
Depth of Sanity

Imagine a world where the essence of your heart determines your ability to wield elemental powers. Fiery spirits command flames, while calm souls control water. But what if some people with complex heart disorders possess multiple elements or unique themes? Such a mystery shatters conventional beliefs and sets the stage for an intriguing exploration of the interplay between hearts and magic. In the heart-pounding "Depth of Sanity," powerlessness becomes the ultimate advantage, setting the stage for an intense psychological battle. As the characters grapple with their vulnerabilities, a mysterious puppeteer orchestrates a mind-bending game where perception is reality, and every move holds life-altering consequences. Prepare for a rollercoaster of suspense as the true mastermind emerges from the shadows, reshaping the very fabric of sanity itself. Blunders aren't just mistakes, but sacrifices that could lead to unpredictable winning. Get ready to immerse yourself in an epic tale of a young boy's fight against destiny. In a world of magic and power, he battles his arrogance, choosing the path of righteousness. But his quest for change is not an easy one. He must use every tool at his disposal, including manipulation and even murder, to challenge the world's perception. With a god complex and a fierce existentialism, he takes on the most powerful forces in the land. This is a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and challenge everything you thought you knew about magic, destiny, and the human heart. ----------------------------- *Worth reading as it contains the philosophy of life of each character, how they perceive the world and has poetry too. Warning!! (18+)

Whoami_ · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

The Value of Existence

After an hour of silence, Ethan's curiosity grew, prompting him to ask Lucian the same question again.

"P-pardon me for my rudeness, I would like to hear young master's opinion about the question young master asked me," Ethan approached Lucian cautiously, treating each word as if they held great power. One wrong move felt like it could ignite a dangerous situation, leaving nothing but regret in its wake.

Thus, Ethan the magician in Arcablade's ranking still cautiously towards a nobody with no possession of a magical blessing. Why? Is it the power Lucian holds? No-Lucian isn't a noble anymore, what about respect? It wasn't the point either. Ethan saw Lucian as a tyrant, Lucian's eyes aren't seeing the present, nor for the past... His gaze seems distant as if he's peering beyond Ethan. Not quite meeting his eyes, but instead, looking through their translucent depths.

Lucian laughed. "As a person that is quite good in magic combat, nervously talking to me? A failure from Burge. You are an interesting fellow, my mother must be lucky for getting a down-to-earth butler."

Lucian looked outside the window and admired the beautiful surroundings and couldn't help but smile and sigh in response. He was captivated by the scenery that passed by.

"I would end the dog's owner's life, I will slice every meat on the dog's owner's body and feed it to the dog, and by that... The dog will get the same value as a human. Devouring is the only option, devour it and it will be yours... All in the Law of Gluttony."

Ethan was rendered speechless and at the same time was in deep relief. Why does Ethan relief? Is it because he was satisfied with his desire to hear the answer or is it the answer that relieved him? Ethan's hidden darkness emerged, resembling a lifeless fish drifting on a river surface. His desire had finally broken free from its restraints - the confines set by his benevolent nature and logical thinking.


After a long trip, the Sun leaves its responsibility to shine through the earth and Once the Sun has completed its arduous journey, it transfers its duty of illuminating the Earth to the Moon. The Moon then takes full charge by reflecting the Sun's light, thereby ensuring a bright glow throughout the night. In this way, the Moon illuminates the darkness and complements the soothing coolness of the night breeze. Moreover, the stars, captivated by the Moon's radiance, appear to shine even more brilliantly than usual, creating a captivating celestial spectacle as they vie for attention alongside the Moon

Moreover, both of them arrived at the academy during the night where every student are in dorms.

The academy was built with pointed arches, lancet windows with intricate tracery, ribbed vaults, and clustered columns. Gargoyles and grotesque sculptures adorn the exterior, while pinnacles and spires contribute to its vertical emphasis. Flying buttresses provide structural support, adding both practicality and a dramatic aesthetic.

The overall design exudes a sense of mystery and grandeur, capturing the essence of Gothic architecture.

Thus, The Harbult Academy was truly magnificent, with awe-inspiring architecture that left them both spellbound. The profound beauty was a testament to human creativity, unmatched and unrivaled. It was a remarkable display of the human mind's capacity for design, complemented by the dedication of individuals who brought it to fruition.

"We arrived young master, but it looks like we are in a weird situation".Ethan expressed his thoughts with a tone of concern.

Lucian amusedly chuckled. "No, my plan was going smoothly."

"Isn't the night seems more peaceful?." Lucian turned his gaze towards Ethan, fixating his eyes on the vastness of the sky. His hands rested behind his back as he posed his query.

He admired the architecture of the academy, his gaze shifting towards the building. A small smile formed on his lips as he found himself captivated by its beauty. The moonlight illuminated his eyes, reflecting his fascination. Standing there, he felt a sense of serenity and mystery emanating from the artistry and deep meaning held within the structure. With his hands clasped behind his back, he continued to appreciate the scene before him.

