
Destroying NTR Stories as Jugram

I was an average person in my life. My grades, my friends and family, everything was average. I read manga and watched anime, but there was one genre in manga and anime that I didn't like, NTR. For as long as I can remember, I have hated NTR with all my heart. One day I died a cliché death to Truck-kun while crossing the road. When I opened my eyes, something beyond my expectations happened. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Don't expect regular updates. English is my second language so be ready for some grammar mistakes. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own any characters I used in this fanfic except my OC. All the source materials I will use in this belong to their respective owner.

5thPleiades · Cómic
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39 Chs

Himawari wa Yoru ni Saku (2)

When I entered the room that no longer had a door, of course, the two 'people' I saw were naked. The CEO had some light scratch wounds on his body.

While Hisato was still in shock from what had happened, I quickly went to her side and knocked her out with a quick blow to the back of her neck.

"I'll take care of you later. Sleep here for now." After speaking into the emptiness, I made my way to the CEO, who was struggling to stand up.

"Y-You know who I am, you bastard!?!" After he managed to get to his feet with difficulty, the ugly CEO walked up to me and tried to grab me by the collar.

There was no way I was going to let that happen.

Immediately I unsheathed my sword and separated the hand that had dared to touch me from the rest of his arm.

"AHHHHH WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!!" The president screamed in pain and fell on his ass.

"Killing you now would be wrong to the men whose lives you ruined. But don't worry, I'll make sure you want to be dead in every second of the rest of your life." When he was on the ground, convulsing with pain, the president wanted to get away from me, but the farther he got, the closer I got to him. "You like it when women give you head, don't you? Yeah, that might be a good place to start."

I swung my sword expertly and separated the president's cock from his body.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK! MY DICK, YOU DARE TO CUT MY DICK!?" The blood flowing from the President's severed hand and his severed cock dyed our surroundings red.

I looked at the President calmly and spoke loud enough for him to hear me. "No no no no, you can't give up already, can you? I would be distraught if that happened." I crouched before him and forced his mouth open. I put my sword through the cock on the floor and brought it to his mouth.

"What do you think you're going to do with th-" Just as he was about to finish his sentence, I shoved his cock in his mouth and pulled the sword out. I forced his mouth to shut and made sure he chewed well.

"How does it taste? Do you like it? I can see by the look on your face that you're satisfied with it. Do you say you had a hard time eating it? Well, let me help you." I put my sword back in its scabbard and helped him chew it for him with his chin as I continued to forcefully close the president's mouth.

The president looked at me with tears in his eyes as if he was spitting hatred at me.

"Oh come on! Why are you looking at me like that? Ah! Or else... You don't like the taste of your cock? If that's the case, that's fine. Why, because there's plenty of cock in this world, of any kind you want." It must have been as if the president anticipated what was about to happen to him because his gaze turned from hatred to terror.

"You think I'm going to make you eat someone else's cock? You can rest assured I won't do that. Instead of doing the same things, we can do different things." When I saw that he had swallowed it all, I released my hold on his mouth and stood up. The President started coughing and gagging as soon as I released his mouth.

'I don't want to hurt him too much because I looked into the future where I didn't hurt him too much and I was satisfied with what was going to happen. An anonymous person (me) exposes what he did to people and destroys his career. His family and friends abandon him, especially his wife and daughter. Left on his own and desperate, the former president starts begging for money, but that doesn't last long either. When his enemies in the economic world realize his fragile state, they immediately kidnap him and torture him. He is then sold as a slave to a gay club. There he spends the rest of his life getting his ass fucked by random guys. I think it's a good ending for someone who likes to fuck.'

"I'm done with you, old man. Now you're going to have a good sleep and when you wake up you won't remember any of this. A word of advice, this may be your last peaceful sleep, so get a good night's rest, okay?"

"Huh?" The president's mind was not taking any of this in. As usual, he was having a good time with the wife of one of his employees. And suddenly a handsome man he didn't know came up and cut off his arm and his cock. And if that wasn't enough, he was forced to eat his cock. The president couldn't understand why this was happening to him.

I quickly knocked the president unconscious so as not to waste any more time. I grabbed him by the neck and took him to a distant park with Hirenkyaku. I also took the president's phone from the room and used it to call an ambulance to the park where he was. Of course, I did not forget to share all the photos, messages and videos of what he did on his phone with the necessary authorities. After looking at the president lying naked and bleeding on the park bench, I went back to the room where Hisato was.

