

"Simply Exists." That is the description of the First Primordial, Brayfog. In the future, he simply exists, but how did this Primordial take on the mantle of First Primordial? Before everything, he was just a child, a baby forged in atypical ways, without a father or a mother. Was Brayfog created from something or was he merely an anomaly? What mysteries surround the life and existence of the entity who once, at the pinnacle, determined that his existence alone was sufficient to influence the future of the entire known universe? What price was paid for such power, so that an existence, an entity, would be described simply as "Simply Exists"?

Astragaar · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Duel of Legacies

Zhan Lu couldn't resist the temptation and started removing Iroh's armor, putting it on himself. Mei Hua, seeing her brother wearing the heavy and imposing crimson armor, expressed her concerns.

"Brother Zhan, what are you doing? This is the armor of our progenitor, Iroh. We shouldn't wear it."

Zhan Lu smiled; his energy seemed to rise with the attire. "Sister Mei, I just want to feel what it's like. Go ahead, try the other one to see how they were."

Mei Hua hesitated for a moment but eventually gave in. She put on the white and gold armor, which also fit her perfectly. The contrast between her angelic appearance and the armor gave her a majestic air.

Zhan Lu wielded the spear that used to belong to Iroh, and Mei Hua held the great sword Nashandra used to wield. Their amber eyes gleamed, and they decided to reenact the story they had heard from Lao Feng.

"How can you support our father, Nashandra? He renounced an entire race for petty reasons!" said Zhan Lu, imitating Iroh's voice.

"You cannot comprehend our father's thinking; you only need to follow as everyone else does, Iroh!" replied Mei Hua, imitating Nashandra.

"I will not remain silent, Nashandra. I will challenge the entire heavens if necessary to free my children!"

"They are not your children, Iroh! They are a plague!"

Zhan Lu raised his spear and pointed it at Mei Hua.

"Our mother did not raise us for this, but if the heavens desire war, I will give them war. If they reject me, I reject the heavens. If they want to treat me as a sinner, then I shall be the first sinner of this world."

"Don't do this, Iroh!"

Advancing towards Mei Hua, Zhan Lu attacked with his spear, and Mei Hua defended with her great zweihänder. Both of them were smiling, recreating the battle scene of the archangels.

Zhan's spear thrust against Mei Hua's zweihänder, and they did their best to recreate the battle between the two siblings. From a distance, Lao Feng observed this scene in amazement. It was as if he were watching Iroh and Nashandra themselves. With a smile on his face, he drew some runes in the air and continued to watch.

The change was noticed by Zhan Lu and Mei Hua. Their armors sprouted wings—on one side were Zhan Lu's 20 wings, and on the other were Mei Hua's 12 wings.

Both of them looked astonished but then smiled, as if it were a natural part of their armor. They both took flight.

"Wow, this is so cool! I had no idea our armors could do this, Sister Mei."

"This feeling is incredible. I never thought I could fly," Mei Hua replied, unable to hide her smile.

They continued to imitate the battle, this time in the skies. For them, it was just a game, but for Lao Feng, it was like revisiting a part of the past.

Mei Hua advanced against Zhan Lu but was thrown back. Holding her metallic fans, she threw one of them toward Zhan Lu, who deflected it with his Nunchaku, causing it to hit the ground. The rune inscribed on the Nunchaku glowed brightly, creating a crack in the ground and propelling Zhan Lu forward.

Zhan Lu, now 15 years old, had long crimson hair that resembled flames. His body was more sculpted, making him taller and more imposing. Mei Hua, with her long black hair adorned with white streaks, swayed gracefully in the air as her body also became more defined. Both were dressed in the uniform of the School of the 20 Wings.

They practiced another one of their training battles. Zhan swung his Nunchaku skillfully, creating intricate patterns around him. Mei Hua counterattacked with her metal fans, deflecting Zhan Lu's strikes and finding opportunities to strike back.

After their intense sparring, Zhan Lu examined the damage to his clothes. Mei Hua then called him back to the pagoda. Zhan Lu agreed, and they both rushed back to the pagoda.