Ethan smiled. "The young man, despite his inherent beauty, sadly faced derogatory judgments from his brother and was even labeled as repulsive by the affluent members of society. A failure from Burge? Such titles aren't worthy under his name."Ethan expressed his relief, speaking quietly to himself.

"Pardon me, young master...It's not too late, I think you should report yourself-."

"No...I need to take a walk, besides... I'm not in a good mood talking with a bunch of monkeys...".Lucian glanced at Ethan and spoke in a detached tone.

"As you please, young master... By that, I should volunteer myself to report your presence." Ethan scratched his head. 

Lucian left Ethan and began to explore the expansive academy. The size of the academy surprised him, piquing his curiosity and prompting him to wander through the gothic castle-like structure. Later during his walk, he came across a distressing situation: a fat kid from the third class was being bullied by a group of brats. Lucian observed from a distance, displaying a smile, as a large group of prey gathered in one location with no way out.

"Hmm...interesting~." Lucian moved to a nearby rooftop after leaving the scene.

Lucian sat peacefully on the rooftop, gazing at the stars in a meditation pose. He heard footsteps approach from behind and smirked. The fat kid from a 3rd family that got bullied a few minutes ago came to the rooftop. Lucian kept his meditation in an undisturbed way. The child walked past him and went to the balcony's edge on the rooftop.


Lucian approached the child.

"What kind of magic do you possess?." 

The child is surprised by Lucian's presence, as he is as inconspicuous as dust. The child remained silent, feeling helpless like a trapped ant. His mind was empty, devoid of thoughts, and his heart was consumed by fear.

"Hey, what kind of magic do you possess?."Lucian smiled and tilted his head, his pupils dilating with slow blinks. By adopting a predatory gaze, he aimed to lower the kid's defenses.

" W-water. " The child responded cautiously, avoiding eye contact with Lucian. Traumatized, he held one arm tightly with his hand, displaying signs of deep insecurity. Bruises covered his face, and his arm showed signs of burns. The lack of interest in life was evident in his eyes.

Is he about to end his life?

As Lucian expected.

"Are you hurt?." Lucian asked with a pleasant tone, looking at him with a sympathetic gaze.

"I was falling from the stairs while climbing up here". The child responds without making eye contact.

Lucian chuckles slowly. "do the stairs burn you?." Lucian pointed to a burn mark on the child's hand and stifled a chuckle, his laughter as serene as the night breeze.

The kid was indeed speechless. Lies were visible under Lucian's observation. Well, it is obvious.

"A burn mark all over your body, with a bruise all over your face, I wonder what kind of stairs it was...such stairs existed making me shiver." Lucian acts shivering to show a friendliness action towards the kid.

The kid was mesmerized by Lucian's presence.

"He was beautiful, is he my angel? Will he lead me to Heaven? Oh, I'm not entering Heaven as I killed myself, wait...I am already dead?". The child appeared sad, his eyes downcast and on the verge of tears. His attention was focused on Lucian, lost in thought.

Therefore, Many victims of abuse are vulnerable to being manipulated through acts of empathy. Thus, put yourself in their current situation by observing the microexpression they show from the down of their chin to the edge of their head. Observing, calculating, analyzing, and finding the perfect solution.

Moreover, mirroring their emotion by putting yourself in their shoes, by doing so... You must feel and understand the emotion then find the cues to alter the current emotion, taking control over the emotion of a target. Simply, to break the rules, are by becoming the rules itself. 

As Lucian spoke with him, the kid seemed to become lost in thought. Lucian then made a light-hearted joke about the stairs, showing his friendly and caring personality.

The kid giggles slowly. 

In a brief moment, the kid was feeling joy.

"You are giggling."Lucian smiled. 

The child quickly returned to feeling sad. 

Lucian observed the child's guard, which fluctuated like a wave – intense and spirited, yet with the potential to diminish. Lucian initiated a major plan after providing the child with an empath.

"Where did these bruised and burn marks come from?." Lucian gazes into the child's eyes, his expression filled with sorrow, resembling that of a concerned mother witnessing her child in pain.

The kid is still in silence. 

Lucian observed that his guard was becoming weak and vulnerable. A single strike to the kid's heart could disrupt his defense. By doing that, Physical touch can be considered a final resort, a decisive move against Lucian. Thus, Lucian approaches the child and gently places his hand on the child's shoulder, showing a somber expression.

The child was a bit surprised by Lucian's action. Yet, he felt comfortable.

"I-I've got bullied." The child responded.


As a result, Lucian went straight into his victory. Hence, to prevent the kid from becoming cautious again, he went seeking a piece of information about the kid's situation in the least noticeable way. Isopraxism is the technique of revealing a piece of information without the target realization. Hence, using such a technique is as simple as drinking water even though most people don't notice they are using it, as it is from human nature itself. A full consciousness of the technique might have a 10% impact on self-needs. Simply, repeating what another person has said along with a framing statement in a question. 

