
Destined with you: Only for love

In the bustling heart of the city, Lucy Venetia, a humble and unassuming young woman, becomes entangled in a gripping love triangle that threatens to upend her world. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she captures the attention of two vastly different men: Ken Gottfried, the mysterious and formidable mafia boss with a shadowed past, and Sam, her charismatic and devoted high school best friend. As Lucy navigates the complexities of her relationships with Ken and Sam, she discovers that their love and loyalty come with profound costs. Ken, with his allure of danger and magnetism, offers her a life of opulence and protection within his clandestine realm. Conversely, Sam represents stability and familiarity, promising a future anchored in their shared history and deep emotional bond. Torn between passion and security, Lucy confronts her own desires and fears as she grapples with choosing between two men who possess her heart. Amid escalating tensions and tested loyalties, Lucy finds herself drawn deeper into a labyrinth of intrigue and betrayal that jeopardizes not only her relationships but also her very survival. "Destined with You" is a captivating narrative of love, allegiance, and peril, where the boundaries between right and wrong blur, and decisions wield far-reaching consequences. Set against a backdrop of a city teeming with secrets and influence, this novel delves into the sacrifices individuals must make to safeguard those they cherish and the lengths they will go to seize their own destiny.

Sarah_writer · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Lover cum Bestfriend

After knowing about the coach's condition, Lucy finally relaxed. She called up Sam, her bestfriend since highschool.

Sam was a man whom Lucy trusted blindly. He was always there for her in all conditions, at all costs. He was always there to wipe off her tears and give her the pretty smile that she always wore. Sam had always liked her, from the instance he saw her in his classroom rather when she was made his seatmate or maybe when she was still just introducing herself. Lucy had never felt so confident and happy so she also stayed by his side but Sam never confessed this. He knew for the fact that it might break their friendship and the fact that he couldn't just watch her tears fall off if something happens and the most important part he couldn't see her all alone by herself. Liking someone means that you don't fall for a particular part of them but you start liking everything about them- from their skills to their flaws, everything become your favourite. Sam liked each bit of Lucy, when she cried, whn she laughed, when she talked and she just sat silently. Lucy knew this but never wanted him to confess beacause for her love meant nothing but a weakness,a meditation that lets people accept their madness for they become the worst of themselves. She wanted to be independent. She never wanted that a person becomes so important in her life that he takes away her happiness with him. Although Sam had already made this place in her heart but she always convinced herself that it's only attachment and she can be happy without him and it was much true too.

They met at a private party room which was their meeting spot since interschool. Their were a lot of snacks put in the room before they entered.

Sam was already in there, waiting for Lucy as he always did. Lucy had a smile on her face the moment she saw him. Her smiling felt like the first rays of the sun getting on to Sam's body on a winter day! He replied with a smile but still he coud see that something had hapened. Her smile had some backstory hich she wanted to tell. So Sam aed," Is everything fine? I see something going wrong with you!"

Lucy looked at him affectionately and asked," How do you know that much about me? I have also been there with you but I never know if you're happy or not. All I see is your smile, everytime and you see everything in me!"

Sam just smiled and looked at Lucy and said," Then in this case, you never look at me as I do!"

Lucy smiled and put forward another question,"Where were you yesterday? I called you many a times but you won't answer any of them!"

" I was just busy doing studies and research. You know about the new project that came up, right? It needs too much of research and analysis! Sorry for that. I won't do it again!"

" No, it's alright! It all needs to be taken care of!"

" Okay, then why were you calling?"

" Yesterday, I was rushing to get to my office..." and she told about what happened to her till now.

Sam cried in shoch and surprise," What, you have been expelled from your job and got yourself placed at that bloody mafia's office?"

"I was not expelled from job rather it was a resignation!"

" Yeah, whatever!" Lucy looked at Sam in awe. Sam continued," You could have just asked for me to settl you down somewhere else!"

" No, you have always done much for me, not anymore! I just want to be independent!"

" I know but indelendence doesn't mean that you can not sek for help from your friends! Asking for help isn't the same as being dependent!"

" Even then, Kem would have found me and then what happened with coach, could hav happened with you!"

" True but you know what, I can talk about it to Ken. You know that I am good at convincing!"

" Yes, you are but you can convince humans, he is a devil."

" Then, what should I do?"

" Nothing! I called you here to tell me how I should react to him ordering me and torturing me! Shall I run away?"

" Do you think that a mafia won't figure out where you ran away?"

" That's so true. Ahhh! I swear I'll be the reason of his death, one day! What should I do now?" Lucy cried.

" Just let it be! Flow with the time and it will all be fine. Until then I'll definitely find some way out there!"

" Flow? What do you mean? "

" Just do what he says and be as per the contract. I'll figure out some solution soon, I promise and then it will be fine."

" Okay!" Lucy smiled ," I know you will! Thank you for everything, Sam! Only if you weren't there, what would have happened? I would have died of panic attacks." Lucy asserted jokingly.

" Why wouldn't I be there? And what's with this death and life thing? Have you gone mad?" Sam yelled.

" Are you yelling at me?"

" Yes! Otherwise what do you think I should be doing when those words came out of your mouth?"

" Hey! It was just a joke."

" I don't care! When you say these things, it just feels that I failed in friendship!"

"You never will! I know it. Sorry!"

" Better."

" It was still just a joke!"

" You cheapmunk!"

Then they both laughed till they were left with no breath! It was just like this, their friendship and their bond. Lucy was enough to keep Sam happy and Sam was enough to Lucy happy!

Lucy left the site first because she had to be on time tomorrow and she didn't know how much will Ken make work out of her.

Just the moment when Lucy left, Sam went into a serious mood. He went back to his home and started searching about everything he could about ken and his social life and status, his family, friends and all the other stuffs. He had to take caffeine in order to stay awake and research. He waited for the next day and for everything that happens with Lucy. He was quite confident that if something happens to Lucy, he would be able to protect her. It's true that love can push your limits to extreme!