
Destined with you: Only for love

In the bustling heart of the city, Lucy Venetia, a humble and unassuming young woman, becomes entangled in a gripping love triangle that threatens to upend her world. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she captures the attention of two vastly different men: Ken Gottfried, the mysterious and formidable mafia boss with a shadowed past, and Sam, her charismatic and devoted high school best friend. As Lucy navigates the complexities of her relationships with Ken and Sam, she discovers that their love and loyalty come with profound costs. Ken, with his allure of danger and magnetism, offers her a life of opulence and protection within his clandestine realm. Conversely, Sam represents stability and familiarity, promising a future anchored in their shared history and deep emotional bond. Torn between passion and security, Lucy confronts her own desires and fears as she grapples with choosing between two men who possess her heart. Amid escalating tensions and tested loyalties, Lucy finds herself drawn deeper into a labyrinth of intrigue and betrayal that jeopardizes not only her relationships but also her very survival. "Destined with You" is a captivating narrative of love, allegiance, and peril, where the boundaries between right and wrong blur, and decisions wield far-reaching consequences. Set against a backdrop of a city teeming with secrets and influence, this novel delves into the sacrifices individuals must make to safeguard those they cherish and the lengths they will go to seize their own destiny.

Sarah_writer · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Annoying Boss

The next day, Lucy got ready in a black suit which looked like she was a mafia herself. It was just that she thought that it was needed as it was shon in the movies. She didn't forget the watch like everytime.

When she reached the building, it looked much better than before. The people seemed to be judging but not as it was earlier. It was not creepy anymore but just a little discomforting. She went straight to Ken's room. She knocked the door which was wide open. The office was still the same with the same boring sofas in the centre with a table on the other end, a window just behind the table and a bookshelf but something seemed to change. It was Lucy's point of view, earlier it was just a creepy place but now it was her own office where she had to work. She tried to form kinship with the place in the first meeting only. Ken was on a call, screaming and shouting. It was like needles were being porches on someone's ears. Lucy hated it at the first sight. She would have wanted a pleasant morning on the first day at work. Ken asked her to sit on the sofa through his hand movements.

Sitting on the sofa she observed the place and wondered if the books were really read by him or it's just a show piece! She looked at the walls and the sofas and his table and then looked at him. Ken was not looking at her. He was focusing on the call which was about some deal, as it was heard to be. The deal was not opened by the other party and Ken wanted it to be opened as soon as possible as he argued about the money that had already been paid. She was quite but her eyes didn't lie. She thought ," No matter how rude he is but at least he is a handsome. I don't have to see that fat hippo everyday!" Her stare was for too long that it caught Ken's attention. He smirked and raised his eyebrow in order to ask her about it. In reply, she looked away.

The call was cut in couple of minutes. Putting the phone aside, Ken asked Lucy," What's your problem? You kept staring at me?"

Lucy stood up and said nothing. Ken laughed and asked," What's with this costume? Are you in a movie or something?"

" I am working with a mafia afterall, so I need to be dressed up like this, isn't it?"

" Ahh! Stop watching those movies, they're just rubbish. Not a single part of it is true!"

" Who are you to tell me? Did I ask for your comment? I'm comfortable with it!"

" Then stay comfortable!"

Ken looked behind at the door where Ash was standing. He immediately asked Ash to come in and let Lucy go out. Lucy tried her best to be able to ask for her training and what her work was but Ken won't listen.

She was sent outside and couldn't go back because a lot many bodybuilders got in and the door was slammed on her face. She thought," He is just how I found him at the first sight! I swear, I'll kill him one day!"

Lucy found a gap between the door and tried to peep through it. Ken was shouting at them sitting on the desk and showed something on the phone. They all kept their head low and didn't dare to reply. Ken growled at them and threw the phone on the ground. Asher was standing quitely by Ken's side. Ken stood up and continued his " Scolding script".

Lucy was terrified, she stopped looking into the room and tried to look outside the room. The entire corridor was empty unlike the other corridors. Not even a chair was kept outside the room. Her legs started to hurt but she couldn't sit on the ground as well because it was dirty or maybe it was stained with blood. So she decided to roam in the corridor in the search of the chair.