"You got bullied?." Lucian expressed himself with an enchanting voice.

"Y-yes, it was a kid from a higher class than my family. I was bullied since I attended the ceremony by the family that holds the city where I live. Mainly, I still never forget their expression towards my family... It was as if they were looking at worms. As my family sent me to this academy, my life wasn't as I expected, it became more disastrous when their existence still stuck with my fate. Every day, I was a punching bag for them, a wooden guy for their training, a tree for their spells. Today, I almost ended my worthless life...because of your existence, by ending my life isn't worth". The child spoke excitedly and burstly. He found someone who listened attentively for the first time.

Above all, that was the kid's thinking. Sadly, for Lucian, this is the opportunity to tremble the academy. 

"What is your name?." Lucian, wearing a solemn look, inquires about the child's name.

"George... George Rainblue." The child responded with a sense of relief, as all the problems he had been facing suddenly vanished in an instant.

"Such a wonderful name." Lucian smiled while caressing the child's shoulder.  

George was flattered with such compliments.

"So, what's yours?." 

"Mine?... I'm just a nobody". Lucian let out a small laugh.

"You will get to know my name soon, and the place you will hear my name is there." Lucian pointed at the sky. 

George expressed mild concern as he tilted his head slightly.

Lucian chuckles slowly as George gazes still in the sky. "George, I've seen no point of your existence...Your value has already fallen apart...a further lifetime you had might end up altering your sanity. You know, there is a place as beautiful as your heart. You are the chosen one to see that place." Lucian's gaze met George's, his face etched with sadness.

" What place is that?." George asked, as his brows furrowed.

" Death," Lucian replied.

George was surprised and rendered speechless.

Lucian spoke, his gaze shifting to the sky. His hair danced in the night breeze while a fragrant scent enveloped him.

"Once living beings lose their value of existence, their life will fall apart and by that, their sanity is like a ticking bomb that waiting for the time to explode. Some might become a serial killer, a criminal, or even a villain... Their value as a human is already gone amongst society, doesn't matter if their heart is whiter than the cloud. Society judges one life by their status, their physical appearance, simply by using a bare eye".

"Unfortunately, the heart is not visible as that. Thus, a translucent individual ceased to exist, as they possessed the ability to see through the heart of another person".

Lucian let out a small smile.

"In this current world, the true power that still holds fairness is Death. Hence, in front of death...status, power, and appearances are nothing. Death sees us humans are the same as dogs, pigs, or even a worthless fly". Lucian remained composed as he spoke.

George remains in a state of profound silence. 

Lucian touched George's shoulder and whispered.

"Brings those that hurt you in front of the face of death, let the death become the judgment of their actions towards you...".

Lucian gazes at George, his face contorted with sorrow, as he retreats a single stride.

"Your role is to send them bowing under the face of the death. Then, end your life, witness the resentment of your heart leave your soul, devour the vengeance, and feel the relief at the place you belong." 

"Sacrifice yourself, and by doing so...you might have a good impact on your family's reputation and every victim of bullying. Your story will be heard all over the region".

Lucian left George with a sly smile. George stood there, smiling and looking pleased. His eyes widened as if he had found a solution to his problem. His microexpressions hinted at mischief. Of a sudden, George laughed hysterically with his hand scratching all over his head but why did he cry? 

"The actors were ready, with the main character fully immersed in their role. The theatre has now opened, and the performance will begin shortly... Yes... Sooner as I expected."Lucian smirked coldly as he engaged in self-dialogue.

"It was a good opening to make a mess in this place."Lucian strolled with hands clasped behind his back.

Lucian yawned." I should find Ethan to ask him where is my dorm."

Lucian yawned once again."maybe I should sleep in the horse carriage, I'm too sleepy to find that old man."

Lucian went outside searching for the horse carriage. "What a long day."

Lucian sighed. 

Lucian drifts into a profound slumber.

Mainly, he was sleeping peacefully as if nothing bothering him. Thus, sleeping like a newborn baby- without the mind being in the endless marathon, chasing thought in circles, yet reaching no finish line.

Above all, the man's mind was as unpredictable as his personality, like a wave... Calming as the ocean, laughing like a raging sea, mischievously and scheming in mysterious ways, just like a mystery lurking in the depths of the ocean.

Is he thinking about death before his sleeping? Is he doesn't have any regrets about his actions in the past before his eyes closed? To him, death is the most peaceful place for a pitiful existence, a mere ant,...death is as beautiful as being drowned while witnessing a full moon, to lying in the soft brown earth with long tall grass waving over one's head, hugging the silence letting the emotion left the soul with the unthinkable mind but heart drowned in peaceful, no past, no future, no present...

time was stopped for us to forgive the life with the existence of our life still existed in people's minds yet our presence was in the deep of their hearts.

Finally, let the earth devour the body, release the soul, and live a life in serenity as a free soul.