
Destiny: Aryon Legacy

Jesse Aryon is the last descendant of the family of Aryon. Aryon was the first mortal to combine Dragon Magic and Celestial powers. The end is nigh as an evil of a lost time is rising turning the wheels of fate in motion creating an uprising for the return for even greater evils that have threatened the void whilst crossing paths with jesse's journey of self discovery ...

RunicNero · Fantasía
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16 Chs

The World Now

In the capital Of Mythika.

After the war, kingdoms became further divided and Balta, became known as Hier Of Balta, alliances between kingdoms and lands were broken while others were formed and strengthened, and then life took a major leap from bad to worse which sucked of course.

Something called the rank system was invented and it took immediate effect upon its arrival. Power stopped belonging to the monarch. The younglings who were less privileged became forced to bear arms, train to be soldiers, killers and spies that is if they had the latent potential.

Unfortunately most of us didn't survive the physical and psychological training. Those who passed where put in teams under different factions.

Jesse Aryon, a snowy white haired slender young man with grey eyes, dressed in black pants and a grey long sleeve shirt.

Sir Alex Theor, the elderly bald man with light blue eyes dressed like a mage with a white striped scarf, sits up from behind a desk, walks out of the building heading towards the training sector.

" How are they doing today? Doctor keiv"

Dr Gwendolyn Keiv, dark haired plump brown skinned young lady with light green eyes, on a light blue dress plus a lab coat untop

" It seems that it is going well they should be ready for battle in any environment from the Badlands to the uncharted regions in a few months time. But "

she pauses, raising her finger pointing at Jesse

" I'm worried about the rankless one over there, he shows no potential but yet he fits the wildcard criteria with no improvement in his rank number."

" Maybe he is just normal. Hmph, I see your point though but he does have a lot of determination."

says Sir Alex.

" Pardon me sir but I think he'll be useful in the scouts, Advanced Reconnaissance to be precise. Should he succeed. "

says Dr. Keiv as she and Sir Alex walk out continuing their discussion.

A while later at a pub close to the outskirts of Quins. Jesse and two others are seen drinking.

Lance Grant , a spiky black haired man with deep blue eyes, somewhat athletic body build, dressed in a fitted white top and trousers.

"Graduation is coming soon baby" he yells drinking a glass of wine " oh gosh I'm so gonna miss you guys" he says crying.

Kathryn Cios, a slim light skinned young lady with pink hair and light grey eyes, wearing rugged ash jeans, a brown jacket and a black crop top inside the jacket.

"Shut the hell up! You're causing a scene."

"Nope! you're the ones causing a scene. I'm just here to make sure you don't over do it." says Jesse with a gradual descent in his voice as he places his hand across the countertop.

"Boo! Buzz-kill! " Says Lance

" Say fellas you ever wondered what all the wars, bloodshed, origin stories we've heard were ever true or maybe it's a thought they placed in our heads" says Lance appearing very drunk.

" Naaaah!" They say simultaneously.

A group of guys slam on their table.

" Hey douchebags me and my acquaintances would like to know your friend over here. So move.... Now! " says one of the brutes, bald slightly tanned brown skinned with a muscular build and stench of booze around him.

" Did you hear something Jesse?!"

" Nope not the slightest noise tho' there are some bugs roaming about"

One of the guys grabs Lance and tosses him away, he crashes into an empty table, Jesse stands up pushing his chair backwards.

" Hey waiter! "

he calls out whilst dropping money on the counter.

" These are for our drinks and what comes next."

Kathryn looks at Jesse swaying head in a left to right manner.

" Sorry boys not interested. "

One of them grabs her hand, she twists his arm, dislodging the joints , he writhes in pain as the others rally up towards then a bottle comes from from across the room Lance dusts himself as the bottle shatters in front of the brutes.

" She said she's not interested " Lance and Jesse go up against the remaining brutes, as the fight ensues , he throws up stunning jabs at his opponents whilst lance uses a roundhouse kick to send one flying out through the entrance door, the last man is knocked out by Jesse while Kathryn sits at the counter watching the fight finish.

" Whew! That was a good workout" says Lance as he sits next to Kathryn

" Ok maybe it'd be fun to know what bloodline you belong to but then there's the history and books. I'm sure as hell that the outside world has changed over the last few years." says Jesse whilst cracking his slighty bruised knuckles.

Kathryn slams her hand on the table

" lets make a pact "

" Blood pact men!" Says lance

" No " says kathryn and Jesse shutting Lance down

" Inks " says Kathryn as they smirk at each other.

Moments Later,

"Damn that was painful" says Lance

"But you gotta admit it was " says Kathryn

" totally worth it." They say simultaneously

" Okay guys I'll be going back see y'all later " says Kathryn

"C'mon Lance we have to get going it's getting pretty late"

Lance falls to the ground and sleeps off. Jesse gives him a slight kick

" What the hell?! Are you sleeping already?!"

" I'll take that as a yes" says Jesse.

Jesse carries him to their quarters, he places Lance on the floor then rests on his bed.

" It seems just like yesterday I was an orphan, had no clue who I was , who my parents were or where I came from. I had absolutely nothing. But all that changed the day she found me." Says Jesse thinking to himself.

"Shut it will ya! You're doing it again" says Lance

"Huh?!" says jesse

"Talking to yourself you idiot! Now get some shut eye okay" says Lance as falls back to sleep almost instantly,

Jesse laughs as he stares up then sleeps off.