
Depth of Sanity

Imagine a world where the essence of your heart determines your ability to wield elemental powers. Fiery spirits command flames, while calm souls control water. But what if some people with complex heart disorders possess multiple elements or unique themes? Such a mystery shatters conventional beliefs and sets the stage for an intriguing exploration of the interplay between hearts and magic. In the heart-pounding "Depth of Sanity," powerlessness becomes the ultimate advantage, setting the stage for an intense psychological battle. As the characters grapple with their vulnerabilities, a mysterious puppeteer orchestrates a mind-bending game where perception is reality, and every move holds life-altering consequences. Prepare for a rollercoaster of suspense as the true mastermind emerges from the shadows, reshaping the very fabric of sanity itself. Blunders aren't just mistakes, but sacrifices that could lead to unpredictable winning. Get ready to immerse yourself in an epic tale of a young boy's fight against destiny. In a world of magic and power, he battles his arrogance, choosing the path of righteousness. But his quest for change is not an easy one. He must use every tool at his disposal, including manipulation and even murder, to challenge the world's perception. With a god complex and a fierce existentialism, he takes on the most powerful forces in the land. This is a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and challenge everything you thought you knew about magic, destiny, and the human heart. ----------------------------- *Worth reading as it contains the philosophy of life of each character, how they perceive the world and has poetry too. Warning!! (18+)

Whoami_ · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Blossoms of Loyalty

Under the clear sky, amidst a hot but pleasant breeze, three children from a humble background were subjected to a violent attack by a group of children belonging to affluent families loyal to Julius, their leader and patron. These privileged children hailed from the esteemed Cunnington family and resided in the town of Burge, firmly under their sway. It is this influence that allowed a person lacking in intellect, such as Julius, to exert control over these impressionable individuals.

However, do these personalities possess the innocence akin to a golden retriever? No, these children share Julius' disposition. They resemble brain-dead monkeys, lacking any knowledge of the world. Their sole understanding lies in the power bestowed upon them through their father's influence.

The children in question are Alex Silverstone and Vier Silverstone, who happen to be twins and the sole offspring of the Silverstone Family. Another child of note is Kir Blueglow, the second-born son of the Blueglow Family. Lastly, we have Owen Stonewhite, who unfortunately possesses a rather unpleasant disposition and is the third son of the Stonewhite Family. These young individuals are currently enrolled in 2nd grade and are under the watchful eye of Temose Redthorn.

The student dorms were located towards the rear of the area. The dormitory building was large and tall, with a wide back area. Several lamps resembling classical Western styles were hanging on the wall, with several in sight.

Lucian saw three boys in antiquated attire, donning a cloak bearing a green snake logo on its back. However, they were sprawled on the ground, clearly in distress. Bruises covered their faces, and their clothing bore noticeable Lisburn marks.

The three kids mentioned were Kid C who has black hair and black eyes, Kid B has black hair and blue eyes, and Kid A has brown eyes and a short side part haircut.

Three individuals were observed donning identical attire, consisting of a classic shirt paired with black trousers.

"Why are you outshine my greatness in front of Mr. Temose?". Julius approached a common child, showing his displeasure with a furrowed brow and angry eyes. The intensity of his emotions was reflected in his sharp brows and fiery gaze, mirroring his frustration.

"Please forgive me, I didn't intend to put you in shame position in front of Mr. Temose".The child sobbed as they crawled on the floor, seeking forgiveness.

Then, Owen interrupted. "Why don't we just let these three dumb kids fight with each other, then the ones that survive will have their way back to the dorm safely".Owen's face displayed a subtle smirk, his lips curling slightly. Also, He stood there, pointing at the unfortunate children, with an arrogant demeanor and a manipulative expression.

Kir laughed. "Hey isn't that too soft? These trash will never learn their lessons if you are a soft-hearted person". Kir ridiculed Owen, using his words and displaying an arrogant demeanor. He stood with his hand on his hips, pointing at the unfortunate children. With a raised brow and a smirk, he mockingly taunted them.

"Are you mocking me?!.Then, what is your suggestion to teach those trash?". Owen asked Kir as angrily as his words were a storm, thundering with resentment.

"No, no... I like your ideas, but I want to add some spices to it". Kir approached and gently tapped Owen's shoulder, calmly offering reassurance.

"Why don't we let them fight with each other as Owen suggested before but, two people that lose will have their cloak burned into ashes by Julius...".Kir let out a small laugh.

"Hmm... ". Julius is contemplating something deeply.

"You know, the class cloak prices aren't that cheap for a commoner, some of them willing to owe the academy for the mantle with the guarantee of their own as a part-time labor force as a gardener worker and much more that needs for their energy. Also, Mr Temose won't accept any disciples that don't have their cloak on".

Kir provided a comprehensive explanation to Julius, who was not very attentive.

