
Destiny Harem Remastered

"Wait...You want me to what? Go on dates with who? I am literally just now starting college can this wait?! I'm only 19 years old! Allow me to at least ready myself for this! Being a virgin doesn't sound to bad right about now..." A "lucky" 19 year old male named Shiro Moji has been chosen to start his own harem with many women of different races and species! A truly momentous moment for him to finally escape his old virgin lifestyle and finally become a man! As he goes on dates, a tiny demon guide named Lustie, helps him keep track on how much affection each girl has and has other useful features! Join Shiro as he builds his very own harem with many different girls! -------------- This is the absolute remastered version of my most popular book, Destiny Harem. As I reread the first writing of Destiny Harem and began to continue to write different books to see how much I can improve, it's time to put it to the ultimate test by giving you all a way better Destiny Harem experience. There are better written characters and even new characters to see in the story! There are new backstories, better interactions, and overall a better Shiro! Please enjoy Destiny Harem Remastered!

AisuruOfficial · Fantasía
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47 Chs

Everything I'm Thankful For *

Day: Thursday/Thanksgiving

Location: Brickwood Park

Time: Morning

I parked my car at the park and got out then made my way inside of the park. I noticed Whitney sitting at a picnic table alone. I walked over to her. She noticed me and smiled then watched me sit beside her.

"So...Why the long face this year?" I asked.

"You know why...anytime Thanksgiving and Christmas gets here, my mom wants to come over and you know how complicated that is...My mom being an adult actress and all. My dad being a man of good morality and morals. They absolutely hate each other one because my dad doesn't accept my mom at all despite her doing everything she could to get enough money to provide for me. My mom doesn't want to let her old habits go. She's got this thing called...emphysema. She's at stage one right now, but I worry if she doesn't stop she will end up dying in five years. That's what the doctor said." Whitney sighed and leaned against me. "All of this sucks balls."

I wrapped my arm around Whitney and rubbed her shoulders. "I know...I went to one of the events and never returned." I chuckled.

"Yeah, you said my family was as rowdy as an unkempt barnyard." Whitney giggled. "I haven't gotten to meet your parents but it sucks that they left you behind like that.."

"Yeah, but my guardian took good care of me. She seemed to like you a lot as well." I smiled.

"I liked her as well..~ I would always spend my second half of Christmas and Thanksgiving with you. I remember that one time we were under that mistletoe..~ We were so shy and nervous.." Whitney giggled and closed her eyes.

"How time flies..." I said softly.

"I wanna go back to those gentle days...I don't want to spend another moment with my family this holiday..." Whitney said then looked up at me.

"You can spend it at my house if you'd like. I can cook and such for us. Maybe we can have a romantic dinner together and reminisce and maybe something more..?" I smiled.

[Whitney's Bond Percentage rose to 97%]

"Something more huh..?~ I'll think about that something more when the time comes..~" Whitney smiled.

I let her go then stood up. "Hey, how about we hang out for a bit before we go back to my place and have our Thanksgiving dinner?"

Whitney nodded and stood up happily. "I'd love to..~"

I smiled and held Whitney's hand then we walked to my car together then I helped Whitney inside of the car then walked around, getting in my car as well.

I started the car and drove off and Whitney looked out the window smiling happily. We kept talking about old memories and laughed at our most embarrassing moments together.

"I had forgotten that we even went to that school dance together. Oh man Caden was pissed off that day." I laughed softly.

"You bet! I had to get an earful when I called him later that night. It was honestly funny, but I kinda felt bad afterwards." Whitney giggled.

"Remember that secret Santa moment and I gave you a box of earrings and you felt so bad because you just gave me a box full of candy?" I asked.

"Yeaaahhhhh, I didn't know we were going all out that year." Whitney giggled softly and looked out the window.

"You were about to cry when you noticed your gift didn't compare to mine, but I still happily accepted the gift. It isn't about the gift, the thought was enough for me." I said and looked at Whitney then back at the road.

"At least I got you your favorite candies..~" Whitney smiled.

I nodded and chuckled. "And I ate it in one day.."

"As expected." Whitney laughed softly.

Day: Thanksgiving Day

Location: Luna Outlook

Time: Daytime

I parked my car at the outlook and we got out the car then I walked over to Whitney and held her hand. We walked up the stairs together and felt the gentle breeze brush against our faces. I took her to sit down on a bench and we looked out at the scenery.

