
Chapter 137. Little party on the night watch

 Ari immediately cleared up the mess in the medicine room, when the others did not realize that there had been a fight in that place. The nurses are busy finishing their work so they can join the small party that will be held by Dr. Dirga later.

 Meanwhile, Winda rested in Dirga's private room. He's been shopping out fast, for food and drink. An hour later, Dirga returned to the ER, he had brought a variety of fast food, warm and cold drinks. As promised, he put all the food on the nurse's room table.

 "How? Have you all finished your work?" asked Dr. Dirga to all the nurses who were in the nurse's room?

 "Yes. Wow, tonight we're partying," said one of the nurses.

 "I'm a little over, wait a minute?" replied nurse Sari who was still working on the patient's condition report

 "We'll finish it later." answered the others.

 "Hahaha that's right, you won't get it later" added nurse Heri again.