
The Kingdom of Chaos

"I am afraid I can't let you do that my lady."

Everyone on the ramp became shocked. Most of them had anger on their faces but they hid it well. Then this man with freckles on his face started to go down on the ramp but all the believers blocked him.

"I have to explain it to you my lady it is most urgent!" his face became worried

Oh well this is unexpected. I have never imagined that someone would want to approach me after all this fiasco. He is either too arrogant to give up his belongings to our Church or he really wants to warm us. Either way he can't endanger me the Chosen of the Deity, but just to be safe I should ask him to be charitable and give up his God's stone...

"I see well come here and tell us why we shouldn't help those who are in need. My child."

"I am glad you see reason." He then rushed down on the ramp." You see I set up a trap. For those who want to take over the ship. I mean I saw those people with their black armour approaching and I knew it right away that only trouble is waiting for us. So I set up a deadly trap for them. However I have no intention of killing you and your believers my lady..."

"A trap?!" She held back her laughter, but was unable to fight back the grin on her face.

What sort of trap can someone like you make? I sure you are just over exaggerating. You really don't want to give us your wealth, or you are hiding something far more valuable. You think us fools?


"I see my Child, however I carry the will of the Deity I am his Chosen after all. I have divine protection. Therefore my cause will always be just, he alone will protect me from any harm."

She said in a calm motherly tone.

"I am not lying my lady... Soon you will see what I mean." He said with a serious expression on his face. Then turned to the steam ship, nodded to it and stepped out of the way.

'Soon you will see what I mean'. Don't be ridiculous. I can't... "hahaha" She let out a cheerful laughter, but stopped and put on a courteous smile.

"My child you should not worry about such things... I am sure the Deity will take care of you, I will even grant you my blessing. Fear not and look into the bright future. May you preserve!"

"May you preserve!"

Then half of the believers started to board the steam ship but just right after they reached the deck, a terrible sound echoed from the ship, then again and again. It didn't stop just accelerated. It was a intolerably loud. It was like the sound of metal impact, a cling clong sound. Somewhat like a ringing bell. It was loud and irritating. Then black and heavy smoke surrounded the deck of the ship. Also all of the sailors mysteriously disappeared somehow...

"This is the first of the many traps. I told you my lady It is dangerous to board that ship!" The man had worried expression on his face.

Maybe he really means... Oh well my believers fought worse than black smoke.

Then suddenly no sound came from the deck of the ship. It was completely covered in black smoke so there was no way to see how the believers are doing with the offered charity. What happened to them? Did my believers really fall into this trap? But why are they not responding or making any noise? One of them should be able to come back from the 15 no matter what.

"My lady!" He then kneeled down in front of the Chosen of the Deity "I can disable the traps but only if you give me time! I have no reason to hurt you or your followers. Let me do this for you."

Why are you so eager to serve me? I didn't even use my ability on you because you have God's Stone on your neck. Can it be that this man is just too naive? But then why would a naive person set up traps. These traits don't fit together no matter how I look at it. I suspect that something is going on... However he came out personally. Putting himself in possible danger. You show both signs of cunning and sincerity. An unlikely combination...

"Please do my child. I also want to accompany you so that the deity will have its eyes on you." If I would just let him go up on the ship all alone, he might just leave. " You should also give me your God's stone as a donation to our Church. So we can feed orphans, care for the widows and help all."

It is unlikely that he will do anything but just to be sure, even if I enjoy the protection of the deity. I am not immortal. We also need this ship. Our Church needs everything in order to gain the upper hand against the Duke.

For more than two weeks no ships stopped in Warmwater Port. They all heard the rumours probably. That the Kingdom has fallen into complete chaos...

"I understand my lady, but please stand behind me all the time." He then gave up his God's Stone but something was odd about it. Like it is lighter than usual... "You are a generous soul"

Now I should test my ability on him...

"My child I have a question for you." She leaned closer to him and her eyes let out a purplish light

"Tell me my child do you wish to harm me? Maybe even kill me? Is this trap you spoke of is true?"

Machiavelli's eyes became the same purplish colour that she had.

"I don't not wish to harm you only if necessary. This trap I spoke of is indeed a real danger to you."

Sounds reasonable. He can't lie to me anyway. I can force him to do anything I ask for, and he will have no other chose but to obey. I can even order him to stop his heartbeat... This is why I am the Chosen of the Deity. No other being can bestow such a gift on mere humans, He chose me and gave me his blessings with this ability. I will fulfil his request. Step by step... And my current task is accepting this charity.

"You can go my child. I see your heart is pure. So please be our guide." There is no reason to keep him under the effect. That would deplete my magic quickly. Oh deity why didn't you give me more power deity… With more power I could send him up the ramp and force him to come back... but I shouldn't be ungrateful.

Then the purplish colour from his eyes faded and he became dizzy. "I-I will do just that my lady..." He then stepped on the ramp and soon disappeared in the black smoke. The Chosen was behind her and all other disciples followed them.

On the deck the men suddenly hit the deck twice with his feet. Everyone just looked at him then he said" All of us most do this in order to avoid the trap."

Strange..."Why would such a thing help us in any way my child?"

"It will become obvious when we get to the storage chamber. There I will explain it.

You are avoiding the question. Maybe I should use my ability once more... But he said it means no harm to me and he can't lie under the effect. Sincerity and cunning, such an odd combination...

She then did the same thing and her believers followed her. Then they followed him to the entrance of the storage chamber of the ship. The black smoke covered everything. You could only see three people in front of you however there were a lot of barrels on the deck. Then they began stepping into the storage. Just in front of the entrance he suddenly stopped. "This is where the smoke is coming from. I will go there and WHEN! I come back I will reveal the other traps. Just be careful." He then went down into the storage room.

"Chosen! I heard something!"

"What did you hear my child?"

"It's like something is in the barrel! Right over there! I will go and check it out. "He then went there and gave a sound that resembled someone stepping into a puddle." Something is on the floor! I can feel it!" After a brief silence he spoke again." Cho-Chosen..."

"What is it my Child?"

In a terrified voice he answered. "It's blood..."

Then people came out of the barrels with a fearsome battle cry. They had sailor uniform and were armed with knives, they rushed at the believers. Like they were the force of nature. They stabbed everyone in their path.

"To me my Children! Fear not I can protect you from them I am the Chosen of the Dei..." Suddenly

Someone came from behind and put a God Stone around her neck and held her tight holding her mouth. She struggled but couldn't come out of the pressure of the man with freckles on his face then said. "We won! Enough!" but the armed men didn't stop and still attacked the defenceless, believers in simple white robes, soon all of them laid on the floor. Their white robes were soaking in their own blood...

"You didn't hear me! We won! There was no need for further bloodshed!" then the men went towards him with bloody knives in their hands.

"The fight isn't over just yet. We still have one survivor... And you came up with the plan anyway. Why does it matter if we kill just a few more?"

"The first wave was necessary otherwise we would never be able to trick her coming up, and then neutralizing her ability. It would have been too dangerous to just leave like that... But now it's just pointless!"

"Then what do you want to do with her? You will have to kill her eventually. Or you want to..."

"No matter where I end up it's the same... No I won't kill her, I will interrogate her."

This is the worst chapter I wrote but I set up an almost impossible situation for myself. It's my mistake. But I can't just forget about it becouse it is part of the story and character development.

He must question his ability in planning and that his morality is necesarry or just stands in his way.

The "All ends justify the means." dilemma set up, But I think I crewed up hard...

InconvinientAllycreators' thoughts