
chapter 65: The Deep

Timothy was stuck in the middle of a heated argument with his little fox . " At this point , I do not know why I still keep you around . You are so ...so useless , all you ever do is sleep . Who sleeps for two weeks straight? This is literally the first time in two weeks since I saw you. " Timothy's voice was loud

The little fox had a mug smile on it's face " get over it , I said I was sleeping ."

Timothy threw a pillow at the fox but it was easily evaded. The fox's smile grew wider revealing it's fangs.

" What ? You longed for me that much? Do not worry I'm back now " A long sigh finally eacaped Timothy's mouth

" I should probably cook you . " The little fox's smile was gone replaced by a wronged expression

" I am in my growing stage , these type of breaks helps me mature accordingly. And how could you even think about eating me , your old friend huh? Remember the old days? Hiding under corpses ? When I carried you on my back? That has to mean something right?" The little fox retreated a few steps back

Timothy stared at him with a sinister expression but before he could do anything , he was interrupted by a knock on the door

"Me and you later . I'm coming!" He went to open the door , Elaine stood at his door . Her face showed no sign of emotion like usual

" Uh uhm Elaine , is something the matter? " Timothy asked . Elaine shook her head

" No . Today is the day you all get to go to the training grounds and my Lord wants to see you right away ."

Timothy nodded and stepped out of his room with the little fox behind him . They followed Elaine to Finn's room in silence.

Outside the door elaine knocked twice and the door was opened by komoni , they got inside leaving komoni to close the door and lock it . Every member of their group was inside Finn's room , sadly Lenard was not included . Finn's room was very spacious and filed with luxurious furniture . Finn was seated on a lectus while the rest knelt on top of cushions , Timothy knelt on a cushion next to Jake who smiled at him but he chose to ignore him. The little fox laid down Infront of him .

" Since you are all here there are some few things I want to tell you. A few nights ago lady Harmonia reached out to me with her astral form and explained what happened in Sondor , faro was defeated by zenoki and taken away and the rest of her team was wiped out by zenoki . She only managed to survive because of her extensive knolwaedge in rune magic , she managed to cast a regeneration rune spell right when his attack hit her . Right now she is currently in the sanctuary where the rest of our citizens are , and she said that the influence of the church on the peopleis getting too strong . Sacred preacher Tumo has always been after the crown for a long time and now is the perfect time for him to garner public favour and usurp the throne from me . But I have preparations for him , what I really brought you all here for is about the deep." Finn paused for a while letting them absorb what he had just told them

He continued" the deep is what lies below this sinkhole , generations of hentesean Konquerors have all challenged the deep . The deep has four zones namely the sunlight zone, twilight zone, midnight zone, and abyssal zone. These are found when you enter the waters below the sinkhole.The deep has a wide array of undersea terrain, including trenches that are often deeper than the highest mountain peak is tall, as well as deep-sea volcanoes and basins. While it is often difficult for life to sustain itself in this type of environment, many species have adapted and do thrive in these zones. In the first zone you find Blue men of the tulo. These supernatural creatures live in underwater caves in the sunlight zone called the caves of tulo, a border between the sunlight zone and the twilight zone . The Blue Men look like humans but with blue skins. They are infamous for their savage nature , and their attempts on trying to drown humans by conjuring storms and by luring weak minded people into their caves . If anyone wants to escape from them he would have to finish their rhymes and solve their riddles, and always make sure he got the last word. The Blue men are also hierarchical, as they are ruled over by a chieftain. Some think the Blue Men may be the offsprings of the devils that escaped from the gates of bermun and took sanctuary in the caves of tulo


These are water spirits that live in underwater palaces made from sunken ships. They look like old men with long green beards, covered in hairs, scales and slime. It is said the Vodianoi are offended by the boldness of humans, and therefore always try to drown them . They take the drowned down to their underwater dwellings to serve as slaves, with the exception of millers and fishermen, whom they usually befriend but it has been long since anyone has ever attempted to catch fish in the deep. They are spirits of unclean dead.they can also transform into various sea creatures.

The Lady of the sea is the one that resides in the midnight zone , the waters there are deadly still and calm like that of a lake, She was said to have raised the first king of hentesa, given Neptune to King Claudius and she is one of many that prophesied this war. Her relationship with the kingdom is healthy.

Dragon Kings

Dragon Kings are rumored to consist of four separate dragons, each of which rules over a certain part of the abyssal zone.These Dragon Kings are rumored to be able to shape-shift to human form, and live in crystal palaces guarded by shrimps and crabs

These are the inhabitants of the deep , but they are not our enemy well not everytime that is . The enemy you are going to be fighting are the vile creatures that thresten the lives of the inhabitants of the deep , the dreadful creatures are called children of Neptunia. appearing as a nakedman with a beast-like face, greenish scales , and long hair, with their bodies covered in algae and muck, usually covered in black fish scales; сonsequently, they have webbed paws instead of hands,a fish's tail, and eyes that burn like red-hot coals. They seem to have intelligence and a hierarchy often led by what they have labelled Menua. These creatures are stronger and faster than us , plus they have a deep affinity with the water and wind elements . A single menua can take on two soul tree Konquerors . My point is these creatures are very deadly but there is also something you have to know , in each and every zone you enter there are ancient murals and texts guarded by the inhabitants and in order to acquire the knowledge in the texts and murals you must defeat their champion. I managed to get past two zones but before I could go for the third, my time in hentesa was over. You will be given an artifact that will allow you to breath , speak and See under water . But first you will be taught how to swim and fight underwater , they have two types of arts mainly formless sword art and formless boxing . I suggest that komoni , Jake , Carolyn ,ver and Sydney you four should learn formless boxing since you are not sword users . Timothy and the rest will learn formless sword art. To survive in the deep you will need a strong body , so remember to train your body . That is all , any questions?" Finn had spoken everything he wanted to speak . Timothy asked a question

" Your description of the Vodianoi is frighteningly disturbing , they seem to be hostile towards humans so how can we be sure they will not attack us?" Everyone nodded to Timothy's question

Finn chuckled a bit before explaining " The Vodianoi will attack you , they despise humans but one can earn their respect by defeating their champion. But never be too relaxed around them ."

"My Lord what about the language barrier?" Lus asked

"After centuries of involvement with one another , they can understand our tongue." Finn answered

The whole room went quiet . Everyone had different thoughts about this but they also had one common thought and that was the need to get stronger.

A few minutes of silence went by until there was a small knock from the door , Elaine went to open it . Lenard walked in the room with a smile , he briefly nodded at Finn before greeting the others

" Good morning to you all , I would like to invite you downstairs to the library ....there is a guest waiting for you there" Lenard turned around and left the room .

Finn sighed and gestured for everyone to follow him downstairs

blue men of tulo are derived from the blue men of the Minch (Scottish mythos)

Vodianoi , they are derived from Slavic mythos

dragon kings derived from Chinese mythos

lady of the sea? Really now? we all know that's lady of the lake...

SHADOW_IVcreators' thoughts