
Demonically Infected

A girl made to pay for a father debt to a demon lord, the ultimate sacrifice or a slim chance to survive. Where will her choices lead her? Can she make it back or forever walk the tightrope till she falls into hell.

Vawn_Mobbs · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs


I had lost track of time long ago, so only the water flow told me information. It had been flowing slower and slower over time except when it rained this most likely indicated summer was coming closer thus less water. I was so hungry that I was scraping the algae off the rock to get something in my stomach. I now knew I was not able to die. At first I worried about this a lot but eventually my eternal hunger took over almost my entire thought processes.

Finally I heard something different from small animals and water drippings, the sound of fighting became louder and louder. I dreamed of eatting whatever they were killing, sadly I forgot about escape or revenge at that moment only my hunger consumed my thoughts. I tried to yell out for help but only squeaks and groans escaped, when I tried again blood sprayed out as well. Finally I just grabbed a rock with my toes and started to tap away in between the battle sounds.

Eventually my sounds were heard and their footsteps finally rounded the corner, a huge warrior covered in armoured prices entered first. Quickly behind him a mage of some kind, a healer and then a giant dragonneer finished the party out. "What the hell is that, a trap a genie or a demon boss? " the mage asked. "Smells human mostly" grunted the large dragonneer. I tryed to talk once again but blood was the only thing that leaked out this time it actually wet my throat a little.

"Should I kill it?" asked the knight but the healer pushed him aside and used her magic to restore my damaged throat and to relieve my some of my vitality and strength. "Why are you here in a dungeon? Who chained you here? Oh sorry, my name in Windy I'm from Ashbin the nearest town and we are questing for low level demonic beasts."

"My name is Rose and demons captured me and my mom, they kill her and locked me here to be corrupted." At the word corrupted the knight grabbed Windy away from me and both him and the mage prepared to attack. Suddenly the dragonneer stopped them from attacking, "She is not corrupted yet look at her seals they have not even formed fully yet, she still has time. My name is Dingo."

The knight came forward and cut my chains with a quick swish of his sword and I fell to the ground because of my lack of using my limbs. He said his name was Castle the third barons son and he was training to be a palidin but first he had to make it to a rank B adventurer. Meanwhile Wendy was getting rid of my fatigue and even rubbing my muscles so I could once again use my legs.

"I still think she's a trap, what if the demon are just waiting for us to leave then when they attack she stabs us in the back." " Come on SeaCinder look at her she probably been here for a while and seems to be barely alive. I doubt she can even walk let alone attack are you so heartless to leave another human to this fate," replied Windy. Dingo just picked me up and placed me onto his belted backpack, I now had a little energy to hold onto his massive neck.

Windy took an extra robe out of her pack and used it to tie me to Dingo's back just in case we ran into any more enemies on the way back to the village. Then placed a thin blanket over my tattered clothing so I could warm up a little. The dragonneer's body was doing a great job at that even his scales were softer then I thought they would be. His steps were so quiet even riding him they made no noise, and he strangely smelt like desert and sunshine not at all like a snake.

As we started back towards the entrance Wendy gave me a biscuit and a flash of water and warned me to eat and drank small amounts or I would become sick. I tried to eat little bites and take sips but couldn't seem to stop dranking and eatting faster and faster. By the time we had turned three corners I had finished both off and begged for more finally she handed me some jerky and a elixir in case I started to get sick.

The jerky took a while to eat mainly cause of its thickness and exstream dryness but once it was chewed into smaller pieces it was delicious almost the best thing I had ever had. Finally we arrived back at the entrance to the cave and found out darkness had fallen they said it would be to dangerous to go during the darkness so they would camp inside soon fires were started and food was being cooked.

My eyes keep closing against its light and I found it was proving very painful in addition I wanted out. No matter what was out there I needed to be free from here to know I could leave was more important to me then being hurt or even killed by whatever was outside. Dingo seemed to sense my distress and took me outside to a small stream that was nearby.

After carefully checking the area he placed me by the water and gave me soap and a towel. I nodded thankfully and soon stripped and got to cleaning it felt so good and I drank my fill as well. Sadly my hunger was just kept growing even though I had eaten right before we had stepped out. Scarfing the full to the brim bowl of meat and bread as well as licking the said bowl clean.

Still my hunger grew I really felt as if I could eat a real horse and that was my favorite animal. I just finished dressing and was going to ask Dingo to take me back for seconds and thirds when we heard a sound from the camp site.