"It's so beautiful up here. You can even see the other cities from here like Sanctuary Lake and Yellow River. Oh look at the Volcano as well!~ How have I never heard of this place before?" Whitney said and smiled at the scenery.

"Well that's because you've never come out this far before. This place is on the edge of Twilight Central. I've only been here once with my guardian before she moved back to Texas." I smiled and looked out into the scenery as well.

Whitney smiled and stood up then went to the rails of the outlook to get a closer view of the scenery. I took Lust-E out of my pocket and took a picture of Whitney. Whitney looked absolutely beautiful...I couldn't take my eyes off her. Whitney turned around at me and giggled, noticing me taking pictures of her.

"Come on, Shiji~ I wasn't prepared!~" Whitney smiled.

"I know, but that's the beauty of this picture..~ It looks so natural..~" I said then stood up and walked to Whitney.

We both looked at the scenery together more and she pointed at an airplane headed to Texas.

"I wanna go back to the United States one day...Travel around the country and explore new areas. It's always been a dream of mine and mom's to explore there and see new scenery such as the Grand Canyon and the White House." Whitney smiled.

"I'm sure I can help with that." I smiled and looked at the plane. "You can also meet up with my guardian too and she can be your guide, if I get a hold of her."

Whitney nodded and looked at me. "I'd love that! That'll be awesome, but I want you to come with so it can be like old times."

"I'll think about it." I chuckled and looked at her happy smile.

We finally decided to leave the outlook and go back to my car then we got in and I drove off.

"Can we drive along the long road and get something from Checkmate's?~" Whitney asked and looked at me.

"Yeah, let's do that." I smiled.

She squealed with happiness and I handed her the aux cord. She plugged the aux cord into her phone and began to play music. I let down the top of my car and began to drive to Checkmate's. Once we got something from Checkmate's, I began to drive off along the longest road in Destiny Island.

"I really love these long drives with you and the wind on my face!~ Eeee!~ This is heavenly!~" Whitney said happily then took out her phone and took a picture of us then posted it on her Instagram.

"It is very relaxing as well, just watching the scenery pass by whole zooming down the lane doing 85~ It's amazing~" I chuckled.

Whitney nodded and began to jam out to her music. I kept driving and Whitney fed me my food as I drove and giggled.

An hour went by and we stopped on the side of the road and sat beside each other along a cliff and flirted and chatted with each other.

"Oooo..~ Such sweet words..~" Whitney giggled and poked my cheek playfully.

"Well I'll do more than just whisper sweet words..~" I chuckled and made Whitney blush hard.

Whitney covered her face and squeaked into her hands. "Shijii!~"

"Come on, you got a glimpse of it the other day..~ I'm sure you'd like to experience more of it..~" I chuckled and stroked her hair.

She looked at me through her fingers and her face was completely red. She nodded quickly. "M-Mhm! I d-do..!"

I chuckled and stood up then helped her up. We walked back to my car and got in. We continued down our path along the longest road in Destiny Island.

Day: Thanksgiving Day

Location: My House

Time: Evening

We walked into my house and I led Whitney to the living and sat her down on the couch then kissed her lips. She kissed back and made a happy noise. I pulled away then rubbed her cheek and went into the kitchen to cook up a Thanksgiving Dinner.

Lustie began to play music sneakily on the speakers and set the mood just right while I cooked.

"Wow~ You really know how to set the mood..~ We haven't even had dinner yet~" Whitney giggled.

"Well I'd like to prepare ahead of time~" I chuckled.

Whitney relaxed on the couch while she waited for the food to be done. I didn't go too heavy on the cooking since it was only me and Whitney for the night.

Half an hour passed by and I finally got finished with the dinner and brought the plates to the living room then set them on the table. She looked at the food and smiled then sniffed the aroma of the food.

"It smells really good, but then again you are an amazing cook." Whitney giggled and watched me go back to the kitchen to get the drinks.

"Well I did make your favorite..~ Impossible Burger and Fries~ I decided to make this a bit personal by making your absolute favorite..~" I chuckled and sat down beside her.

"You're the best..~" Whitney smiled. "Let's dig in!~"

I nodded and we grabbed our plates then began to eat our food. Whitney absolutely loved the burger and wiggled in her seat. I could tell she was very happy with her meal and smiled happily. We made small talk as we ate together and once it was all done, the mood was absolutely set.

