
Caged albatross takes flight

There is a hole. A hole in the wall. Even though it doesn't burn the brick sides look aflame with

discarded torches and the soon to be rising sun. I can hear shouts erupting from the blanket of

silence that had laid over me before, on the side of the wall where nothing happens. Standing,

that's all I can do as the wall barricading me from the world beyond falls apart. I built a wall, and

now that is crumbling too. The air no longer smells fresh, now, now it smells like smoke, sweat and

tears. I breathe in and get ready, preparing myself to launch into action that my legs probably can't


"Yana!" I spin round, confused.

"Jane? Why are you here?" I splutter, suddenly doing hand

movements I've never done before.

"I joined the watchmen today," she explains, "I got past finality!" Truth is, I don't know what

happens in the finality, all I know is that it's the last stage of multiple athletic trials including some

to test how strong your ability is; though only watchmen have to do this, for the Umbra Vincit, all

you have to do is show them your power, tell them how it works and fight with another Umbra

Vincit. The only reason I actually passed it was mostly because I kept dodging until they got tired; not that great but

it was better than nothing. I nod at her and look back at the chaos around me, "we better get moving," I say, making my way towards the scattered rubble. I sigh as the other Umbra Vincit arrive

and leap up again to chase the invading enemy. I can hear Jane panting as we run-up to the


point of the wall. I can see burning buildings on the horizon but now the panicked shouts have

almost been fully muffled by the distance and I run even faster."Hey!" Jane calls after me, "wait up!"

I smile and slow down to her speed and end up by her side and then sprint on again, this time she

sprints just as fast. It's almost sunrise, the sky almost like pages of a book flipping to reveal a new

chapter of hope and adventure. We stop and look out at the city behind the wall, our city. There's

no going back, I say to myself. I jump, off the wall and into the dark undergrowth below, Jane jumps

after me smiling half worried and half excited, like those times we would swim in the ocean giggling

and splashing each other. I picture that as I fall, though there is no doubt or worry in my mind, my

only thought is; I'm going to be free. My friend smiles back at me and laughs a small laugh and then

smirks. Jane has been my greatest friend for years, and the greatest thing about it is that she's a

coniter too.