
Old Friends

In the afternoon sunlight a group of 5 people are talking in a small tent, in the middle stood Machiavelli. Around the tent a huge crowd was celebrating and packing at the same time. There were countless wagons on the scene. Then a blonde woman with blue eyes from the circle said:

"We are glad we could work for you once more," She bowed respectfully" be honest our performance was exceptional! Especially me! I went to face head on an invading army! Alone! Please praise me Ermo! "The woman with blonde wavy hair approached him and grabbed his arm.

"I am glad you can read scripts Ingrid..."He coldly pushed her away" You did good work today but, you are also good at emptying my treasury..."

"All quality services must be paid in full. Especially when friends are involved! Do you know how hard it was to bring 200 actors to a small remote town?" Said the grey haired man with blue eyes indignantly "By the way I heard that there is a beautiful young woman in town who is now part of your family.

Do you mind if I..."

"She is a widow Raimon."Machiavelli gave a meaningful look.

"What a lovely weather we're having today. Don't you think?" Said Raimon with an uncomfortable expression on his face. Then took of his wig and revealed his short brown hair." But it was really hard to manage everything all at once. Especially the marching. We had to try it over and over again, and even at the end it wasn't perfect, and most of the men didn't even carry the simple metal tubes you asked for. We had to use brooms."

"I knew what you are capable of; your theatre group was always good at improvising." He said it sarcastically.

"You say it like it's a bad thing to cut down spending. By the way you should hold a great banquet for our honour. We saved your town after all. A bit of fame next to the fortune never hurts. "He shrugged. "And I don't think anyone would come to your town for a while."


"I knew you would say that...However if you don't I will tell a story about a young naive boy who wanted to run away from his responsibilities as a noble. "His voice became dramatic. He touched his forehead with the back of his hand. "He joined a theatre group where he found himself, found friends and also found true love...a love that was so..."

"Enough! I knew it was a mistake...Set up a stage and I will introduce you to the crowd." Machiavelli said with held back frustration then grabbed his head. Then two young women who looked completely identical came close to him. Both of them had long dark hair, the same height and the same brow eyes.

"We are glad we could make it. "She said while pointing at the woman next to her." Raine also wants to ask you. How did you do the snow powder and..." Suddenly the women next to her started to shake her head rabidly and began to gesture with her hands. "Oh sorry...Raine wanted to know if you could show us Spring first. She was always curious. I would also go with her just in case she needs someone to talk to verbally."

"I see no problem with that request Raine. "Then he turned to the woman next to her" Reina just speak to the guards if you don't see her." Both women bowed and then left.

Suddenly everything quitted down. Then a woman who had deep black long hair came to Machiavelli. Her eyes were the same colour as his. She carried an elegant impression with her. Then she bowed before him and said in a cold tone:

"So you knew it was a mistake..."

After hearing this Raimon quikly grabbed Ingrid by the shoulder and said "I have something important to do, Ingrid also has to come with me."

"B-But I am a drama actress. I have the right to put my nose in other people's business!" Ingrid said but was unable to fight back. Then they hastily left.

The woman then stood up and" After all these years you invite me here and you... You tell it was a mistake...But what about your son..."The woman started crying.

"Adrienne, I don't have a son and I am sure of it. "Machiavelli said coldly

The woman then stopped and looked at him with a grin on her face while holding the back of her head." You should have followed your lines...It would have been an interesting sight, seeing a great noble act like a screaming child and burst out in tears. Even if it's poorly written, with your cold commanding tone and attitude, you would make it sound hilarious."

"Thank you...for respecting my abilities."

"Well of course I acknowledge you as an actor." She then put up a proud posture." Since the day you came in I knew destiny will wait for you. "She said it in a heroic tone. "You who decided that fate cannot rule over you! Not even the honour of your family matters to you! It's your own desire that matters the most! You came in like a storm and told us that you want to run away! You told us that you are afraid of what might become of you because you are not strong enough! Then the honesty that you showed to yourself made a girl seek your company and learnt more about this fugitive noble boy..." She then lowered her voice and looked at Machiavelli, after a short period of silence she said.

"But that boy then one day realised that running away is just cowardly and whenever he would face difficulties he would do the same. So he told the girl what he is planning to do about it, but the girl was unable to accept the answer...but he went away nevertheless." She had a tear forming at the corner of her eyes but said with a strong tone."

"I am glad that boy turned into a man...It's nice to see you."

"It's nice to see you too..."

After that they both fell into silence and no one came in to help them out. They were stuck.

