
the call

We were back at our hut, which we named "The Call."

"Yo, Macron, you wouldn't believe what Sepsis and I saw," said Zico.

"Zico, I couldn't give a shit about what color the girl's pants were."


"Everyone listen up, we need to upgrade the hut," I said to the boys. "I found out the royal guards are here collecting tax. If we play our cards right, we can get a new room."

"Finally, I don't have to share a room with this asshole."

"Wanna fight, Zico?"

"Name a time and place."


"Mask up and let's go."

"Ew, this one stinks."

"Does it look like I give a shit?"

"The Call, roll out."

We went up the tower and scouted the area. We then spotted the route to the goods. The carriage was full of gold, jewels, and food. We had to cause a distraction, but we didn't know how.

"Women, come here," said Zico. "Distract those guards and I will pay you handsomely."

"And why should I do that?"

"For money?"


"Oh no, I dropped something."

She bent down to pick it up while all the guards stared at her body.

"These pervs."

"Why are you talking, Zico?"

"Macron, go get the gold."

This plan was sure to work. The guards were coming.

"Sepsis, blow the cart," said Zico.

"I can't, Macron is still there."

"I don't give a shit, blow it quickly."



I was hesitating. It felt like my heart was about to fall out of my chest. I was so scared and frightened. We got caught. We had a sword to our heads and we surrendered. We put our hands behind our heads.

"Sepsis, you idiot. If you had just blown up the cart, this wouldn't have happened."

"I am sorry," said Macron.

It was at that moment when Macron died. His head was cut off, and blood spewed all over me and Zico.

"Shit, shit, SHIT."

These bastards killed Macron right in front of me. He was 9. He didn't deserve this. These bastards deserve to die. They were going to swing a sword at me and Zico. That was it. Our lives were gone. The sword came down on our necks, and our heads flew off.

I didn't know where I was. We were confused. We saw Orion.

"I knew a bastard like you wouldn't die," said Zico. "Sir, I am at your service."

This was the legendary Orion, the strongest asshole of all time.

"Listen, kids. I need to tell you something. After the fight, I was in a bad place. I found a special woman and—"

"Skip to the point, you shithead."

"Zico, language! Do you know who he is?"

"Oh, I know. You created these assholes who killed our friend, you fucking shithead."

"I had two sons who I split my power with: Jinsei and Shi."

"Holy shit, that makes us direct descendants."

"So, what, we can use your power?"

"The power was always inside of you."

Our world was fading. My head was falling to the floor. I connected the blood vessels from my neck to my head.

"What's up, bitch? Surprised I am back?"


I jumped into the air and started to fly.

"Look to this day, for it is life, the very breath of life. In its brief course lie all the realities of your existence".