
Destiny of Flame and Frost

As the dignified descendant of Phoenix and the future god of fire, Wen Ren Yu has always been known for being arrogant and unbothered by anything. She was raised within the walls of Jade mountain by her overprotective mother, kind-hearted stepfather, and carefree stepbrother. Although she was a descendant of Phoenix unlike others she ranked lower compared to them even though she was very good with her cultivation. One day while preparing to visit the palace of Prince Yan Xin and Princess Li Qin her childhood friends, she was informed that the god of revenge from the demon clan was murdering the innocent at the "Mango Bush valley". Although knowing she was no match for him, she still went ahead to confront him. On reaching there, she meets our male lead for the first time, as well as the second. They battled all out and went their separate ways.  Days later Yu runs into Yi Ze again, but this time at his icy kingdom. They both were placed in an arranged marriage by both families for Yu, Although Yu had long time Fancied the god of Ice, She Realized that she had fallen in love with the god of love. A Forbidden yet Fated Love awaits these two immortals of different worlds one the head of demon clan, and the other a dignified god of immortal realm. After much struggles and battles through together, Wenren finally admits her feelings for Weixian, but a misunderstanding later leads to Wenren Yu taking the life of her Lover

ChungHwa17 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

Episode 10 : Lu Xing'er

          At Lize Domain

Weihe: Master! Looks like some of her Phoenix prowess were damaged that's why she has woken up yet.

Weixian: I know! Weihe, get me Xing'er

Weihe: Okay.( He leaves and comes back with her) Master she's here.

Xing'er: Weixian! You asked to see me.

Weixian: ( referring to weihe) Leave us!

Weihe: ( smiles) Okay!. (He leaves)

Weixian: Xing'er please check on her.

Xing'er: Yes!( After checking on Renyu) Weixian, This girl has a strong blood, I can tell that she's a defendant of Phoenix. But I don't know how, but recently some of her Phoenix prowesses where damaged, so that's why her recovery process is a bit slow. All she has to do now is to recuperate her Phoenix blood, and everything will be okay. Buttt.....

Weixian: But what?

Xing'er: Weixian! I can sense of strong Aura in her, but this Aura appears to have been sealed by a stronger force, so I couldn't transfer some prowesses to her. Besides she's hot blooded and I'm cold blooded, so it will only take the help of a godly prowess to help her recuperate.

Weixian: Then What about the seal?

Xing'er: Well you see, that side of her appears to be a very strong aura, that was sealed in her seen ancient times. Once unlocked it will turn her into a completely different person, so I guess that was the reason it was sealed.

Weixian: Well can I unseal it?

Xing'er: Weixian! Are you crazy? Don't even think of doing that, if you do you might trigger something hidden in her to resurrate. From what I can see this lady is 100,000 years old.

Weixian: (Surprised) What? That's impossible, Yu is only 21 years old, and she isn't even an Immortal yet. And only gods can live up to such ages. So you must have mistaken.

Xing'er: Weixian! If what you said is true, then their is only one explaination to this, that is she is a reincarnation of one of the ancient gods. Perhaps those gods who were killed or accused wrongly. And thus her memories and prowess where sealed by another ancient god.

Weixian: Why would anyone do that?

Xing'er: I don't know either, but whatever reason they had for doing that must have been worth it. So I think we shouldn't try to unseal her prowess for now, but allow her live in peace.

Weixian: Okay!. (Thinking) But I still need to know what reincarnation Wenren Yu is. (To Xing'er) Xing'er do you have a way of making her heal faster?

Xing'er: Weixian! Like I said before her Phoenix prowess and blood are damaged, so it will be harder for her to recuperate. But if she gets someone with a strong cultivation to help her, maybe she could recuperate faster.

Weixian: Okay! I understand, I'll send some of my cultivation prowess to her.

Xing'er: (Shocked) No! Weixian! It's dangerous, I can't allow you risk your life for her.

Weixian: A'Xing, Yu risk her life for me, so I must help her too.

Xing'er: Weixian are you insane? You haven't even healed properly.

Weixian: Xing'er don't bother about me, just guard for me, while I transfer so prowesses to her.

Xing'er: Buttttttt...

Weixian: A'Xing, just do me this one favour, Okay?

Xing'er: Fine. (she sets a formation to help guard Weixian)

Weixian: (thinking) Renyu! I'll send you some of my prowesses, hopefully this will be of help. ( He starts transferring).

Xing'er: (thinking) Weixian! Why are you so concerned about her, why are you helping her, I've been with you for thousands years, I even gave up my Immortal identity for you. Yet you have never been so determined to risk your life for me. But now you are doing it for a total stranger. Weixian are you in love with her? No! It can't be, you are only allowed to fall in love with one person in this life time. And that should be me, I've been with you for so many years, you should at least have some feeling for me. You are mine and mine alone, No one one can snatch you away from me forever, no one not even"Lady of fire".