
chapter Three- Introduction

It was morning and Riv was asked to meet his squad at the kudo kizume training ground so he got up and asked for directions to the place when he got there he met a guy with a weird haircut and he asked.

"Hi, I'm Riv I was told to meet my squad here" when he said that the guy raised his head to look at Riv in a weird way.

"[Oh shit I'm dead]". Quickly the guy rushed over to where Riv was and said.

"I'm Caname Tutake of squad 13 and I'm your senior and what about you?".

"Huh I just introduced myself".

"Huh did you say something I said introduce yourself".

"Right [oh shit I'll be dead before my journey begins], my name is Riv from Jiri".

"Good see now we are beginning to know each other now follow me to introduce you to the rest of the squad". As they started walking Caname showed Riv around the kudo kizume.

"Listen Riv here in the kudo kizume there are a total of 13 squads and 13 core Captains, and each have at least 20 members but we the squad 13 only have 10 members". When they were walking they got to a dark room were Caname pushed Riv inside.

"Ouch what the hell was that for". When he turned the door was gone he heard weird sounds and scratches on the wall at that moment when he turned he saw a weird person wearing a mask the moment he blinked the person was gone and a beast was in front of him there he screamed.

"Ah... [What the hell is going on around here]". Before he could say a word something gave him a scratch on the back he turned to see what was that but he couldn't see anything there he reminisced his training when he was in the village always clam down in any situation and keep a clear mind then he drew his sword out held it tightly position himself and listened to the sounds of the beast.

"[Where are you piece o' shit]". As he positions himself he heard a sound 30° twords east so he swung his sword towards that direction and wounded the beast when he did that a light illuminated and blinked him, when he opened his eyes he didn't see the dark room but instead he was in front of a big door with writing 13 squad hideout.

"This our hideout for the 13 squad" said a voice from behind him when he turned it was his senior.

"Hideout... But I thought all the 13squad,lived in kudo kizume".

"We only go there for when they have a hunt for us or new recruits for the squad but from that nothing else".

"Oh... So that is why you were there".

"Well anyway come on in let me introduce you to the rest of the squad". When he opened the door there was more weirdos.

"Everyone pay attention!". They all turned and looked at Caname.

"Huh who die and made you captain" said one weirdo.

"I have seniority here y'know"

"Shut your mouth d**k cheese" said another weirdo. Before he could say another word he was interrupted by a tall burl guy, when he entered the hideout their hideout Riv saw a writing on his back 13 squad captain, when they saw their captain they positioned themselves.

"Man that meeting was boring I still don't understand why I have to attend that meeting" said the captain then he sat on a couch. After he sat on the couch and saw Riv not standing in position he got up and walked towards him.

"[Oh shit I'm a dead man]".

"Who the hell are you?". Immediately Caname raised his head and answered "captain this is the new recruit from Jiri".

"Oh... Well you should've said something sooner" then he started laughing, and continue "well Caname introduce him to everyone".

"Yes sir, to my left there is Mine Yukon and Mia Keshena".

"Nice to meet you".

"And to my right there is Jersey Kamenari and Kenzo Mirikashi".

"Over there is Jackie Karachi and Nary Kakemei".


"And those two over there are Luka Rumoke and his sister Lula Rumoke and our captain Akashi Zukaki".

"Nice to meet all of you!".

"Now let's get started".

"With what".

"Let me do it".

"Are sure?".

"Yeah besides he hurt my sis I want pay back".

"Okay now fight". Riv didn't understand what was going on but he went along with it and fought Luka, Luka's cosmic power was the power of every male beast. So when transformed and attacked Riv he did what he did to his sis clam down drew his sword and won.