"Well...Now this is awkward." she grabbed the back of her head" Not because of the situation, but because I am an actress who has profound knowledge about the dynamics of public speaking."

"Continue the rest of your story then." He gestured toward Adrienne

Adrienne smiled and nodded" Well the girl turned into a woman and all of her friends went on separate ways. Some claimed fame and fortune while others claimed...Mediocrity. For example one particular blonde woman, I don't know who she is...but I named her my best friend nevertheless. Then two days ago I received a scrip with a name 'The Prince' on it written by some unknown author who also invited me to fight against an army of 2000 men. He was Lucy that I was close by...

So far quite a tale doesn't it?"

She then put up a thinking posture grabbing her chins " But I am unsure what should I call the author of that book. I know him by a different name...what name would you give him?" She said it while continuously lowering her voice.

Machiavelli was completely silent, he did not move and he didn't even show any sign of breathing. He stood firmly with his noble posture like rock in a storm.

"I see...well I am sorry but I have to tell you at some point that silence, is also an answer, and it is truer than many words..." She had a serious expression on her face then went to him." Well what do you say Lord Machiavelli. Is my assumption correct?" She tilted her head curiously waiting for an answer.

"Of course it is. I learned it from the best..."

Suddenly the sound of trumpets began and the big cheerful crowd started getting anxious around the tent, then a familiar sound, came from the direction of the anxious crowd.

"People of Lakefall If 'something' doesn't happen in five minutes. I will tell you a tale and I can assure you it's about someone who all of you know by name. Be prepared to hear a heart breaking love story!"

"Raimon...may the devil take you..."

Adrienne then laughed" Curse him all you want, no one can motivate people like he does, such admirable trait don't you think?" She tilted her head.

"It all depends on what kind of result he wishes to achieve with his admirable trait. He was never a tactician unless it's about business. It's completely unlike him."

"As far as I can see it's a thank you from his friend, that's what he seeks after. Second only to your wealth of course. All theatre groups suffered from the loss of noble support. This was also the reason we could muster such a large 'army' to aid the defence of a small remote town. Many desperate actors became mere beggars for a living. Literally. Fortunately all of them had experience on the stage. "The crowd outside of the tent became more anxious." How about a great return to the stage?"

"Even if I decline I will be forced to go there. I can't think of an alternate to escape from his trap." He held his chin but found no solution.

Adrienne then leaned closer to him and started whispering. "Because it wasn't his trap...I don't know how do people call this person but I guess I have to find it out on the stage." then she left the tent.

"I should have known..."Then he also left the tent outside of the tent the crowd and the 'soldiers' were already beyond control. When they saw him however everyone stood out of his way, and as he approached the makeshift stage the crowd became more and more quiet. When he stood up on the stage he saw that they already done all the preparations for him. Even the paper that he wrote three days ago was given to him on his way up.

Machiavelli then began the introduction. "People of Lakefall, on this day we were saved from total annihilation. The attack from the Medici's was far greater than any other threat we ever faced. However we still managed to fend off the invaders without a single drop of blood. Thanks to no small effort to the people I am going to introduce personally. They are worth of the respect and fame for their deeds; if I were a duke I would make all of them a noble. "This much flattering should satisfy them.

"First I ask Raimon Vidal from the Vidal Trouper Group to come up to the stage." Raimon then got up and made a proper theatrical bow and threw kisses in the direction of a particularly eye-catching woman with glimmering greyish eyes and short deep black hair.

"I ask Ingrid from the Redwater Theater Group to come up to the stage." She did the same bow and pretended she is falling; however Raimond went there to catch her and then carried her in his arms.

"I ask the Silent Twins Duo Raine and Reina from Eagle City to come up to the stage."They did just that however they pulled each other into their places through the use of an invisible rope.

Lastly I ask for Adrienne the Queen of Trickery from The King's City's Theatre Group to come up.

However no one came up this time. The crowd was confused they looked around and their voice began to fade away.

Machiavelli knew exactly what this meant so he didn't repeat his request.

Suddenly on the stage a small wall of smoke arose like a curtain. Then when the curtain disappeared someone appeared. It was Adrienne. The Queen of Trickery then made a bow. The crowd was enthusiastic beyond description during all the introductions but this was the peak moment. Then all of the actors bowed and clapped their hands in unison.

After that the whole stage was covered in smoke, and all of them disappeared from the stage.

Machiavelli then murmured to himself "You are still fools above all..."

LAST big chapter I swear! I won't go beyond

1600-1800 from now on! I just had to. It would ruin it to break it apart into small fragments...

So this is the Last over 2000 words chapter!


InconvinientAllycreators' thoughts