
Destined with you: Only for love

In the bustling heart of the city, Lucy Venetia, a humble and unassuming young woman, becomes entangled in a gripping love triangle that threatens to upend her world. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she captures the attention of two vastly different men: Ken Gottfried, the mysterious and formidable mafia boss with a shadowed past, and Sam, her charismatic and devoted high school best friend. As Lucy navigates the complexities of her relationships with Ken and Sam, she discovers that their love and loyalty come with profound costs. Ken, with his allure of danger and magnetism, offers her a life of opulence and protection within his clandestine realm. Conversely, Sam represents stability and familiarity, promising a future anchored in their shared history and deep emotional bond. Torn between passion and security, Lucy confronts her own desires and fears as she grapples with choosing between two men who possess her heart. Amid escalating tensions and tested loyalties, Lucy finds herself drawn deeper into a labyrinth of intrigue and betrayal that jeopardizes not only her relationships but also her very survival. "Destined with You" is a captivating narrative of love, allegiance, and peril, where the boundaries between right and wrong blur, and decisions wield far-reaching consequences. Set against a backdrop of a city teeming with secrets and influence, this novel delves into the sacrifices individuals must make to safeguard those they cherish and the lengths they will go to seize their own destiny.

Sarah_writer · Fantasía
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5 Chs


" Read the contract carefully and then sign!Even if you don't, it's fine beacause I know my ways to get you sign this!" Ken asserted.

"Only if it wasn't this way, I swear I would kill you! See, one day I'll be the only one to kill you!" Lucy asserted.

She read the contract and out of surprise she interrogated, " I need to be your Personal Assistant? Rubbish! Submit to you all my faith and be available 24*7? I can not disobey any of your orders at any cost?What about my salary? It feels like you want a slave rather than a PA!"

" You're almost there! I want a puppet who would be working for me with a clean identity and obey my orders almost like a begar. About that, your salary, You would be paid enough to survive, don't worry!"

" Now, I see the reason why you want me, it's just that you want me to suffer till death, isn't it? You are such a stone hearted person!"

" Oh yeah but I also know that you don't fear death, it's better for you to suffer then! It's just the same how spoiled brats are like!"

Lucy looked at Ken with a disgust. Thinking about the contract for a few seconds, she said,"This is a contract so, some of the clauses must be mine! isn't it?" Lucy came closer to Ken and made an eye contact which literally looked as if she dared to see his soul inside his eyeballs. Ken was standing there as a stone with no expressions just staring into her eyes with a confident but tempered look.Lucy then, grabbed the pen in his overcoat and wrote soething on the contract under a separate column called 'Amendments' and handed it over to Ken.

Ken looked closely and read," I would not be available on holidays even if something urgent comes over." And commented, " Well, it's good and accepted". Lucy smiled with a sense of victory only to realise that it was not.

Ken finally asserted," Then you'll not be getting any leaves!"

" Of course!" Lucy said sarcastically.

He further read," I'll not be visiting any crime sites." And asserted again, " Then I'll let the crime happen here only!"

And last he read," Also, I want a separate training room with best coach and equipments and a filthy amount of money."

" I am a good boss, so I'll let you have it! Are you happy now?"

" Even if I'm not, does it matter, SIR?"

" No, it doesn't! But the date of joining does. Tomoorrow sharp at 10 am. No IF and BUT. Remember that if you get lat by a minute, I'll be deducting your salary as for the day. Also, you will have to coperate with my original and better secretary Asher."

Ken picked up the telephone and called Asher in the room. He was a man with distinct beauty but also a scar made sharply on his cheek which enhanced his looks even more.

" This is him. Asher, this is Lucy, that chaotic women I talked about earlier. You'll have to work and coordinate with her about the matters."

" Roger!"

Lucy stood by in anger and said," I'll be joining the job from tomorrow, so no need to disturb me today. Let me live free for a day! Thank you SIR! May your building disrupts today and you lead an unhealthy life!"

" My pleasure! Leave! And you Asher stay here only, I need to talk about things."

" Okay, sir"

Lucy left the place in frustration. She couldn't believe that she did something like this. She made a contract with a mafia!

Meanwhile In his office cum crime room, Ken was still talking with Asher.

" Asher, you see this girl, I don't trust her, neither do I want her to work for me. You just have to torture with immense work but remember not to give her anything important. Also don't share anything about me and my works with her. I fear she would spit out each word. Also don't let her show herself to any of our competitors, she can be our spy in the later future."

" Okay, sir!"

" Hey, what's up with this SIR? Huh? It is better when you call me Ken."

Asher laughed and said," You were very reluctant to be called Sir before, so I thought, why not?"

" Wow! Enough of teasing me. You!"

" You were also calling me Asher everytime. Didn't you call me Ash before?"

" I was in character of a bad mafia which I am, at least for that bloody Lucy."

" So was I!"

" Will there be any day when I'll be winning over you?"

Asher laughed," Nah, you will have to get rebirth a million times to be capable."

" You are really bad!"

" Thank you, SIR!"

" HEY!!"

After a lot of laughing and chortling, Ken remarked," Also look for some coach and a good MMA training centre. That Lucy wants it. At least I should let her dream!"

" Poor girl!"

Meanwhile, Lucy went to meet her coach to see him. Each second spent to go there fell like she spent an hour. She almost had her heart bleed. For the fact that it was all because of her and her temper. She really wanted to kill that KEN but was helpless to do so.

After reaching the Training centre she couldn't fing the coach. Upon asking, she found no information. This made her more anxious than ever. Now all she wanted to do was to see him once. She was afraid if they had left him in a condition that would worsen with time.

She called her coach at last with no hope thag he would pick up the call as he would have been much injured.

Phone ringed but was not picked up. Her worry turned into fear and she called again. This time it was picked up but it was not coach's voice that was heard.

" Hello, sir!" She said in fear.

" Hello, Miss! This is the doctor speaking from the orthopedic department, City Hospital"

" Doctor, how is the patient doing. I mean John?"

" May I ask your name first and your relation to him?"

" I'm his student and just like his own daughter. My name is Lucy Venetia."

" Oh, I see! He is doing great! He will be given home rest in a few days till then he will be taken care by us. You don't need to worry!"

" Shall I come over?"

" No, there's no need! It's all good. I am afraid if he gets afraid or panics, he may injure himself. So it's better for you to not come over!"

" Okay sir, it's a relief! Thank you very much sir!"

As the phone was put down, Lucy's mind was attracted towards a strange question, " Who took him to the hospi6, if no one here knew about him and Ken would never?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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