are the best I had in years. I still have to show confidence in my decision. Even If i fear for my life.

"Contact the tower once again they have to know we are going to initiate landing!" I believe they already made all the preparations. When we lost contact all of the other planes in the way began to leave the airport and every single runway was cleared. This is the most they can do, but this is the protocol.

"Dortmund shows no response, I repeat Dortmund shows no response."

First we lost communications with the air traffic controllers then the passengers began to smell smoke. The flight attendants found out that the circuitry malfunctioned. This explains why we can't receive or transmit communication but not everything is clear. After this I will go and take my pension, my savings and buy new house near Nuremberg and live a quiet life. Maybe I will marry again, who knows? I worked exactly 31 years for the Lufthansa. I am 67 years old I can't take this any longer.

"Sir we are initiating the landing." Said the men in uniform

My co-pilot Gottfried is such a good kid. He is young yet really respectful. I never had to argue with him, not even outside of the cockpit. I am sure we will make and exceptional pilot. If he survives...either way it seems this is going to be my final flight.

Looking out from the window of the cockpit the ground comes closer with every second, then suddenly the sound a big boom made the plane tremble. The alarms that flared up made an intolerable ear hurting sound, but the ground came ever closer.

Then the plane hit the ground. It started to slide through the runway. The momentum was too great...

When they landed they suddenly changed direction and were heading towards a hangar. Before they hit the closed door of the hangar, both pilots let out a loud, panicked cream...

The captain of the plane still creamed then when he opened his eyes he could not believe what he saw. He was not in the cockpit...He then looked around and saw that he was in a cell, surrounded by people wearing leather armour. These people pointed sharp swords towards him. All of them were shocked. However there was one man who wore plate armour. His face was also clearly visible. He had short brown hair, deep black eyes and his face was covered in freckles.

He stood in front of the cell. Like he is some sort of main attraction. Then this man spoke:

"Is there something wrong?"

What is happening here? I was there on the plane just a minute ago. I was right next to my co-pilot Gottfried...Wait did I fall unconscious? But this does not look like a hospital at all! More like a cheap medieval theme park. What am I doing here?

Suddenly one of the leather armoured man come close and hit him with the tilt of the sword.

"Answer dog! Lord Machiavelli asked a question!"

Lord? They are going too far with this theme park, and how dare they hit an elderly man! This will result in public outrage in all of Germany!

Wait, something is a amiss, I don't know how can I describe it but, the language he spoke sounds so alien, yet familiar at the same time... It is definitely not German.

"You didn't hear me?!"The guard hit him again" The Lord is still waiting!"

"How dare you..." The captain spoke and turned toward the 'Lord'. "How dare you punish the weak?"

Everyone exchanged a wrathful look, except the man with the freckles on his face. He was surprised beyond comprehension. Right after that the guard wanted to hit him once more, but the 'Lord' in front of the cell held up his arm." What do you mean?" He asked.

"Isn't it obvious? You and your little gang beat up an elderly man within this theme park! What is wrong with you kids! Go back and play videogames! I always knew that all that modern technology the smartphones, computers and whatever else, will screw up an entire generation..."

"I Don't... Understand what you are trying to say..."

"How can you not! I want to speak with the executor of this establishment!"

"I believe you are referring to...me. Is my understanding correct?"

"Are you the person in charge?"

"Yes I am the...executor."

"Then tell me what kind of sick theme park are you operating? I will call the police straightaway and this will be in the news in no time! You are going to spend a lifetime with your gang!"

"Enough. Cover his mouth!" Four men did just that." Let's start over this conversation. I believe that you should know what my name is. So tell me what is my name? "

Conversation? This is questioning. Why are you so full of yourself? Why should I know your name? Are you that famous? Or...Wait a minute...I know what his name is. "Remo Machiavelli..."

"Yes your answer is correct. Do you know why does everyone refer to me as just Machiavelli?"

"Because you are...the head of the Machiavellian family..."This makes no sense at all why do I know these things ?

"Now tell me, what is your name?" He leaned closer to the cell.

"My name is Friedrich Hofmann."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Why would I not be sure about my own name?" This guy is crazy, he traps people in here and then who knows what he does to them.

"Can you tell me, why are you here. How did I catch you, and what is your sentence?" Machiavelli became more and more exited.

I am here because you are some sort of freak who loves imprisoning people! There is no other reason...but why do I have memories about a burglary, and about blood that spilt all over the floor. The blood stayed on my clothes I couldn't get rid of it. My sentence is death for violating the rules of the Lord...This can't be real. This must be some sort of dream, but I just felt pain so I am certain not sleeping. Maybe I am in coma and this is what many people describe after waking up. Like they had a really long dream but can't describe anything after they woke up. Maybe this world is just my consciousness and I have to figure a way out! This must be it. I hit the hangar door and survived the crash and right now I am severely injured! That must also be why he has a name a simmilar to Niccolo Machiavelli! The author of The Prince! I am sure someone with that family name must be knowledgable. I should asnwer his question even if he just beat up an old men..."I am here becouse of the crime I commited, you caught me becuse I left a lot of evidence behind, and my sentence is death."

Machiavelli was spechless when he heard the answer the guards next to him had to grab him in order to stop the falling lord. Then the lord stood up and continued the questioning. " If I were to tell you that there is a weapon that, can kill in an instant, leaves behind smokes and a sound of a bang, what name would you give that weapon?"

Sound like an old musket. 'Gun'

"If I were to tell you that, there is a weapon that does the same thing but can easly destroy a city wall, what name would you give that weapon?"

"Cannon" Maybe artirelly depending on size.

Machiavelli's face became pale his legs were shaking then he suddenly left in hurry. All of his guards were confused at the scene. After a short dispute about who will be left behind to guard the prissoner, all the rest of them run after their 'lord'. Only two frail looking ,young boys stayed behind.

But why did he leave ? Oh I remember something, before all this, I or rather 'him' got a pill and the lord asked all of these questions. They were completely the same questions I answered, but 'he' was unable to answer any of them. Anyhow I should not die for a crime I didn't commit. I don't even look like that guy do I? But why do i know so many things related to him.

He suddenly turned his head towards a puddle.

There is no way, but just to be safe, not the first weird thing today. He went towards the paddle and he looked in it he saw a young man with brown hair and green eyes looking back at him. Then He touched his chin and realised, that no matter what he does the man in the puddle follows all of his moves, expressions and even speaks at the same.

However, this voice had only one source.

He let out a powerfull and paniched scream that echoed through the dark dungeon.