"Oh that's brilliant, Mr. Temose was indeed hated commoners, having their cloak burned, would make Mr. Temose go crazy. Then, I've also heard that most of the guards that have been guarding this academy and dorms are likely from the commoners' families. The rumors said that they didn't have money to repay their owes to the academy and then they worked as an unpaid slave". Vier quietly chuckled while whispering to the group.

Julius laughed. "Well, you guys know how to play your role greatly".


Julius' expression shows a hint of joy, as he was at the peak of the world as his sinister grin unfolded like a twisted carnival, amusement laced with malevolence echoed in every wicked chuckle.


"Alex!, Bring their cloak now!".Julius dictated to Alex with a stern tone.

"Yes! Sir!". Alex, the loyal dog, is never offended by Julius's tone, manner, or actions. He has dedicated his life to Julius.

Alex approached those unfortunate kids and asked for their cloaks."Hey! You three dumb-heads! Give me your cloaks unless you want to give your life and go die". Alex spoke in a bad manner.

"Please~! NO! Not the cloak!". A child expressed their distress and sought comfort and understanding.

"Please! My father works hard for this cloak...".Another unfortunate kid held Alex's hand to ask for forgiveness.

"Sir Julius, I'm begging you, please forgive us...I will do everything, anything as you told me to do... But not the cloak...".Julius encountered a curious child who sought his sympathy. However, the child's plea for understanding was in vain as Julius lacked empathy and remained unfazed.

Alex became impatience. He started to kick those three unfortunate kids and force them to take the cloaks. "I've told you to hear me!". Alex kicked and stomped those three kids' stomachs and now three of them were severely injured.

Alex gave the cloaks to Julius. "Here sir! Accept my gratitude!".

Julius laughed. "HAHAHA! Now! Kir! Force those kids to fight with each other!. I've become bored waiting".

Kir threatened the kids using a small spiral fire in his hand, preparing to throw it at Julius and his cloaks."I will count to five, if your ass doesn't wake up and start the action, I will burn those cloaks". Kir smirked mischievously as he pointed at the cloaks.


Two figures swiftly rise to their feet and begin casting their magical spells.

A child kicked the ground, causing a medium-sized rock to appear. They then side-kicked the rock with force, sending it flying toward another child who was shaping a large rectangular wall of water in front of them. The rock became trapped within the rectangular water shape.


"Hey! Calm down! We are friends... Why are you attacking me with such deadly magic!".Kid B asked.

"Forget about the friendship things...this is how I will survive".Kid C's regretful expression accompanied his response.

Kid B, with the water element, quickly approached Kid C, who possessed the rock element and entered his range. Kid B swiftly punched Kid C in the stomach, causing him to become seriously ill. Suddenly, Kid A joined the fight, appearing to be injured. His face was visibly bruised from Julius' blows, and he walked with his right hand pressed against his stomach, where Julius had kicked him.

"You two... Urgh!.. p-please stop it". Kid A approached his two friends and hardly voiced his concern, asking them to refrain from engaging in play that was designed solely for Julius' amusement.

"Tch!". Kid C felt a sense of remorse as he reflected on his behavior towards his friends.

"Finally, he calmed down". Kid B felt relief.

"Then, what about my cloak?...are willing to buy me a new one?!... Ouh... I've forgot...your family also can't afford it...Tch!".Kid C's eyes welled up as they passionately spoke to Kid A.

"Please...". Kid A showed empathy towards Kid C as they exchanged glances.

"Doesn't matter if the devil asked you to kill your friends in exchange for your safety...never lose your sanity, be rational..". Kid A comforted Kid C.

"HUH?!, who the hell asked you to stop?!". Julius seemed to be in a somber mood.

Julius angrily stands and confronts Kid A, disappointed by the lack of excitement. Acting on his frustration, he conjures a small fireball in his hand and hurls it towards Kid A's head. However, Kid A, anticipating Julius' impatience, quickly reacts by dodging the fireball. Unfortunately, he is not agile enough to completely avoid it and sustains an injury to his right shoulder.

"Ack!". Kid A falls to the ground, screaming in pain.

Julius became angry and abruptly shifted his attention from Kid A to Kid C and Kid B.

"!". Kid C and Kid B avoided making eye contact with Julius, feeling scared.

"Kir!...burn the cloaks...now! ...".Julius instructed Kir to proceed with additional actions.

"As you please". Kir smirked.

"Look at them, such a loser".Owen laughed.

Owen approached a group of three children and struck them in the stomach before severely hitting the face of one child, referred to as Kid C.

"Please...no..no..".Kid C sobbed.

The three children were injured and experiencing various emotions such as disappointment, sadness, and sorrow. They were grappling with a range of thoughts and feelings.

"Tch! Such a waste of time!...".Julius approached Kid A, who was fatigued and lying on the ground with an unsatisfied expression.

"Once again, if you outshine me in front of Mr Temose...not only did your cloak get burned into ashes, you also might lose your life...if you love your life... Make sure to watch your manner in front of me! understood?!". Julius treated Kid A poorly, engaging in disrespectful behavior such as pulling Kid A's hair and ultimately stomping on Kid A's face.

