
Destined with you: Only for love

In the bustling heart of the city, Lucy Venetia, a humble and unassuming young woman, becomes entangled in a gripping love triangle that threatens to upend her world. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she captures the attention of two vastly different men: Ken Gottfried, the mysterious and formidable mafia boss with a shadowed past, and Sam, her charismatic and devoted high school best friend. As Lucy navigates the complexities of her relationships with Ken and Sam, she discovers that their love and loyalty come with profound costs. Ken, with his allure of danger and magnetism, offers her a life of opulence and protection within his clandestine realm. Conversely, Sam represents stability and familiarity, promising a future anchored in their shared history and deep emotional bond. Torn between passion and security, Lucy confronts her own desires and fears as she grapples with choosing between two men who possess her heart. Amid escalating tensions and tested loyalties, Lucy finds herself drawn deeper into a labyrinth of intrigue and betrayal that jeopardizes not only her relationships but also her very survival. "Destined with You" is a captivating narrative of love, allegiance, and peril, where the boundaries between right and wrong blur, and decisions wield far-reaching consequences. Set against a backdrop of a city teeming with secrets and influence, this novel delves into the sacrifices individuals must make to safeguard those they cherish and the lengths they will go to seize their own destiny.

Sarah_writer · Fantasía
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5 Chs

First impression

Phone rings....

Lucy looks at the caller's name half asleep and whispers.. boss..

And then screams "BOSS"

She then looks at the clock and cries" Oh no!! I had to arrive by this time. Now he is not going to spare me!! What should I do?Shall I just let the call on ringing.No, No, NEVER! He would kill me if I do so!"

She takes a long breath and with a sigh, picks up the call. Hesitating, she says" H-Hello Sir"

"What hello? It is the time you had to show up! Where are you? I want you in my office in exact 10 minutes, That's it!"

"But sir h-how"

She was just making an excuse but her boss won't listen anything and he put down the call screaming and yelling at her.

She thought of the situation when she would be standing infront of him and he will be yelling at her. She knew hoe harsh he was and the only way to stop him to do so was to get to office as soon as possible and find a good excuse.

" Let the excuse be on one side and let's just get ready. I'll just figure out the excuse while travelling." She thought.

Thinking this, she rushed into the restroom to get a shower and afterwards to get her essentials. Frustrated, she runs outdoor and looks at her watch.

"Oh my! I am really running late, let's hope to be there as soon as possible!"

She rushed on her scooty which was well maintained and decorated and also showed her love for combat fighting through various accessories and stickers. It was not more than a minute travelling that she ended up in a traffic.

"Damn it,all the bad things needed to happen right now! Ahh!"

She got out of the traffic only to rush again but soon a black car came infront of her from the wrong sideand clashes into her scooty. Being in a three wheeler, she fell down and bruised herself on her elbow.

" Psst.. maybe black things are really a sign of bad omen." She whispered.The big black car had filters on all its glasses and loooked quite expensive.She stood and saw behind the car, where stood a chain of black cars, just looking all the sameand seemed to be owned by a single owner as they all were afterall repeating the same mistake, going on the wrong side.

She was already frustrated and now this frustrated her even more. She again looked at the watch :"Ah! God, Why me?"she remarked. "If it's going to be this, let it be" she whispers and gets up only to tell at je driver "Are you a dumb, don't you see the traffic lights or let me guess, you're a colour blind, right?. If you really are, don't you dare to drive that damn car of yours. And yeah,also don't dare to talk back to me at this time, trust me, I'll kill you."

Saying this she slams the car's front and moves towards the driver's seat to look but soon she was interrupted by half a dozen of body guards with big shooter guns.

"We don't want to hurt you, please leave the sight as soon as possible otherwise we might even kill you. Don't you know whose car is this?" One of them shouted.

"Whoever, whether he is the prime minister or the president , I don't care." She replied and then she screamed,"Get out of that shit, you coward, I promise to spare you and not to kill you."

A man in a black overcoat and white shirt, with a cigar in his mouth gets out of the car,putting on his black shades. All the bodyguards move aside.

He blows the fume over Lucy's face which make her cough badly. Looking at his attire she knew it was some rich man.

"Watch yourself, you rascal! I think the person to be sued must be you not them."

He smirked and took out his shades taking out his cigar. "You know what you're? Interesting" he whispered in her ears.

She pushed him aside and yelled" Wh-Whats interesting, huh?

"You, lady or may be just a chaotic woman"

"Chaotic, you! " She slams him to the car and grips her hand over his collar. "Watch your mouth, you don't know with whom are talking to!"

The bodyguards came closer but the man showed them his hand as a signal for them to stop.

"Seems like you're just like me, Do you know whom you've just dared to touch."

"No, but I can guess,seems like you are the only son of a rich wealthy father, enjoying free comforts! You spolied brat!!, correct, isn't it!"

