
Deng Jimmie-trueman

Abandoned child that push for better

James_Deng_Garang · Ciudad
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15 Chs

Worthless await travelling

Worthless await travelling

Travelling: I came to realized that I shouldn't spent 5

years waiting for travelling that's unknown. I had a

useless hope to unchr; that they could make my

travelling easy not knowing I was waiting on air; they

just kept me as if I was a lost sheep who was unable to

get to home.

I would've traveling to places that may hold my lucks; I

never knew that the Organization was runs by disgrace

people who are there to keep people for their benefits and

leaving your lost energy too, I used to send them text

message, calls, requesting protection when I was threats

by some individuals from host country and I ended up

without being provided with basic needs among above

mentions things' I made up my mind about let go of

theirs useless protection; although I got no supports from

anyone; I have confidence in myself that I can do

anything with or without support, I believe! ' I was born

to win the world before the world win me ' I telling myself

I can do this ' I can do that just matter of time<> I could

be traveling anywhere included moon landing.

47 | P a g e


It came to my final year to coming out strong than ever

been before' and show those abandoned me that I can

shinning too like they did' and made them as my fans as

they're making come-back, I try everything I can do to

leave bad host country but it was not easy until I find out

It's easy with focusing; Now I can travel' I'm by name:

Jimmie True-man " however" I'm Jimmie Freeman now;

I'm free to go anywhere on the planet.