
Thanksgiving Dinner Celebration..

After that day Noel did what I tell him. Nick gang and the twins are always stay away from us. and it's better for us..

I do talk with Noah to stay by my sister no matter what. They both are got more closer day by day they where used to be before. And I am happy for that. He is stuck with her.

We do ditching party. And hangout to my house. And we talk. And fun. And it's is kinda cool. Our bonding getting more strong.

My friend's didn't ask me about that. About Noel avoiding to us. They know that one day it will happen. And I never try to make them understand.

Now that Ari did know about things. So tell her that we have to be at least be a safe. For anything or everything. So we did start to our self defence classes online and we did work out in our gym.

We do practice more. I know my sister don't deserve this life. Not even me. Hearing about thigs that it is real about all gangs. And Mafia. That is sacred me. And i want to stay far far away to them.

After week our exmas is coming up. So we all are bussy in that. Studying together and forget that shit.

Nick and Ness very close to each other. And I know why Nick is with her. He is protecting her. But I still can't get it. Why he is challenging to the Mafia. They are dangerous. And he do have to stay away to this matter.

But again he thinks that he can do whatever he want to do than be it. We are not going to. Support him. I know we are family. We did know that one time come that we do have to support to each other no matter what. We have to stick with each other. But if he still doing that shit. We are not going to be involved in that.

I do want to talk about it to Michelle. But than if i do talk with him. He will talk with Nickolas and than he come to me and all drama will be start again. Maybe this time is to know that what he is going is wrong. He have to understand this by himself. Because he not going to listen to us. More to me.

Exams is going well. And I am happy that we are doing well.. and Thanksgiving is coming up. I know that one more family dinner is coming up.

One think I learn that whenever we all get along. It's not going well. Something is always up. We do have see that drama and i don't want that.

I do want to invite my friends to join us. It's going to be Nickolas house. Dad announced that. We have dinner with them in there House. Noah and he's family also going to be there.

Me and Ari did argue to not to go there or not attend this dinner think. But still Michelle is close to me and Lucy is close to Ari. We don't have to hurt there feelings. So we did agree with that to join the dinner with them.

Now I am seating to my bedroom. And thinking about the dinner. What will happen if we go there. Or nothing happens. It's depends on the topic or thnigs we talk. And no matter what we have to go there. So I think it's better not to think about it. And than attend this dinner.

" Lena you ready.." my mom come to my room and looking at me that I am ready but still seating in my bed. And doing nothing. But thinking.

" What happened my child.." mom come to me and seat beside me.

" Nothing mom it's just that. I don't want to go. But I can't hurt Michelle and Lucy's feelings. And it is traditions and we do that always. So i don't know what to do.. " i tell her.

" I know Sweety. And don't worey all are be there. Nothing going to be happen. Just enjoy the dinner like we always do. They are family. And i don't want you guys because of your kids fighting. We part us away. We are together very long. So you guys have to forget everything and than start over. And that's the life. We can't stay stuck in one thing do we now. " My mom always give best advice no matter what.

" I think she is right Lena.. we do have to start over. And forget this everything. We are family. Today or later in future we always needed with each other. We do have to stick with each other. We can't Stop this. Do we now.. " Ari come and tell me. And I nodded iwth my head.

" I know guys. It's just that he don't do anything that make everyone's evening spoil. I do my best to avoid him. But most important is that will he.. " I ask them.

" Just go with it. We can see if somthing happen or.. it's just Come on we don't want to be late do we now.. " mom said. And I. Sign and than stood up.

I look at myself in mirror one time. I did wear formal dress for this dinner. Wearing my shoes. And I join them. I hug my dad. And we all are leave the House together.

The ride is silent. We all are bussy in our own thoughts. I also thinking about half of years is already gone. Now than Christmas will be come and than we all are going to bussy our final exams and than this year's also passed like this half of time passed.

Christmas. I still didn't plan or think that new years is coming. And what is the special that we can do.

Spending time with my friends and family it's always my goal. Let's see today will know that where we can going to do this Christmas. What they have planing for this Christmas.

When we reached the fimiler mansion. Dad park the car. And I see that Noah kayden and Medelline also getting out the car same time.

My mom and Medelline hug each other. When Kayden and dad give each other brotherly hug. And we kids did same say they did.

After that I did hug to Kayden and Medelline. And than we all are entered mansion.

Lucy and Michelle both welcome us. We all walk to there house. And than seat in living room.

Lucy quickly excuse to us. And walk to the kitchen to done her things. My mom and Medelline also join them. When Noah and Ari don't know where they go maybe they did go to pool side or somthing.

Now the we four of us are here alone. So Michelle told us to go to there secret pessange for talk. Which we don't mind in that. That is always our things. And i don't mind in that. To join them because I alway ended up alone. And i do not have other options. And I do like there company. They maybe are old. But they never bored me. there think still like me.. our thinking always matching that is the plus point.. and they are to easy to share things.. for me.. I can't say that to others..

Michelle make us drinks like it's normal. I did help him. and he smile at me.. and let me to help him..

" So how's going on all schools stuffs." He said when we are making drink to us.

" It is better that before I guess. We all are to bussy to our exam's so time go passed too fast." I said.

" I did see that Ari and Noah are getting closer. Is somthing that I didn't know " kayden said. And I smile.

" I tell him to stay with her. Don't make her feel alone. And they both look good together I guess.. plus Noah is sincerely taking care of her.. " i tell them.