"Dad should have finished lunch by now. He usually finishes around this time," Zhan Lu said, thinking of food.

"Master is giving us more and more missions. I wonder what he has in mind," Mei Hua said, concerned.

"Sister Mei, I think Dad is physically training us so we can better understand the instructions in Iroh's scrolls. I saw him reading some of them last week," Zhan Lu explained.

"Scrolls? I wonder what they contain," Mei Hua pondered.

"I know where he keeps them. We can investigate later."

As they chatted, they arrived at the entrance of the pagoda. Lao Feng was grilling a lamb and preparing a large pot of soup. When he spotted his two students, he smiled and beckoned them to join him.

Zhan Lu promptly settled on the ground, placing his Nunchaku aside, and Mei Hua joined him, mirroring his posture. Lao Feng turned his gaze towards the two young disciples as he began to share the news.

"Almost four years have passed since you embarked on your secluded training in this sanctuary. Time has proven your growth, and you've reached a new level of proficiency. After discussing it with Lao Mei, we've agreed on the next phase of your journey. For the upcoming three years, you'll immerse yourselves in Iroh's training chamber, a place of profound refinement."

Zhan Lu, intrigued by the mention of the mysterious chamber, swallowed a bite of succulent, roasted meat before posing a question, his eyes reflecting a curious spirit.

"Father, what kind of training will this chamber offer us? What should we expect?"

Lao Feng smiled, appreciating Zhan Lu's inquisitiveness, and provided some insight.

"Inside the chamber, you will undergo a process similar to Iroh's own body refinement journey. You'll explore the rune system you're already familiar with, but at a much deeper level. It will not only fortify your physical abilities but also refine your mental and spiritual strengths."

Mei Hua, beside her brother, inquired about their future beyond this intensive training.

"And Master, what lies beyond these three years? Will we be expected to join the sect?"

Lao Feng nodded, his expression more solemn as he revealed his future plans.

"Yes, that is Lao Mei's wish, and I have personal matters to address with the sect's elders. It will be a new chapter in your lives, my dear children, a chance to broaden your horizons and contribute to our legacy."

Zhan Lu absorbed this information, a medley of emotions swirling within him. The world beyond the secluded sanctuary was largely uncharted territory, and the prospect of venturing into it both excited and daunted him.

Zhan Lu and Mei Hua found themselves in a vast chamber, a sacred space filled with an air of mystery and ancient wisdom. The chamber was grand in scale, its dimensions beyond anything they could have imagined. It was like stepping into a different realm.

Massive stone pillars lined the chamber's edges, adorned with intricate runes and etchings, symbols of an era long past. The floor beneath their feet was smooth, as if polished by centuries of use. In the distance, a ceiling so high it was obscured by shadows loomed above them. At its apex, a giant mural depicted Iroh, the First Sinner, in all his glory, standing proudly amidst celestial battles. The mural was a testament to his power and his legacy.

The room was vast, so vast that Zhan Lu felt like a mere speck in comparison. In one corner, a massive dais stood adorned with another statue of Iroh, this one larger than life. Its eyes seemed to follow them as they moved about, a constant reminder of the guardian and mentor they had lost. Mei Hua couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and trepidation in this hallowed place.

As they walked further into the chamber, they discovered a large circular arena at its center. This arena was made of a material that shimmered like obsidian, smooth and cool to the touch. A grand mural adorned the arena floor, an intricate depiction of Iroh's battles against his own kind, the celestial wars brought to life through detailed craftsmanship.

Lao Feng had left them within this massive chamber, surrounded by the history of their ancestors. Zhan Lu was filled with a sense of purpose as he contemplated their upcoming training, channeling Iroh's strength and will. But amidst the grandeur of the place, Zhan Lu couldn't help but feel a sense of longing, as if he was missing something vital.