"Nah, I don't even have a father but what I do have is a name for you to remember-K- Ke"

Lucy left his collar and said " I don't want to get you as a friend that you're introducing yourself to me. So you better watch your mouth and actions."

She rode her scooty and went to her office.

"Sir, why don't you let us sort the things out" said one of the bodyguard

Ken stared at them as if he wold just kill them, " Are you trying to tell me what's good for me and especially,interrupt?"

"No,sir I am extremely, sorry sir!"

" Sorry? Ahh, leave it!"

They all got into the car and as the bodyguard tried to open the doors, Ken screamed you don't need a car, my son. Come walking on your pretty feet."

" Okay sir!"

"Nonsense !"

And left the scene.


Lucy rushed to his seat and sat down. She looked around and found her friend Natasha seating opposite to her.

"Hii! Natasha, what do you think boss will do to me today. Will he deduct my bonus?"

" I think so, he was too angry."

Soon a lady came in and called her" Lucy, John sir is calling you jn his office.

" Oh no, Really, you meet devil if you call him!!, let's meet if he spares me today."


Lucy asks for permission,"May I get in, sir?"

"If I called you then obviously you need to" he yelled

"Sir, I can explain! I was stuck in the traffic and them some billionaire's spooled s-son.."

"Do you think I'll accept your excuses? Who do you think you're?? Huh?"

"But s-sir!"

"I have seen girls like you, orphans! You're too spooled that you don't give a damn about work. What you want is just money!!"

"Sir, you're crossing your limits! I warn you!"

" Warning? Are you really doing this. Okay then, I think you forgot what happened to your parents. They were criminals and when they got to know that they were getting arrested, they attempted suicide. Even you, you could've saved them but even in your college days, you were quite busy with your friends partying.Did you forget everything?"

" John Bale,enough of the respects!", she screamed, " you've crossed your limits, don't give me reasons to kill you because I can. And you don't even judge any situation by yourself. Your little brain would never be able to resist everything all at once. If it's the work,then" she quickly grabbed a plain sheet of paper lying on the table and took the pen from the boss' pocket and wrote something. Throwing it on the table near him, she marked," This is my resignation letter", saying thing, she went ahead and and put her leg on his chair. At this point John was enough scared to not utter a single word. She said,"You better accept it don't show me your face again. If you think that me parents were criminals, then keep in mind that I am still their daughter and I may kill you. May God give you all kinds of downfall in your life!!" And then went off.

After she left the room John screamed," Everything I said was true and you know it very well!"

She left the office and took her scooty to reach her final destination in frustration.


Lucy entered quitely, took out her shoes outside and directly went to the changing room. She transformed into a fighting fairy.

Lucy: Good afternoon sir!

"Good afternoon " said her coach, Jack. He was a man of middle aged man with grat physique. He had tattoos all over his neck and left arm.

"How did you get here this early" looking at the watch he wore.

"Sir, my boss he was just yelling at me and then involved my parents, so I resigned"

Coach patted her back and said,"Well done, my child, I told you many a times to leave that job. It was really getting on your nerves,consumed most of your time. You couldn't even eat well, what totalk about training. Let's now focus only on the training!"

"Yes sir" she replied with a smile.

But soon her smile died and she said," But sir , I couldn't even fight for a long span of time so I don't have an earning. How do you think I am going to make a living?" She ended with a sigh.

"No need to worry" he sympathised, " I actually have a good job for you! "

" But then how will I fight?"

" No need to worry, you are a champ and the job is of being a fighter only. So even if you don't fight you will have a stable earning throughout. It's a huge company but have just entered into this field. So, you will also get the entire attention there at the training! "

" Oh really! GREAT but I wanted to get trained with you!"

" You can come here even then" he smiled

" You don't know but you've just ended me entire problem"

The coach laughed.

An announcement soon came off calling Lucy for the next bought(fight).

"Sir, May I leave now?"

He nodded

The fight began.

Lucy pinched her opponent at first but then got beaten up for a long time.At last, she fell down. But in the next round, she counter attacked on the opponent's face and then subsequently on her stomach. This confused the opponent and so, she couldn't defend herself. Lucy continued punching until the whistle blew. After the fight, Lucy was badly sweating and to rest, she sat down on the bench in the resting room,when the coach entered the room.

" Hey, you had a great game! I liked your strength but you could've improved your punching speed in the first round."

"Yes sir, I will definitely improve the next time!"

" Yeah,Of course I know you, but I was here to hand over the card of the owner as well as the President of the company" and he put forward the business card.

Lucy thanked the coach and then read the card, which said," BOXERS' " which made Lucy to comment ,"Quite unusual name for a company!" and read further," Owner, CEO : Ken Gottfried "

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

It's my first time writing a webnovel, I really need you sopport and love:)

Sarah_writercreators' thoughts