
Destroying novel worlds :) (Webnovel)

Man gets reincarnated... fucks ass... MC's die... The End (Warning: the MC will do every fucked up thing you can imagine)

Author_amogus · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 (reincarnation)

"Okay… where the fuck am I?" asked a man, looking around the white void, with a deranged smile.

"Reincarnation" he heard a voice, he quickly looked to the source and saw a black shape.

"Oh… cool!" he smiled; it was just like those shitty webnovel fanfics.

"1 wish." It spoke.

"Devour – the ability to absorb anyone's power flawlessly." The man kept smiling.

"What's your name?" hm? Isn't that a personal question?

"James… why am I getting reincarnated?"

"I was reading novels from a website on your world called 'Webnovel'… I was having fun, but then there were no more chapters and I got mad… so I want you to fuck up those worlds." The beings said in the same lifeless tone.

"Understandable to be honest, the dipshits even put a price on more chapters." James snorted and the being nodded it's head.

'Unless you collect those passes…' he thought in his mind

"Goodbye, make sure to **** the women." a smile was etched into the being's head.

"Aww, you know me so well." A tear streamed down his cheek.


"Hmm, what a nice mortal." The being thought aloud.