
destined to be with darkness

she couldn't believe that she would be stuck with creatures that she believed existed in her dark romance novels and movies.......nope not possible this had to be a dream and she would wake up soon....or is it? *************************************** "let me go!" "not until you listen to us" "look I don't know who hired you actors but this isnt funny anymore" "oh you think this is a joke" the one that claimed to be a vampire stepped towards me menacingly.yeah what was his name again.......yeah Rowan. I was still deep in thought about how they would make it big in fantasy movies for Hollywood when I felt a chill in the air that sent shivers down my spine and saw a once set of baby blue eyes turn dark red......oh no this all had to be a prank right? nope this is definitely real there's only one thing to do now......

Joy_Odinfe_4092 · Fantasía
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couch potato

I could feel the condescending look the waitress was giving me from a mile away.i knew that sooner or later she would approach me and ask dumb questions I knew I wasn't in the mood to answer and sure enough while I was battling with myself on whether to stay or leave the cafe she walked up to me

"Hi I just wanted to check up on you...you've been in here for over two hours now and have not ordered anything" she said while passing me the fakest smile she could muster.

"Oh,I was just waiting for someone and they should be here any moment now"I said returning her smile making it as fake as her's.

She walked off seeing I was not in the mood for exchanging word's anymore.

I waited for an extra one hour before walking out of the restraunt....I mean I had a little faith he'd show up but no he just had to prove me wrong.....you know what I'm done enduring all that Ethan has made me go through and standing me up on a date we both agreed to,have a serious conversation about our relationship and as usual he stood me up.i mean what do I expect form a lazy couch potato that does nothing all day but waste my money on useless business ideas.

You know what I'm done with this joke of a relationship.

I hailed a cab and got to my apartment building fuming and ready to let all hell loose I mean who does Ethan think he is to stand up the "BARBRA HARRISON" I mean has he forgotten who I was before he met me?

and so with that I walked into our apartment ready to give Ethan a piece of my mind but stopped midway into the parlour...something was wrong.....first of all Ethan wasn't on the couch where he usually was..."what in the world is going on" I asked out loud..... and then I heard it sounds of unholy voices coming from the bedroom and as I made my way towards the bedroom many thoughts going through my mind....I hoped it was not what I was thinking at that moment I wanted to be proven wrong and then I saw it the scene that took my breath away and was about to change my life forever....

this is my first book y'all please show me some love. it's not easy an your support will really be appreciated.thanks for reading I hope you like it.

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