

After the disappearance of the one true God, the three realms were thrown into disorder. As the demons rose up from the underworld, angels descended from their holy city and the never-ending war began. This war was fought in the human realm, a world separating heavens and hell. Mortals, who had no ability to retaliate against the divine, were decimated to a only fraction of their former glory. Four hundred years later, the everlasting dispute has fallen into a deadlock. Until a human entered the game...

EdacitasTheGlitch · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Anticidence 2

"Who are you? What are you doing there?" The man asked cautiously.

He was standing around ten meters away from the train, presumably having just arrived there. Eyna nearly cursed out loudly.

Due to the fact that the middle-aged human had come to such a deserted place outside of the residential area he was very likely directly connected to the railway company and would have a profound understanding of the inner workings and a poor lie wouldn't stick. Additionally, Eyna's plans had already advanced to the second stage and it couldn't be halted anymore even by herself as the frozen cube was now irretrievably contained in the fuel tank.

Because her appearance was already revealed to this mortal, all future happenings could be directly linked back to her.

"Maybe I got lost?" Eyna said unconfidently, not really believing her own fabricated story. She slowly neared the man.

"You were lost in a train cabin?" He replied while probably have raised an eyebrow. As expected, he wasn't convinced by her words and remained doubtful.

"Actually, I'm blind." Eyna used one of her cards which had always worked up to now.

Their distance was currently reduced to about two meters and his attitude seemed much more relaxed as he had ascertained her to be a weak woman. Plus, with her fleeting and lifeless eyes, he presumably sensed no danger coming from her.

Eyna took out an imperceivable small needle and hid it in the palm of her hand. She always carried this metallic pointy object, normally as a way to stamp different characters on paper.

Blind persons used an embossed printing system to be able to read any recorded information and the needle helped her to write it down again.

Eyna had chosen this type of weapon because her knife was much too obvious and would easily be detected beforehand. Additionally, the inability to see always meant having no idea of the exact location and pose of the opponent. A direct confrontation did not differ much from committing suicide.

Therefore, Eyna had to fall back to the secret ability of which her opponent wouldn't know about.

"To tell the truth, I was previously pursued by an angry stray cat and I had to hide in the cabin until it turned away. This incident was a little bit embarrassing so I didn't want to tell you about it right away," Eyna elaborated her lie bashfully, her face a little bit red from embarrassment or maybe just from the cold temperatures. To show definitive proof she even revealed her arm filled with scratches. Stepping on the cat's tail had actually brought her a credible excuse.

The man seemingly lost all of his previous cautiousness and he believed her story wholeheartedly. However, he had already seen her appearance and he could not leave this scene alive, so Eyna concluded. No witnesses were allowed.

Suddenly, Eyna tripped and she lost her balance. Falling forward without the ability to stop herself, Eyna's face was filled with shock and horror. If not for the man catching her in a timely manner she would have crashed heavily onto the ground.

Eyna, being flustered, quickly straightened herself up again with the help of the stranger. Her hand which was holding tightly onto his arm unnoticeably stabbed a small vein located not very deep under his skin.

"I'm sorry," Eyna whispered genuinely, the apology being a little bit too sincere for only having accidentally lost her balance.

The man accepted her excuse as a matter of course. He had felt the small sting but didn't think much of it. A tiny droplet of blood gathered on the top of the skin and it would clot in a few seconds.

However, the man's expression suddenly contorted when Eyna touched the minute injury with her hand. He instantly pulled a face with pain, as if one had rubbed salt into the wound.

The man reflexively tried to pull back his hand, but Eyna kept the opponent's arm in an iron grip. Suddenly the veins on his arm enlarged as if all the water from the tissue was sucked into the blood track. The flesh turned haggard and the outlines of the bones became noticeable.

The man's body shook uncontrollably in terror as only now he noticed the gravity of the situation. He probably could feel this disaster crawling up his arm, originating from the wound that Eyna was touching. His calm and confident facade began to crumble and the man let out a cry in agony.

