
Shiro's Stats and Abilities

Name: Shiro Moji

Age: 20

Rank: Manhood

Preferred Trait: Lust


Lust: 10/50

Talent: 10/50

Passion: 10/50

Charisma: 10/50

Sensitivity: 10/50

Flirtation: 10/50

Romance: 10/50

Luck: 10/50

Charm: 10/50

Stamina: 10/50

Base: Peak Human Condition, Borderline Enhanced Condition

Peak: Superhuman Condition


Eye of Lust: Bestows the user with Indomitable Lust, Indomitable Libido, Lust Inducement, Lust Empowerment, and becomes the Embodiment of Lust.

Indomitable Lust: The user has indomitably strong lust which acts as their source of power. It fuels on the Sins of Gluttony, Greed, Rage, and of course Lust (Sexual, and Bloodlust). This allows them to be empowered by their own lust or lust from others at a price they may be corrupted and become Malevolent.

Indomitable Libido: the user has inexhaustible libido which works for an unending source of power. The users Sex Drive can act as self-augmented power and can empower them. Since Libido leads to Lust, the user can tap into both of these abilities but Lust will take over and soon cancel out the boosts from Libido.

Lust Inducement: The user can induce lust upon their targets and depending on how powerful the user is, the target will either simply be strongly infatuated with the user or have such a powerful lust for the user to the point they will want the user completely to themselves. This will induce only dark and twisted love which leads to the target betraying their loved ones for the user or becoming Yandere.

Lust Empowerment: The user becomes more powerful based on how much lust they feed off of or how much lust they hold within themselves. The user can become faster, stronger, more durable, etc. just by the lust of oneself or others. The user can become so powerful off Lust to where they unlock new abilities or break limits, enhance existing abilities, may stop aging, and draw sustenance.

Embodiment of Lust: The user becomes the Embodiment of all things lust and gains the ability to gain power off lust of oneself and others around them. User can convert lust into energy and use it to extend their life span or as a weapon. The user has perfect beauty and can never age, some cases become immortal.

Ability Intuition: The user can learn abilities just by seeing the ability in action and understand everything about the ability. This gives the user the ability to master any ability and learn the weaknesses of the ability as well as create countermeasures if they understand the ability well enough. If the user can intuitively know about a power, they can control and master it.

Hidden Ability - Indomitable Sexuality: The user thrives and are empowered through sheer sexuality alone that their very sexuality possesses incredible sexual power/abilities and very potent sexual energy that can act as a source of unending power they can use for their own, manifesting itself through the users libidinous desires and sexual organs gaining powerful abilities can have a attractive effect even towards others. (Shiro Exclusive: The more girls he has sex with, the more powerful he becomes)