
Destined To Bound With You

"Shen Mingchaun.. You are the best.. " "Best Actor Shen.. " "Oh my hubby!" "He is the best husband material.. " ~~ "I won't accept you as my wife! never" he left from the room. "I also don't want to be with you! if it weren't for auntie.. " ~~ "We are not bound to be together.. " "yeah! let's get divorce soon. " ~~ "Don't go! don't leave me! " "Why?" "Because I.. I.. " "Huh! leave it" about to leave. "I love you. " hugs her. "I love you too.." ~~ But can they be together! "Shen Mingchaun, you can only be mine! If I can't have you I'll destroy you!" "I want Ling Mianmian, By hook or by crook" ~~ Even under this conspiracy they promise to be together. "I won't leave you! " "We will be together" But suddenly! Bang! bang! a gun shot! " Shen Mingchaun.. " she cried out "Mianmian, I.. " he can't finish his words. ~~ Can they really destined to be bounded together or need to leave each other. Wanna know more? don't worry, Just read the story.. Don't forget to support!

Dawn_003 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Married man always change

Next day.. 

Sun had awakened for so long and was showering everyone with its warmth.. 

Shen Mingchaun, who fell asleep on the couch, found himself under the warm blanket and the girl, whom he didn't like, was sighing in sleep. 


He knew that life wasn't easy for us, but still he could never forgive her.. 


So, he just got up leisurely and was about to go to the washroom for get fresh. 

The morning wind was blowing so gently and touching Ling Mianmian's soft and silky hair.. 

She was tossing and turning due to that. 

Shen Mingchaun was looking at her for so long and hesitating but in the end he went near her and tugged her hair gently behind her ear. 

She again fell into a deep slumber with a faint smile on her face. 

So exhausted she was! 

When Shen Mingchaun touched her hair, he felt it's particularly soft and there was a fragrance of Lavender. 

So pleasing for one! 

He couldn't help but want to smell more.. 

But it's too inappropriate! 

So, he just controlled himself and went to do his deeds.

When he came back, he saw that she was still sleeping, so he just left silently. 

Nor too late after his departure, Ling Mianmian got up and found that the cold man, who always treated her indifferently, wasn't there. 

She touched the couch. 

It was cold! 

Maybe he left early. 

After freshening up, when she came down stairs, she saw that the man, whom she thought had left, was actually sitting on the dining table and a piece of cheese toast and two boiled egg with a glass of juice were placed before him. 

He was eating so elegantly unlike her, who liked to eat so much that she sometimes even forgot about etiquette. 

When her parents were around, they were not like that . Her mother reprimanded her everyday because of this. 

But she wasn't bothered that much.. 

Who knew! 

Who knew that they would leave them just like that! 

Or else, she would be good and let them accompany her and her brother more. 

When she was zoning out, Ye Wennan called her, "Mianmian, come here and have breakfast."

She snapped out and nodded. 

She went to the table and wanted to sit beside Ye Wennan. 

"Hey.. " she hold her, "Go sit beside your husband. Why are you coming to this old lady! "

She said playfully.. 

Ling Mianmian looked at Shen Mingchaun, who was so different that suddenly she lost her appetite but still went to sit beside him. 

While eating, Ye Wennan mentioned that the scandal has cleared up thanks to Shen Mingchaun's quick PR team. 

"It's good actually. ``She was pleased, "To be honest, I didn't like it when my daughter-in-law was being bullied by those badmouths. "

When Ling Mianmian heard that Shen Mingchaun cleared up everything, her face lit up. 

She couldn't believe that it was actually him. 

She really wanted to thank him and looked at him, who was chatting with someone else on his phone. 

She couldn't help but peeked.. 

It wouldn't be any problem right! 

Huh! It was a girl! 

Who was she! She couldn't read the name. 

When she was busy with her thoughts and wanted to look more, she didn't notice that the man with black attire was already looking at her with a hidden smirk. 

What's with that smirk! 


Then he hid his phone more and made her lean on the table more and then he went near her ear and whispered, "Can't see properly?"

She was so desperate that she was in dazed and forgot about her surroundings. 

She shook her head and said, "No."

He smirked more, "Does peeking at others' phones feel that good? "

When she heard that question, she snapped out and looked at him with widening her eyes. 

Too cute! 

He smirked. 

Shít! Shít! Shít! 

Ling Mianmian, just dug a hole and buried yourself there! 

Did you really need to embarrass yourself in front of this man? 

Look at his smug face, he was definitely having fun!

When she was thinking that Shen Mingchaun stood up, "You guys carry on, I'm going. "

He started to go to the main door. 

"Shen Mingchaun.. " Ling Mianmian hurriedly got up from her seat, "Let me see you off."

What was this girl up to now? 


Just let her be.. 

There's no way he could refuse her since she said that in front of his mom. 

So, he could briefly hum with her suggestion. 

She rushed near him and they went outside. 

"What's now? " Shen Mingchaun really didn't have any time to play with her as he was so busy. 

Ling Mianmian was not a fool, so she could understand and said politely, "Thank you. "

"For what?" his voice was cold. 

He really didn't like when she wanted to act innocent just to win over him. 


He was not so easygoing.. 

"For settling the scandal. " she looked up. 

Oh! there went again! 

"Do you really think that I have done everything just for you? " Shen Mingchaun snorted. 

"No.." Ling Mianmian said nonchalantly. 

Shen Mingchaun was stunned for a moment. 

These days she is changing so much. 

If it were before, she really wanted to explain more but now! 

That wasn't bad though! 

"I know you didn't do it for me. " after you already had someone outside or else who would chat with anyone so intimately while eating if he wasn't close enough with that person. 

Even though she thought she could completely seal her thoughts from Shen Mingchaun, unfortunately this man was a mind reader. 

If he would become an astrologer instead of actor, it wouldn't be much surprising and when it came to Ling Mianmian, it was a piece of cake. 

He couldn't help but chuckle a little. 

It was the first time she saw him chuckling like that! 

This man was actually so cold and aloof and gave a God like vibe. 

Sometime, she really thought that Shen Mingchaun was not a living beings but a fairy.. 

Seeing him smiling, unknowingly her heart filled with warmness. 

but she didn't know what that feeling was! 

But she wanted to see more! 

Seeing that Shen Mingchaun was not coming even after a long time, Mu Sichen came out from car. 

But what he saw, after that his pair of eyes was about to bulge out. 

Wow! Was this cold yama really smiling? 

it wasn't something that one could see everyday or it would be better to say that, he could never see. 

But he, Mu Sichen, had for real just now! 

Didn't he hate Ling Mianmian? 

No wonder! 

No wonder they said, Even the tight ice would melt when it got the proper temperature, like that married man always changed when he tasted the sweetness. 

Suddenly, He also wanted to mingle, a married man, who could smile before leaving.. 

But while thinking of that, he suddenly recalled that he had so many pending jobs that he couldn't even have the time to woo anyone, only if God and this iceberg showed her any mercy.. 

Suddenly, he wanted a mother like boss's mom who would find him a cute wife! 


Everyone wasn't as lucky as his boss!