

LinkLost · Fantasía
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5 Chs

A Human


It had no effect.

"He is not waking up."

"Muffled noises..."

"What should we do?"


"Try it one more time. If he still doesn't wake up, we will take him back to the village. "


The realisation stuck him hard. His body went cold.


"Look! He opened his eyes! "

Three different voices, three different people.

All of them are humans.

They look weak. I can kill them all and-'

"Looks like you are up."

The boy, dressed in black robes, extended his hand.


They were ready to help out a demon?

"Are you alright?"

He continued to blankly stare at the boy in front of him.

"It looks like the injury might be serious."

The boy took his hand back.

"Who are you?"

Lon asked a question, suppressing his rage.

The boy smiled and answered.

"I am Gin. These are my party members, Lua and Sira. "

The two girls bowed to greet him.

"Can they not see my horns?"

He touched his head to verify if something was wrong.


He could no longer hold on in his panic.

"Where are they?"

His horns had disappeared.

Gin was concerned. He looked at Lua, who was feeling sorry for the boy in front of them.

"Come with us. We will guide you towards the nearby village. Your injury seems serious. "

Lon stopped waving his hand around his head and rose slowly from the ground.

"Who do I look like?"

He asked the three adventurers.


They were puzzled by his question. Lon understood that his question was poorly phrased.

"Which race do I look like I belong to?"

Three of them looked at each other.

'He must have lost his memory.'

Sira, the blue-haired girl, responded first.

"You look like a human. Just like us. "

blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, no pointy ears, no tail, more than two eyes, and an above average build. He was definitely a human.


He couldn't believe it.

'Disguise activated.'

A message appeared in his thoughts.


One of the three skills granted by the Failed Sword of Vulcan.'

"You were lying all alone in the forest. All you had was a knife and that blunt sword to defend yourself. "

Lua pointed towards his left hand. He diverted his attention to following her eyes.

"How in the...."

He didn't even notice that he had been holding a sword for all this time. Also, he just remembered that he was only using his right hand to check for his horns.

He looked back towards Gin.

"Well? Do you want to come with us? "

Lon closed his eyes and nodded.

I have to go and look for my party members. We were planning to make a camp deep in the Myr-Forest. "

He corrected his mistake almost immediately. Only demons refer to it as the Myre.

Is that right? Then we can help you get there.

Lon nodded his head sideways.

"That won't do. They have specifically asked me to keep the location of the camp secret. I was acting as a scout, finding the fastest route from the camp to the exit. A speeding boar crashed into me, rendering me unconscious.

He lied through his teeth to make the story sound plausible.


Gin was disappointed.

"Thank you for helping me out. I will be on my way now. "

He gave them a slight bow, and turned around to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Gin's voice stopped him in his tracks. He turned around and asked.

"Is there anything else?"

Gin scratched his head and asked,

"I didn't catch your name."


A sigh of relief

"Lon. My name is Lon. "


His pronunciation was a bit off, but Lon was in a hurry.

"That's right. Once again, thank you for helping me out."

He waved his hand and rushed away from them.

"His speed..."

Gin couldn't help but be impressed.

It looks like the sun is about to set. Should we go back? "

Sira didn't want to explore the forest at night.

"Yes, after all, we cannot afford to camp here."

Thank you for 1000 views!

I hope you liked the first four chapters.

Any sort of feedback is appreciated.

Reviews are also appreciated, but seeing as the story has just begun, I would understand if you all might reserve your judgement for later.

There is no proper schedule for posting the chapters, although I will try my level best to be consistent.

See you at the next chapter!

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