
Not everything is a Fairytale

My mother as a little girl would tell me a story about how there were princes and princess out there making their own story. That is what I ,Ningxi Linn, wanted to do when I grew up make my own story.

"Mommy, is that what you and daddy did? Make your own story and lived happy for the rest of your lives?"

Seeing my mother's eyes I could see sadness and dispair. Wishing I could take back the words, she reached up and stroked my hair. I didn't know that at that time my father was cheating on my mother, but I soon found out.

"Oh, Ningxi such a curious little girl I am blessed with. Our story wasn't complete till we had you." she said while looking at me with great pride


"Are you ok mommy?"

Next thing I knew my mother was falling to the ground and the maid that was beside my bed went running to my mother.

"Mrs. Linn?"

"Mrs. Linn!"


Scared I hid under the bed then someone was standing in the doorway smiling wickedly. It was dark so I coudn't see who it was.

I looked at me mother just as she mouthed the words 'I love you' i mouthed them to her back trying to hold back tears.

Then mouthed 'Never forget the story'

And just like that she left me and the cruel world behind.


I had never experienced such a loss like the one of my mother's.

I wished at that moment that my father sould have took her place instead of being my mother.

"What have you don-"

Before she could finish her sentence I heard a gun being shot.

Then like my mother I saw how the maid was falling and when she fell her eyes landed on me. I searched for life in those eyes but found none.

Then ,the man that was standing by the doorway, came and stole everything valuable on my mother's corpse. Then the ring on her left hand was tooken. He left as soon as he got what he came for. Confused, sadness, and shocked were all I felt that moment. I opened the window and not not knowing what to do I climbed out. once on the street I ran as fast as I could and did not look back to the scene I had witnessed.

10 years later....

The wind was blowing on my face. I got on my bike and went down the road. On my way I saw a couple going to school.

'How I wish that was me'

I stopped staring so that I wouldn't look weird. How I wish my mother was here to give me advice on how to get a boyfriend, but some things can't be changed.

I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings until I heard screaming from behind me.

"Look out!!"

I didn't turn around in time that I was knocked down to the ground and then it went dark.

This is my first novel and I will tell you that if there is any mistakes please tell me so I can improve my writing skills. Also I am an American but also hispanic so if there any latinos who don't know English I am happy to help.

Thanks to those reading my novel. I will update it every 2 days at 2 pm.

Love you all. :)

Keren_Sanchezcreators' thoughts