"Arghh! so frustrating... let's go back to our dorm".Julius, feeling frustrated, gave the order for his group to retreat.

Julius remained resentful as everyone else laughed joyfully.

"What about now?... our cloaks were burned".Kid B's voice carried a tinge of sadness.

Kid A began to feel lightheaded and struggled to remain conscious.

"As long you guys didn't badly injured...ouch!".Kid A sobbed.

"Those brats...if only I was born in a high-class family... I would kill those brats". Kid C spoke angrily.

"Ho...interesting~...you spoke lightly about killing...are sure you can burden yourself with the sins of one's life? ...".Lucian chuckled.

"!?". The children appeared to be in a state of shock.

"Who are you?!!!". Kid A asked, surprised.

"Gosh... He's beautiful...".Kid B expressed his thoughts internally.

Lucian chuckled.

"Me?... I'm just a nobody".Lucian let out a small smile as he stared down at those unfortunate kids.

Lucian roamed, hands behind his back.

Approaching the burning cloaks, he then bent down to inspect them.

"Looks like...these cloaks can't be used anymore".Lucian spoke with compassion and understanding.

The kids remain cautious and aware of potential outcomes.

Lucian slowly approached Kid A. Then, talked with him while crouching. "you...barely holding your consciousness, and still want to look strong in front of them?...".

"Such a pity soul...what a kind soul...you took the most damage, you hardly surviving between your consciousness...for them?..". Lucian observes Kid A, displaying a compassionate facial expression.

Lucian grabbed kid A's finger. "such an innocent soul... Being treated like a dog in this cursed world...".

Kid A gazed at Lucian, their expression filled with concern.

"What are your intentions actually...".

"Yes! You seem suspicious". Kid B interrupted.

Lucian smiled slyly.

"Ouh...am I that..".Lucian's expression turned cold as he stared calmly at the three kids."OBVIOUS?".

"In this world... innocent souls tremble in fear, while those who are on top laugh hysterically at their wealth, power, fame, and reputation. My intentions weren't that pure, wasn't that saint, wasn't that evil, wasn't that logical, wasn't that sincere, wasn't that generous... my intention was the same as everyone's. I've sought a peaceful world where living beings are equal. Peace was elusive and I know it very well. However, as a person in a position of his fate had the limitations and rejection in this current world, I denied those statements' existence and moved forward to seek power".Lucian replied.

They were in a deep silence.

"If power is the only path I shall overcome to achieve such a trivial goal, I will execute it well and never once fall in hesitation to use a deception to reset these biased systems that those monkeys created, I must become powerful, although rejecting the existence of humanity, morality... Power and sacrifice are facets in the same circle, by gaining power, one must sacrifice. It's the balance I need to accept to create equality amongst the living beings".Lucian talked in a charismatic manner.

"After all, living beings were equal in the face of death. If fairness has existed on death, it also should exist in life". Lucian observed them with an emotionless gaze.

Kid C looked at Lucian with a serious expression and asked.

"So, what do you want from us? As you can see... We are non-beneficial for you".

"Your souls...I need your loyalty...if you wish for revenge towards your bullies... I will lend my help for you, only by one condition...give me your loyalties and become my sacrificial pawns".Lucian smirked.

"How can we trust you?". Kid A asked with a concerned look.

Lucian smiled.

"Human trust was connected with an easy method, trust was bonding on their name".

"My name is Lucian". Lucian smiled.

His smile was a sun in a serene dawn sky, casting a gentle radiance that embraced everyone around.

"Still, we can't trust you just by your name".Kid C spoke.

Lucian laughed. Then, he throws a bag of gold coins. "Buy a new cloak and a fresh new dorm logo".

Lucian let out a smirk.

They hesitate to accept the bag of gold coins, as they suspect it may be a bribe.

"Tch...think this as my sincere heart to help and I'm being generously for the moment, take it or leave it". Lucian fixed his gaze on them.

After discussing the matter for a short while, they ultimately agreed to accept the gold coins.

"We will show you how loyal we are willing to become". Kid B replied, his tone was confident.

"Thank you". Lucian departs from the scene.

"Before that, take this also". Lucian throws a new bag of gold coins.

"This is for the wound treatments, after all... I don't need a weak pawn".

Lucian's departure was a quiet retreat, his gaze lingering on the trio, their joy blossoming like flowers under the divine assistance they received.

Lucian's fixed gaze ahead spoke volumes, a small sigh escaping his lips, weary eyes reflecting a profound reality — a perception of the world tainted with nihilistic hues.

"In this world, people's value can be bought with money, what is impressive is... this system controlling, isolating and manipulating the mind of people, making live a life in surrendering their pride towards money for one's benefits. What's sadder, the existence of the currency is making people willing to give their souls to live an effortless life".

A serene smile adorned Lucian's face, a comfort akin to daisies basking in the sunshine, radiating a gentle warmth by his side.


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