When I return to the room, Hisato was still passed out on the bed where I left her. 'I can see that she still loves her husband. I'd rather she suffered emotional damage than do anything physical to her.'

"It's time to wake up, Hisato." I shook her with my Reiatsu wave and she jumped up from her slumber.

"What happened..?" Hisato still had no idea what had happened. No one could blame her for that, of course.

"Now it's your turn, Hisato." I applied my Reiatsu on her to restrict her movement and stepped in front of her.

"Look into my eyes and see what your future would have been if you hadn't given in to the president's games." I showed her the children she and Norihita were going to have. Norihita would soon be out of his current company and working in a better place for good money. A more luxurious house and car, so that his children would get a quality education and take up their professions. I showed her that her children would get married and have children of their own. And finally, I showed her that she would die peacefully in a hospital bed, side by side with Norihita, with all her family by her side. It was the best future she could have. I didn't just show it to her, I made her live all those scenes in her head. For me, it was a few seconds, but for her, it was 83 years.

Hisato was crying her eyes out. But I don't know if it was out of sadness or happiness. Now it's time to show her the future she'll be living in now. The easiest way for someone to fall into the deepest pit of despair is to give them hope and then take it away.

"What just happened?" Hisato was questioning why she was here now because she thought she was dead.

"Didn't I tell you that I would show you the future that would have happened if you hadn't started this relationship with the president? This was your future and you threw it away with your own hands. Do you regret it? You better regret it because there is no happy ending for you now. It's too late for regrets anyways. All you can do is review your past choices. I'll do you one more favor, I'll show you what Norihita's future will be like without you. Look into my eyes again and see how happy he'll be without you."

'After taking care of Hisato, I was going to go and talk to Norihita. Hisato now sees what'll happen after my conversation with him.' "Norihita thinks you died in a car accident and is very sad. He remembers you for months and overcomes his grief with the help of his family. He meets a new woman at his new workplace. Even though he has just recovered from the pain of losing you, he doesn't want to be alone. He gets close to her because he needs someone to be with him. They become lovers because they both like each other. After a year and a half of this, they decide to get married.

Norihita is promoted to a high position in his new company and lives the way he wants to with the new partner of his life. Because they both want it so much, they have children as soon as they get married. What do you think, a happy and blissful life, right? And who are you in this future? You have no one to help you and no one to be with you. No family, no husband, no rich president to take care of you. In this future you are nothing. Norihita won't be thinking a woman named Hisato is living since this day. You will be and remain dead in everyone's eyes.

And why do you think that happened? Because you threw away your future by sleeping with the president. If you hadn't done what he said, you could have been that woman. But no, you chose pleasure over your love. I don't understand women like you. It's a mistake to even try to understand you."

After I showed her what I was going to show her, I saw tears streaming down her face. I could see regret and sadness all over her face. But it's too late for everything now.

"You can't tell anyone about this, by the way, don't even try." As I was about to leave, I gave Hisato one last cold look. "And don't forget this, you're responsible for all this. You have no one to blame." After saying that, I went with Hirenkyaku to the parking lot of the hotel where Norihita was staying.

I went into the hotel and went to the front desk and asked her to call Norihita and tell him I was here to see him. Soon Norihita came into the lobby and greeted me. "Hello, who are you? Do you have something to talk to me about?"

I shook hands with him and started talking. "Norihita-san, I am one of your neighbors and I have some news to tell you."

"Please continue."

"Your wife, Hisato, died today in a car accident." The moment I said that Norihita turned pale. 'Hisato, you don't deserve someone like this.'

"I'm sorry for your loss." I said and immediately left the hotel. When I made sure I was out of sight, I used Hirenkyaku and appeared on the roof of the skyscraper I first appeared on when I arrived in this world.

"Sigh... What a night." After making sure that all of Norihita's misfortunes turned into fortunes and with the help of my The Balance, that'll help him to forget Hisato easier and sooner. My work in this world was done. And If you're wondering what Hisato did after I left, let me explain. Right after I left, she left the house and walked as far as she could. After that, no one ever heard from her again. Everyone thinks she died in an accident. Blood in the house? I removed all traces with my Reiatsu. The only trace in the house is that someone broke in.

"Now it's time to wait for the new world. No time for rest."

I wrote this chapter quickly so, I'm sorry for any mistakes.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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