For Mei Hua, her feelings were a mix of admiration and something deeper. The sight of Zhan Lu within this monumental space stirred something within her, a connection that was hard to ignore. Her gaze lingered on him as he approached Iroh's statue, his determination evident. It was during this moment that she found herself drawn to him, not just as a companion but as something more.

The two of them stood before the statue of Iroh, gazing up at the First Sinner's imposing figure. Zhan Lu felt the weight of their training on his shoulders, the legacy of their people resting on his chest. And yet, his attention began to shift from the imposing statue to Mei Hua standing beside him.

With a soft smile, Zhan Lu extended his hand to Mei Hua. "Mei Hua, we are about to embark on a journey like no other. Let's promise each other that we'll give it our all and honor our father's legacy."

Mei Hua, touched by Zhan Lu's words, placed her hand in his. "Zhan Lu, I promise to stand by your side, to share in this journey with you, and to make sure we both emerge stronger and wiser."

Their hands met in a silent pledge, a connection that went beyond friendship and partnership.

Within the vast training chamber, Zhan Lu and Mei Hua dedicated themselves to the teachings left by Iroh. The atmosphere in the chamber was charged with intense energy, and the runes of Iroh's 20 forms of combat glowed with a pulsating, mysterious light.

The young ones began their training with basic stances, following the Great Scroll made of human skin that hovered in the air. Zhan Lu moved with grace and precision, his spear cutting through space with accuracy. Mei Hua wielded her zweihander with strength, demonstrating power and agility. Their movements were coordinated, as if they were dancing together, and their souls danced in the harmony of their training.

"If you bend your right knee while spinning, it'll provide more balance to your thrust," Zhan Lu instructed Mei Hua, approaching her with a confident smile.

Mei Hua nodded and followed Zhan Lu's advice. They continued to train, each movement a choreographed dance of action and reaction. As time passed, their laughter became more frequent, and the initial tension dissipated.

The two spent hours honing their skills, facing fatigue and challenges. During breaks, they shared childhood stories and dreams for the future. Zhan Lu learned about Mei Hua's passion for gardening, and she listened to Zhan Lu's plans to explore distant lands.

One day, while resting in the shade of the glowing runes, Mei Hua couldn't help but notice Zhan Lu's amber eyes, which gleamed with determination and warmth.

"You have incredible eyes, Zhan Lu," Mei Hua said softly. "They're like two golden suns."

Zhan Lu blushed slightly and thanked her. "And you, Mei Hua, have eyes like shimmering stars on a clear night. They sparkle with so much life."

They locked eyes for a moment, their hearts beating in unison. Training brought them closer, but something deeper was growing between them, something not even Iroh could have foreseen.

Months passed, and the training intensified. They delved deeper into the forms of combat, mastering each move and perfecting their synchronization. As their skills grew, so did their confidence and unity.

On a hot summer afternoon, while practicing a sequence of complex moves, Zhan Lu and Mei Hua found themselves closer than ever. Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, and each movement felt like a natural extension of the other.

Zhan Lu took Mei Hua's hand, guiding her in an elegant motion. Their gazes met, and they shared a knowing smile. Tension hung in the air, like electricity before a storm.

"You're amazing, Mei Hua," Zhan Lu whispered, his lips gently brushing against hers.

Mei Hua felt her heart race. "Zhan Lu, I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, he kissed her tenderly. It was a sweet kiss, filled with promises and desire. The world around them disappeared, and they got lost in the warmth of the moment.

When they separated, their faces were flushed, and they embraced each other lovingly. Training had brought them closer, but that kiss solidified their bond in a way words could never express.

Months turned into years, and their training reached its peak. Zhan Lu and Mei Hua were now masters of Iroh's 20 forms of combat. They had conquered the training chamber, and in the process, each other's hearts.

On the day they left the chamber, they looked at each other with a mixture of pride and nostalgia. It was the end of one journey and the beginning of another.

Mei Hua held Zhan Lu's hand. "Our hearts are linked forever, Zhan Lu."

They grow up so fast... it makes me so proud... finally 18, and he can finally explore the world, but is the world ready for it?

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