
Beginning of Samuel

I came from the dark brought into the light. Surrounded by doctors. I look shocked by the sudden change I quickly see someone in front of me is that mom. I feel the doctor slap my behind because I have yet to cry. Everyone is concerned its hard to breathe. They take me to this warm area its so bright. They put something by my face I am breathing better. I cry and everyone smiles with joy. I am in a box I pass someone is that my mom quickly I am rushed to another room I don't recognize anyone until I see my dad . I hear his voice and I feel much calmer. I cry all of a sudden I have this sharp pain in my hand. Why are these people hurting me. I hear dad talking to the doctor they are concerned about murmur in my heart. They said I have to do some tests I hope these don't hurt. I spend the whole night I haven't seen or hear my mom were is she . The next day I see my mom she is so loving she holds me and smells my hair. I love you mom so much. They come next to me with this machine with a bright light , then placed something cold on my chest.They find out I have a heart condition called tetralogy of fallot. Next time mom holds me she cries why is mom so sad. They try to give me a bottle but I'm trying to suck but I'm so tired mom rubs my temple trying to get me to wake up. The doctor comes in she says to mom that I will need more tests that I have wide set eyes and extra nipples . They decide to do a MRI to rule any brain damage. I have a ng tube placed because I can't get a good latch.I finally have a full tummy I feel much better. Mom sits right by my bed I see her with this loud machine . Later she offers me milk this is so yummy I try but I am still very sleepy. Mom brings

Milk each day she seems tired and in Pain. I lay at night wide awake just staring at all the nurses pacing by me. I am in awe about all the different people coming in and out. The loud alarms beep constantly and I can hear a heart beat by me. I miss my mom! Where is she? soon my mom comes and sits by me, she smells my hair and holds me close. I feel tears drop on me and I look up at my mom. She is so beautiful blue eyes ,brown hair, I can tell she loves me so much. I hear the doctor say I need to be transferred to new orleans children's hospital. Mom holds me tight and kisses me soon she is handing me to a person. They put me in an incubator and we head out to the roof. I hear this loud choping sound . Soon I can see a big helicopter we take off and head to New orleans.

this story is a short novel of the life of my son Samuel. He is disabled and is dependent on me.

Chrislan_Stellycreators' thoughts