

“I see where your frustration lies, my dear.” The king said thoughtfully, to the werewolf he said, “what’s your name young man?” “Prince Felix Walker, my lord.” He replied. “The name suits you so very well but, why are you after my daughter?” The king asked. “She is my familiar, my lord.” Felix replied. “Not if I have something to say about that.” Salvador interrupted. “Even if you do, there’s nothing you can do at this point homey.” Felix replied. An argument could have emerged but the presence of the king kept them on bay. The main concern was not them, they all understood that, it was Ella. “Ella dear?” The king called out. But she was already walking to the table. She pulled out a chair and sat. The others came to her side and sat the king sat on the master chair and instructed the three men to sit opposite his daughter. They did as instructed and waited. “You know,” Ella said in a trembling voice, “I went to pray early this morning. I told God that I wanted to get married, to whom, when and where, I don’t care.” She smiled and cleaned the tear that ran down her face. “Well now I do care, but it’s too late. It looks like he already heard and answered my prayer.” She looked at the men in front of her and clean her tears as they flow. “Three men, one lady, what sort of an answer is that? To me, that is a bit too much.” The king shudder.

Yakubu_Favour_Dung · Fantasía
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52 Chs


"You are either stupid, idiot or a fool." King Edgar said after a while. "I can't contaminate what that's already been contaminated. And neither can you keep me away from my grandchild."

"Try me." Ella said, ignoring the insults. Now she understands her husband's lack of respect and concern for his father.

"The next time you're going to insult my wife, make sure I'm not there." Salvador warns.

The other two stayed back, watching them. They didn't understand a thing displaying in front of them.

"Then make sure she doesn't disrespect me." King Edgar said.

"So you can actually hear him talk? And the next time you visit, keep your issues with my husband aside, or I kick you out of my house in a heartbeat." Ella warned with a smile.

"It looks like, stubbornness runs in the family! It was my mistake coming here." King Edgar said with a scuff.