
Destiny of Flame and Frost

As the dignified descendant of Phoenix and the future god of fire, Wen Ren Yu has always been known for being arrogant and unbothered by anything. She was raised within the walls of Jade mountain by her overprotective mother, kind-hearted stepfather, and carefree stepbrother. Although she was a descendant of Phoenix unlike others she ranked lower compared to them even though she was very good with her cultivation. One day while preparing to visit the palace of Prince Yan Xin and Princess Li Qin her childhood friends, she was informed that the god of revenge from the demon clan was murdering the innocent at the "Mango Bush valley". Although knowing she was no match for him, she still went ahead to confront him. On reaching there, she meets our male lead for the first time, as well as the second. They battled all out and went their separate ways.  Days later Yu runs into Yi Ze again, but this time at his icy kingdom. They both were placed in an arranged marriage by both families for Yu, Although Yu had long time Fancied the god of Ice, She Realized that she had fallen in love with the god of love. A Forbidden yet Fated Love awaits these two immortals of different worlds one the head of demon clan, and the other a dignified god of immortal realm. After much struggles and battles through together, Wenren finally admits her feelings for Weixian, but a misunderstanding later leads to Wenren Yu taking the life of her Lover

ChungHwa17 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

Episode 8: Finding Yu

Xie Qi: Your highness!

Masked man (He bows down with the other masked men) Greetings Master!

Azure Dragon: ( Yu Qing Chen, First prince of Jade mountain, Wenren's older brother, (step brother) From the first empress of Jade palace. He is the night immortal who oversees the affairs of the night. He upholds justice and makes sure that Nothing evil happens during the night. He is seen wearing a long blue garment, with a furry navy blue coat on it. His long hair is shortened into a bun and a single string is allowed to fall freely. His white glass crown is a part of the jades supporting his hair to be tied into a bun. He has dark blue eyeballs and his smile light pink lips. his dimpled cheeks also helped in making his smile contagious. Giving him a handsome and charming face. And his marvellous scent was like that of a Chinese scalet flower, that is exposed to the morning dew in order to procuce a fresh sweet fragrant). Tusu, What are you doing?

Masked man (Tusu): Mas..master..ii...I..she... she's a demon don't get close to her.

Qing Chen: What nonsense are you saying?

Masked man: Master believe me, she's not a good person she's from Ghost kingdom she uses broken heart flower.

Xie Qi: Master don't believe him, master Chen please save me.

Tusu: Master sheeeee...

Qing Chen: Shut up.

Xie Qi: Master he's lying. Your highness mistress and I only came outside in order to receive some fresh air, but unfortunately we where discovered by the night troops of your highness. And princess Yu was hurt badly...

Azure Dragon: What? Younger sister was hurt?

Xie Qi: Yes! 

Azure Dragon: Come, take me there now. ( They teletransported).

         ( They got to where Wenren Yu was, but she was nowhere to be found)

Xie Qi: What? Princess! Iiii...I left princess here, I left her here when I was being chased. She was unconscious so I don't see any reason why she should not be here.

Azure Dragon: Then where is my sister.

Xie Qi: (Quickly knees) Your highness please punish me, I know my wrong. I shouldn't have left her highness alone and ran away, it's my fault. Please punish me. I thought that her highness phoenix feather could protect her, bit I was wrong, your highness I don't dare to blame anyone but my self so please punish me.

Azure Dragon: Xie Qi stand up.( He reaches for her hand and lift her up) I don't blame you, it wasn't your fault. I know that you would never hurt phoenix sister. So I will not blame you, I only hope that you would learn from today and learn not to ever abandon phoenix sister again. Okay?

Xie Qi: Yes I will. Thank you your highness

Qing Chen: Tusu! This is all your fault, hurry up and get the patrolling troops. Tell them all that they have until 24 hours to find my sister. If they can't then shouldn't return if they return without finding my sister, then they will be seeking their own grave. 

Tusu: But Master sheee....

Qing Chen: I'm I understood?

Tusu: Yes! ( He leaves)

Qing Chen: (Turns to leave)

Xie Qi: Your highness!

Qing Chen: Call me Night immortal

Xie Qi: Okay (smiles) Night immortal. I don't know if this information is usually, but I do know that mistress really did wake up by herself, there are only three places that she can go. One is the " Palace" the other is"Yan mansion" and the last is " XuanXuang" sect. While if she was carried away, there are only three people who could have done that. One is the prince of Yan"Yan Xin" and the other is is Frost prince" Yi Ze" and the last is " god of love Nu Weixian". 

Azure Dragon: Nu Weixian? Isn't he the rebellious god?

Xie Qi: Yes! But he has gradually become a friend to mistress Yu.

Azure Dragon: Okay! Let's go back to the palace to begin the search.

Xie Qi: Okay! (The teletransported back to Jade mountain to search for Yu)

Author's words: Hey guys hope your enjoying the stories so far, well if you are please chat me up on Instagram at" Zanilia Shanfidel3" thanks for reading I love you all.