"I'm very thankful to have you in my life, Shiro. If we hadn't met all those years ago...I'm sure I wouldn't be where I am now..~ By your side..~" Whitney smiled.

"I'm thankful for you as well..~ All the memories we shared with each other...it was worth it in the end and now I'm glad to have you here...with me..~" I chuckled and stroked her hair.

She smiled and leaned closer to me then kissed my lips. I kissed back and we began to make out for a good minute straight before she had to pull away and catch her breath.

Whitney giggled and traced my chest with her finger. "I don't want this date to end just yet...nor do I want to go home tonight. So how about me and you...go upstairs and do what you wanted..~"

"Oh..?~ Are you sure..?~" I asked and smirked.

"Yeah..~ If I am to lose my virginity...I want it to be with you...someone I actually trust..~" Whitney smiled and stood up then pulled me off the couch.

I chuckled and held her hand then led her to my bedroom upstairs. Once we entered the room, I closed the door and turned on the LED lights. I brought Whitney over to my bed and picked her up. She wrapped her arms and legs around me then I got on the bed and laid her down.

I began to kiss her lips and she kissed back deeply. We kissed for a few seconds before I broke the kiss and began to kiss her neck. She tilted her head and made soft noises. I gently bit down on her neck and she gripped my shirt, softly moaning. She used her strength to flip the position so she was on top. She sat on top of me and slowly took her shirt off then tossed it on the floor. She reached behind her and unclasped her pink bra then let it fall on me. She tossed it on the ground as well and slowly went down on the bed then unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my pants.

"I've...watched enough vanilla porn to understand this concept and even practiced on the handle of my hairbrush..~ Don't feel afraid to tell me to stop okay..?~" Whitney said and looked at me with lust in her eyes.

I nodded and watched her. She pulled down my pants and boxers then got them off my legs and set them on the floor. She watched my erect cock stand up and her face began to get even more red. She crawled to the side of me and clasped her hand around my cock then began to stroke it up and down slowly. She admired my shaft as she stroked it. She placed her other hand on my chest then engulfed my cock into her mouth and began to suck my cock slowly. I gave soft moans and instinctively grabbed a handful of Whitney's hair as she sucked and slurped on my cock.

"That feels so good, Wynn..~ Keep going..~" I moaned as I watched her, hypnotized by her. I gripped her hair tighter and kept my breathing steady.

She made soft sounds and began to increase her pace and closed her eyes. Her tongue felt like it was moving everywhere around my cock and my body felt an overwhelming pleasure from the blowjob. I made her go down deeper and she began to grip my shirt and deepthroat my cock. She coughed and I raised her head back up and she gasped for air then panted heavily. She began to stroke my cock quickly then stopped so she could take off her pants and panties, kicking them on the floor.

I pulled her next to me then made her lay down. She watched me get lower on the bed and spread her legs open. She bit down on her finger and panted heavily. I rubbed her wet pussy and brought my face closer to her cunt then licked her pussy slowly. Her body shuddered in pleasure and she closed her eyes tightly. I kept licking her pussy then eventually went to sucking on her clit which drove her wild, reaching a point of ecstasy.

"Haah!~ Ahh!~ Oh God!~" Whitney moaned loudly and began to squirm a bit on the bed.

She cried out and began to squirt all over my face. She moaned loudly, and huffed and panted. She arched her back and reached an orgasm. She felt a pleasure she'd never imagined she'd ever feel.

I chuckled softly and sat up. I crawled towards her and she looked at me, completely hypnotized by lust. I rubbed the tip of my cock along her wet and virgin pussy. I could smell her juices as it dripped from her anticipating cunt.

"Please...not too rough..okay?~" Whitney cooed. She was very nervous for her first time and her heart was racing with anticipation.

I nodded and looked into her eyes. My cock was so hard that it began throbbing. I wanted to fuck Whitney so badly that I could barely wait a second longer. I began to slowly penetrated her virgin hole with the tip of my cock. She winced softly and gripped the bed sheets. I felt the tightness of her sacred hole and she began to take deep breaths as I continued to bury myself inside her.

"Hnnnngh..!~" She moaned and grunted softly as she felt me push more of my length inside of her.

I managed to get an inch inside of her then went for more until I hit a wall. I panted and moaned softly as I began to break through her hymen. She gripped the covers tighter and panted heavily until I finally broke past it. She groaned and panted softly. I noticed a little blood coming from her pussy.

"I'm okay..~ I'm okay...just let me catch my breath..~" Whitney said and began to relax slowly.

