


Samuel looks up at the bright light above him uncertain what to think. He sees all kinds of people in green clothes. Next thing he knows there this cup over his face he falls asleep. It feels like mere seconds

Sam looks around he sees mom standing by his side she looks worried what is going on. My chest hurts

I cannot seem to swallow I start to try and cry but cannot seem to get anything out mom sees this and gets the doctor soon I am back to sleep I can still hear my mommy she says she is right her tells me to be strong. I am trying mommy Its so hard to breath. Next time I awaken I see my mom right by me she looks at me longingly I put my hand out for her to feel she touches my hands and feet. She says you are so cold I am scared to hold you and accidentally hurt you I cry, and she smiles and rubs my forehead to try to help calm me. I love my mommy so much. A few days later I hear the doctor ask if she wants to hold me. She says yes but also states that she worried because of all the wires and tubes. They assure her that they will be here every step of the way she sits with a pillow across her lap. The nurse brings me to my mommy she shows mommy the proper way to lift me to protect my ribcage from breaking. She sits with me with loving looks holding me to make me feel secure and warm. Soon mom is back to holding me as much as she can they keep offering bottles, but I cough each time It is still hard to swallow. Mom starts laying me on my side while I eat it is a weird position, but I slow get the hang of it.

My NG tube feedings become less and less till I can now drink a whole 3 ounces on my own. I hear the doctors say that I will get to go home soon. That is confusing is this not my home. The next day I must sleep in this small bed. It has straps. I hear the nurse say I passed my car seat test. Mom and Mimi slept that night it was weird having them here but also comforting to have my mommy all night long. Soon mom places me back in the car seat. We start walking and I can see the biggest smile on mommy face. It is so bright here I feel the seat rock and I and facing the inside of a seat soon mommy is sitting next to me.  She keeps placing my nunu in my mouth when I cry why does she not pick me up. I soon fall asleep out of boredom.