
Chapter 383: Invincible.

"This brings back the bad memories," Hera said as she looked at how eerie and gloomy Tartarus was. Since it was basically hell, it fit the atmosphere. "Looking for Nyx would be hard, especially with the titans hidden underneath the cracks in the ground. I don't think she would care if anyone entered her world anymore," Hera continued as she walked to the front with Mykel.

"She wouldn't stay quiet if I mess up her world. Just let me take care of this," Mykel said as he looked at his [Infernokinesis] which allowed him to manipulate all hells.

Mykel stared at the giant gate in the distance that reached the sky. He pointed his right hand at the gate and he clenched his fist. The gate disappeared without even making any noise. It felt like the gate had been erased from the world. He looked at the hills on his right and lifted his right hand up in the air. The hills turned into mountains that touched the sky and beyond it.