I nodded and took off my shirt while she regulated her breathing. I tossed it on the ground then looked at her.

"I'm ready..~" She nodded at me and smiled.

"Okay...I'm gonna move slowly.." I said then began to thrust my cock into her slowly.

She looked into my eyes and made tiny noises with each gentle thrust. Her pussy was still tight and felt amazing. I kept my breathing steady as I kept plunging myself inside of her.

"It feels so good..~" Whitney cooed and kept eye contact with me.

"I agree..~" I cooed back and kept looking at her in her eyes.

After a few more thrusts, I felt that my cock was sliding inside of her smoothly and began to thrust faster.

"Aahh!~ Haa!~" Whitney moaned in pure bliss and ecstasy. She threw her head back and moaned loudly as she felt my thrusts strengthen. Her fears and nervousness quickly vanished and turned into animalistic lust. "Shiji!~ Yes!~"

"Fuck, your pussy is so amazing!~" I moaned and began to fuck her harder.

"Baby yes!~ Yes!~ Yes!~" She squealed loudly, reaching an orgasm. Her legs shook as a wave of unexplainable pleasure hit her body and she began to squirt all over my member.

I couldn't control my body anymore as it began to have a mind of its own when fucking Whitney. I rubbed her clit and she began to arch her back a lot and her voice began to grow higher in pitch and became shaky.

"Haaa!~ Nngggaah!!~" She cried out in pure pleasure as I rubbed her clit while fucking her with gusto and hard.

I stopped and panted heavily. Whitney panted heavily as well and gripped the pillow behind her head and threw it off the bed. I chuckled seductively and gripped her breast and began to fondle it. She moaned and watched me. She looked up at my face and we both looked at each other perversely.

I began to fuck her once again and she began moaning loudly once again.

"Shiji!~ My Shiji!~ Ahhaah!~ Your dick feels so good!~" She moaned and cried tears of pleasure.

I grunted with pleasure as I kept fucking her mercilessly. She reached her hands up and I grabbed her hands then leaned down and kissed her lips as we fucked. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. Her toes curled and she moaned loudly within the kiss. I began to fuck her faster and harder, making the bed squeak loudly.

I broke the kiss and began to breathe heavily against her neck while she moaned into my ear, digging her nails into my neck. We both were reaching our climax and moaned each other's names.

"Wynn!~" I moaned, hitting my climax.

"Shiji!!~" Whitney moaned as well and panted heavily.

I groaned loudly as I came inside of her pussy and she moaned loudly as she came all over my cock. I felt my cock pulsating and pumping out cum like its never done before. I gripped the covers tightly and grunted loudly.

Whitney couldn't even moan anymore as she felt the cum overflow in her pussy. I slowly took my cock out of her pussy and she began to push the cum out of her pussy and panted heavily. I collapsed beside her and panted heavily.

[Whitney's Bond Percentage rose to 100%]

[Girlfriend Status Reached]

[Achievement Unlocked: 100% Whitney]

[Reward: Whitney's Charm (Added to Hidden Inventory)]

[Achievement Unlocked: Boyfriend Status]

[Credi Earned: 10,000]

We didn't have to speak as we just cuddled against one another and fell asleep with each other. We rested soundly and peacefully. It was the most peaceful rest I've gotten in forever.

Day: Friday

Location: My Bedroom

Time: Morning

I had just woken up and noticed Whitney getting dressed and smiled at her. I rolled over on my side and heard a car honking. "Mmm...who's that?"

Whitney looked at me and smiled. "Morning, sleepyhead and that would be my father..~ He knew I'd spend the night here so he texted me saying he'll pick me up this morning..~ Last night was uh...it was amazing..~ We should definitely do that again sometime...next time I'm on top~"

I chuckled and looked at her. "We'll see..~"

Whitney giggled and leaned into me and kissed my lips. I kissed back and she pulled away then stood up and wobbled a bit. I watched her leave my room with a slight limp then rolled on my back and looked at the ceiling.

"Way too go, Champ! 100% Whitney and made her your Girlfriend..~ Now that's what I call a win win~" Lustie giggled and floated above me.

"Thanks, Red." I chuckled.

"Hey...word around Twilight is Whitney's mom is in the area. Wanna go check it out?" Lustie asked.

"Sure why not?~" I said then sat up.

[Tracking...Krystal Dawn...]

"This...is gonna be so good..~" Lustie giggled.