" They always look good together. That's why I want her to be my.." he said and stop.

" I know. " I said.

" I see that Nick are lots spending time with the new girl. And you know I did check her background. Poor think. I am glad that Nick is doing something to her.. " Michelle said. He didn't sacred that if somthing happnd to Nick.

" You are not worry about if somthing happnd to him. She is bad news. The twins are bad news. I don't know why they are still keep spending time together. " I tell them.

" Yeahh maybe they are. But still I know Nick. He will handle it very smoothly. He know what he is doing. he is not that dumb. " He said it again.

" Also that girl also joining us today. With her brother." He said. And my eyes meet his and give him look that are you kidding me now.

" At least not when we are here. I mean I know they are good kids. But still they are bad news. And I don't want to hurt anyone who's I love most. Even we do stop talking with them. " I tell everyone.

" You act like bitch you know. That twins need you. And your support. She is having lots of trouble i know. And I also know your concern about your family and friends but you can't see she is or was also your friend. You can't stop talking with that hearing about all things. There is not there fault what there father did why they have to suffer them because of them. They need us.. " he said to me.

" Okky whatever you saying I agree on you. But that is what Nick want. He don't want us to be friends with them. And I am do think it's better that involves to there shit.. " I tell him.

" Michelle Lena is right. I don't want our kids got involved. When there is Nick already get involved. He is strong he can handle it but the kid's they didn't even know that how dangerous is all this are.. " my dad said.

" But Kevin. " Michelle want to argue but kayden stop him.

" This is not the right time. " He said and i don't know what they look at each other. And ended up there mind and than close there topics.

" Ariana is fine right.." Michelle change the topic.

" Yeah she is. Even we both are taking online self defence classes. And keep practicing in our gym.. I do want her to be safe. And strong that if she ever have any trouble little or big. She can manage herself. And face it. And fight back.." I explained to them

" That's one good think that you do is right.. and I appreciate that you are one brave girl here.." kayden said and we cheers over drink.

" I didn't tell me that you are teaching her. " My dad said.

" It's our think dad. I want her to be strong maybe you think that she can't handle but I have faith on her. She is more capable than me." I tell him.

" She's right you never known. The both girls have your blood. They never be weak.. " kayden said.

" I know oky. They are my daughter's. I am proud of them." He said proudly.

" Let's go to dinner. Before someone come to looking for us.." Michelle said. And than we left thst passage and join again to the dinning table.

The gang and twins are also there present. I don't want to spoil anyone's mood. I walk to kitchen. And than see that Ari and Noah are there. And chatting with ladies.

" There you are. Now feel like everyone is come so let's started.. " Lucy said. And than we all are join to the dinning table.

I seat beside Marcus and Noah's. When Ari's seat with Noah and dad. Noah did told me if i want to change the seat. But I told him that i will be fine.

I look at Marcus and than he feel eyes on him. Than he did look at me. We both look at each other. And than look away. He do is handsome huck. But still he is bad guy. Not my type of guy.

than what is your type.. my head snap me.. I just Rolle my eyes..

I prefer to sweet type of guys. Who's just life me. Talking like we know them ages and than spend time that never get know that how much time we spend together. And he do know how to cook. Because I don't know anything about it. But I am doing to understand or learn about it.

He do have understanding. And before I know he know the what I am thinking or feeling. It's not that he may maybe have powers so he know my things and read my mind like vampires do. It's just that sometimes we do catch people if they do having trouble or somthing.

" So let's start this tradition do we.." Lucy said happily she did look happy today and we don't want to make her sad do we now. No.. let's do this. broking my all thought i do nodded with my head.

" So I want to said somthing that I do have what I wanted. Understanding and loving husband. And my son who's are now making us happy and handling the business of Michelle. Plus you guys are here. So I have everything I want. Just never break the things or never forget this relationship. You guys are family. So yeah.. " she said and after that everyone is telling there story.

When Ness want to say somthing. I do hear what she want to said to this movement.

" Thanks to invite us. And it's to pleasure to meet you to spend time with you guys. I know we don't have to be here. I mean it's your family things. But still you guys invite us. Thanks for that. I never forget this day. And this much love. You all so nice. And happy.  One day I also want that my family will be like this. I and my brother never had this movement in our life. But you guys did give this memory to us. So thank you so much.. " she said. And I smile at her.

" You are always welcome to the family. Don't think that you are alone oky.. " Michelle said to her. And she smile genuinely and nodded her head.

When my times is come up. I don't want to know what to said. But I remember the conversation I had with mom

" Thanks for inviting us Michelle and Lucy you guys are sweetheart and always will be. You know in morning when I getting dress and seating in bed thinking about that why we have to do there. I mean don't think that I don't want to be here but than my mom told me that we are family. And we doing it to our whole life. And if we do have problems we do have to short it out. And let it  go the things and move forward and start over it. And that's what i am doing it. Maybe I did directly or  indirectly hurt people I do want to apologise to them. To my bad behaviour. Like Michelle said that you guys are suffered a lot. And I did maybe some mistake to stay away from you for Saving my family and Friends for get in truble. But you guys are also my friend's. And if i am not with you that i will feel ashamed that I didn't stand up for you. I know you guys not ready for anything to forgive or anything. But still I just want that to leave the passed and move forward it. We are family and family means stick with each other. Not to leave them when they having hard time.. that's all.. " I said long speech. And than eat my food avoiding everyone's eyes. That is better than this..