
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · Fantasía
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100 Chs

Chapter 89: Thread Cutter: Silent Alliances in the Regal Labyrinth

Ever since that boy morgan left, boredom has become my constant companion. Life feels dul. Days pass in monotony, confined to my chambers, waiting for the pieces of my plans to fall into place. Everything around me bores me. Ever since finn and his group fled from the kingdom, everything has been still. Day in, day out, I sit in my chambers doing nothing. All of my plans are already in action; every single pawn is in place, and now all I have to do is wait for everything to start falling into place. Many of the La'faurians think of me as a traitor. I can hear them talking behind my back, but then I wonder, who said my loyalty was with Zebha? I am only loyal to my cause, my goals. I have learned better than to care for anybody else, but then again, why should I care for mortals?

Knock, knock. A knock interrupts my thoughts, and I head for the door. Opening it, I find a young knight standing in front of my door with a very serious expression on her face. I can see the uneasiness in her small movements; her hands are slightly trembling, and her forehead is a little moist.

"General, the lord requests your presence in the throne room," she speaks very loudly. I smile at her and gesture for her to lead the way.

Following behind her, I quietly observe her stiff movements. Quietly, Silent footsteps echo through the colossal marble hallways, the tapestries on the walls whispering tales of bygone eras as we navigate the regal labyrinth, navigating around the palace easily until we reach the throne room. She stands beside the door and gestures for me to get in. I nod before pushing the doors open, only to be met by the sounds of laughter. King Dupres is seated on the throne, while two of his trusted guards stand on both of his sides. Below the throne is A sprawling, semi-circular desk stretches before the throne, its polished surface a canvas for the weighty decisions that unfold within the regal chamber , with all the remaining doom generals seated on it. Well, I am the only one left. I calmly make my way to the desk, bowing to the king before taking my seat. I can feel the hostile gazes of the other generals, but I could not care less.

"Now that you are all here, we can start," he pauses for a while, his left hand tapping his knee – a sign of his suppressed excitement. I have noticed it a lot in the past few months.

"We have information on where the rest of the capital's residents are, including the sacred preacher and the rest of the church's forces. They have been hiding right under our noses, literally. They are hiding right below the capital, in a series of cave networks created by a very anxious king years ago called the Hidden Sanctum. I had sent scouts to go check it out, and I believe they should be on their way back right now," he speaks, his excitement radiating in his eyes. The rest of the generals seated beside me clap, but I cannot do such a thing with only one good hand left.

The clapping and cheers die down, and he continues, "I believe that Zebha is ours for the taking now. If we destroy the church, then the rest of the kingdom will stop resisting, and we would have truly conquered Zebha. By conquering the church, the rest of the citizens will lose faith in Zebha, and they will defect. But we will only accept citizens with no military experience; anyone else will have to be swiftly dealt with. Any future threat should be neutralized as soon as possible. Anyway, the real reason I summoned you all here is to alert you that I have decided to send a small fleet to the nearest kingdom and gauge their strength. Which kingdom do you think I should attack first, between Nesa'i and Hentesa?" he asks.

I should try to divert danger away from that boy's group; they already have a lot to face. I quickly stand up and bow.

"My Lord, I believe you should focus on Nesa'i. Hentesa is closer to the gates of the underworld, and it has been rumored that their relationship with the gatekeeper Badu Larohua is very good. Plus, there is the mysterious place called The Deep. We do not know what resides in there, but all we know is that the Hentesean kingdom trains their subjects there. I suppose there is a sort of agreement or understanding between the creatures inhabiting the deep and the Henteseans. It would be best if we do not provoke what we do not know, so I believe Nesa'i is better." With that, I sit down. My point is both true and reasonable, but I lied also. The Nesa'eans are very mysterious, more so than the Henteseans. Their use of breath is very mysterious and intriguing, just like their goddess, the Mother of Woes.

"Speak now if you harbor dissent." Dupres spoke with an obsolete tone .I tilt my head to get a better look at my colleagues, and not one of them refutes what I have just said. With that, the king clasps his hands. "Very well, then. Nesa'i it is. You, General, will be the one leading this fleet. I will deploy five thousand men ranging from Soul Seed to Soul Sapling Konquerors. Just test the waters and report back. Is that too hard for you?" he asks me. I can hear the other generals sneering, but I couldn't be happier. At least I could go and do my research there, so I hurriedly agree, "No, no, it won't be too hard."

Dupres smiles, and the meeting continues with him and the other generals discussing other matters that I could not be bothered with. I was just too happy; I would be able to visit the home of the hidden realm, Titanus's everbleeding palms. A very mysterious place; its entrance is hidden deep in Nesa'i's mountains of misfortune. An opportunity presents itself, a tantalizing prospect to delve deeper into the mysteries that shroud her origins and her sorcery. This world is better than the last.

After a while, Dupres dismisses everyone besides me. I already know what he wanted to talk about, the Tablets of Ancient. In the silence of the throne room, Dupres's eyes roam all over my body, as if he is trying to see all of the secrets I have hidden deep in my being. But his search bears no results, not because he is weak, but simply because I am not his equal.

"You're no stranger to intrigue, General. I summoned you for a purpose. Let's address the more pressing matters, shall we?" he pauses, looking at me. I give him a quick nod as a response, and he continues, "Ke'si is a very, very dangerous place, even for a Konqueror of my ability. So what would you suggest I do?" he asks me.

Oh well, I could either give him a map of all the safe routes to take, but then I would endanger the princess who is still there. But I could also give him a map and point out only a few safe routes; in that way, I can buy the princess time.

"I have a map with a few safe routes you can take. The rest of the journey, you will be on your own because I only know a few routes myself," I explain. He nods in agreement, but I can see his disbelief in his eyes.

"Your knowledge seems boundless. A gift or a curse, General?" he asks. Oh, I see he is suspicious of me now. Naive one , A subtle arch in my eyebrow, a question veiled in respect. "Does my knowledge disturb your sovereign tranquility, my lord?'

He observes me for a minute before shaking his head. "Not at all. Remember, General, knowledge is power. Bring me the map, you may leave. " I stand up from where I was seated, give a small bow, then leave. When I reach the door, he calls out to me, "Oh, and General, don't forget to prepare for your trip; the ocean is very unfriendly." He smiles, but I don't miss the real meaning of his words. Smiling back at him, I open the doors and leave.

The knight that had come to fetch me at my room is still outside when I get out. Seeing me, she suppresses her smile and gives me a salute before looking away. She wants me, so her nervousness earlier was all because she wants me. Humans are really confusing creatures. A subtle nod acknowledges her presence, a silent understanding passing between us like a fleeting breeze, before I resume my journey through the palace corridors. I have to alert Finn of the new developments. My troubles never end, but what is confusing me is who could have tampered with time? The only being I know that has an interest in time was him. Did he really achieve it? The lingering uncertainty clings to my thoughts like a shadow, a question that dances just beyond the grasp of revelation.

Huh ? Shadows loom on the horizon – not mere shadows, but the foreboding entities known as Apollyon's children. A new layer of mystery unfolds infront of my eyes , raising my questions about their malevolent presence in this intriguing world, but the threat level has gone high with the appearance of these Shadows. One has to have the blasphemous runes thread cutter and be bestowed the name Apollyon Twyla. Have they already found their own Apollyon? I wonder who it is. Maybe I know him? Oh well, they can wait plus they are too far away from me , but Titanus's everbleeding palms cannot wait.