Looking everywhere, she couldn't find one so she took her steps behind but soon she saw a hall sort of room which had a chair, as she could she through the glass placed into the door. Stepping in, she realised that it was a library with huge shelves and tonnes of books. The entire library had a dim lighting. She saw a desk at the centre which she approached. She sat on the desk and looked around. " Woah, so he really does read! But this much? Interesting!" She looked aside her, it was a diary with a black cover. " Is this his personal? Not really as I believe mafias don't like to write!"

Out of curiosity she took the book into her hand but as she flipped the book, a hand toon the book off her hand. " With whom permission did you get in? How dare you touch someone's personal things? Huh?" a familiar voice spoke. This voice was rather old and it really belonged to Uncle Joseph.

" Uncle, I was here to take the chair, that's it!"

" Then what's with this diary, huh? You won't spoke, right?"

" I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! "

" I'M SORRY! Yeah it feels like your mistake has been erased from my mind. SORRY!"

" I am just leaving, again sorry!"

" The children these days!"

Upon getting out, Lucy said," Ahh! Feels like he is he owner, what if he is? But afterall he didn't have to yell at me!"

She went back to the office and saw that all the goons were still standing there. Lucy was disgusted," Why would he even call me if he didn't want to give me any work. Seems like I'll have pass the time!" Her legs started to hurt so she find nothing better than to sit on the floor. Lucy continuously looked at her watch and sighed. For her each second was a minute and each minute became hour. He kept her for waiting for hours. After few hours, everyone got out of the room except for Asher and Ken. Lucy was delighted. Her waiting was over. She stood up and got into the room. Ken was serious and snapped his fingers so as to tell Lucy to leave. Lucy's anger couldn't be controlled. Her blood boiled like water and all she wanted to do was to kill him, Ken. Asher looked at her and politely asked her to leave. It was his politeness that Lucy was convinced to leave but in her soul, she developed an uncontrollable anger and hate for Ken. She let out her frustration through talking to herself the entire time. She sat on the floor again and kept waiting. After half an hour, Asher got out of the room and saw her sitting on the floor.

" Are you really waiting until now? We asked you to leave!"

" Yeah you did but I had to talk about my Training and moreover my work but that foolish, annoying Ken won't let me do so!"

Asher laughed and replied," You didn't have to talk to him for that. Here, take my number, I have already seen some facilities you might like." And passed a card.

" What?" Lucy was shocked that her waiting was wasted, she could've called Asher put and asked for it earlier or maybe when she saw him while entering the building!

Ken came out of his room with his hand in his pocket. In a serious note, he remarked," is this a comedy? Asher, you really had to laugh? Have you forgotten today's speech? And you don't you think that your working hours are done?"

Ahser left the arena immediately but Lucy stood unhesitating.

" Working hours? What was the work that you gave me?"

" Did I ever say I'll load you with work?"

Lucy was dumbfounded. Afterall he was his boss and a mafia on the top!"

" Better that I leave than to look at your face. Rubbish!"

And she took a leave while he was still standing. He put his hand from his pocket and looked at his watch," 5" he whispered and sighed.

Lucy, as soon as she got out of the builing, called up Sam

" Heyy! Are you coming over or shall I?" She cried.

" I'm on my way!"

She went to the grocery before hetting to her home. Her hands were full with bags due to shopped items. It was for a reason that she sscke the entire week's ration at a time-because she knew Ken would not give her enough time for herself. As she reached hoe, she took out her keys only to find that her house was already unlocked. She thought, who could it be! She was frightened at the thought that it might be Ken's rival in black world as they might have seen her out! But gazing at the door she realised that it can be Sam as he had the keys and th door was open not broken!

She got into and went to the living oom only to find Sam there but nothing happems as per our expectations! Sam was not there. She was confused and went to her bedroom where she found Ken already laid down on her back.

As she entered, Ken sat and bid her a " Hello!"