It only took about five seconds until the weight of a dead corpse could be felt on Eyna's shoulder. Throughout the whole process, she hadn't had any change in expression and only watched with her lifeless and callous eyes the motionless body.

Killing an innocent man was a sad but necessary sacrifice, as Eyna deemed her own life as more important. In the end, it was his own mistake of having been here at the wrong time and place.

Her secret was never to be revealed. Eyna was a descendant of God.


Ever since God's son Jesus Christ had walked on earth, descendants of the prophet would inherit some of his powers.

Each time, the main family branch gave birth to a new generation, the godly ability would jump from its current host to the firstborn child.

Therefore, only one person at a time could keep these powers. If the person holding god's gift died it would shift to the person's nearest relative tracing back the family tree until it had found its successor.

Eyna was currently the one human prevailing over the divine power and only two other persons alive, her father and her younger sister would know about the whole extent of it. And this secret would have to be kept at all costs.

If this knowledge became public by any divine fraction, Eyna's life would be over in no time. If the demons found out about her gift, the consequences would be obvious.

As a descendent of the being they despised, which had created the system they vividly fought against, they wouldn't wait for a second to try and assassinate her.

They would pursue Eyna out of hatred and vengeance against god. Additionally, if Eyna was let alive, she was a possible threat that could become powerful and destroy the demonic forces.

The relation with the angels was a little bit trickier. After the one true God disappeared and the war with the demons broke out, they used their power and knowledge to justify their supremacy against humans. A human prophet of God could disturb the whole system they built up in the last hundreds of years and the whole foundation they had built would crumble.

Creating their own powerful fraction was a thought which prevailed throughout the generations of the family. However, one needed absolute power to stand up against the divine races and sadly, their abilities paled in comparison to her great great great… granddad Jesus.

Most of the time they were given similar but largely inferior powers by contrast to their first ancestor.

Eyna was the same. She utterly despised the gift she received as it was more of an obstruction than an aiding tool.


--Excerpt from the bible, John 2:1-11--

On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine."

"Woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied. "My hour has not yet come."

His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."

Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.

Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water"; so they filled them to the brim.

Then he told them, "Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet."

They did so, and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside and said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now."

What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.


Eyna had the ability to turn water into wine.

It was the one and only godly power she possessed but it brought an endless amount of disadvantages. The problem was that she had absolutely no control over it.

Without exception, every liquid substance she touched with any part of her body would immediately be turned into wine.

The consequences were devastating. Since Eyna had been born she had never drunk anything other than wine. Every time any fluid came into contact with her lips she would shallow nothing other than this red alcohol.

If not for the rare and expensive medicine she would be left in a constant state of drunkenness and an unendurable throbbing pain in her head.

Public baths, swimming in the river, or just washing her hands in front of another person present would immediately uncover her uniqueness.

The fact that her own liquids like sweat and blood weren't affected by god's ability allowed her to live longer than her first breath after being born. God surely was generous.


Having been lost in thoughts Eyna quickly got a grip of herself and started to take action. She was still standing in the middle of the terminal station's plaza, a towering dead man's body lying on her shoulder.

First, she would need to move the corpse and clear any evidence of her presence. Eyna already knew that it was impossible for a handicapped her to hide the murder without a trace so she just threw the deceased human into a random baggage wagon.

It was a much more exhausting task than she had anticipated. The man's physique was pretty broad and her short arms vanished under his mountains of muscles when she tried to carry him to his hiding place.

Leaving behind a few droplets of wine coming from his minute stab injury was not preventable. To kill him, Eyna had needed direct access to his bloodstream so she let herself fall into his arms. Even just the stab of a needle that brought the smallest connection to his veins was enough for her to replace his whole blood track with wine upon touching the wound.

Half an hour went by until Eyna, who was short on breath, could finally be relieved and exit the crime scene.

As long as his death wouldn't be noticed in the next twelve hours Eyna's plans won't be affected.

She had been playing with fire and in only a few hours Eyna would know if she had lethally burned herself.