
Demonically Infected

A girl made to pay for a father debt to a demon lord, the ultimate sacrifice or a slim chance to survive. Where will her choices lead her? Can she make it back or forever walk the tightrope till she falls into hell.

Vawn_Mobbs · Fantasía
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21 Chs

A chance at more time

We all gathered the next day for breakfast and it was very nice to just listen to my only friends in the world jabber about their last quests, or even just life in general. Wendy was still have asleep and keep muttering about herbs and her healing faults. Castle was mimicking his sword skill use with his knife while Cinder kept saying whatever.

Cinder also often had to cut in saying how her magic saved everyone and they be dead without her. Dingo, was Dingo just quickly and quietly shoving pieces of mostly raw bloody meat in between bread slices into his mouth. When he felt me looking his way he would give me a small upturning in his face that I hoped was a smile.

Just as our plates were being carried away Creator walked in and with a single nod at a doorway to the right of the kitchen we all stood up. When we entered it was to find a private semi large room probably used for parties or to adjust for overflow. It was bigger then the whole cottage I had grown up in.

Castle went to speak but the guild master signaled for him to stay quiet. Shouting the door he then walked the rooms perimeter, crouching in each corner to light a candle. Finally he returned to the first one and said one word, "Sealed".

"Now we can talk and no one can hear or for that fact enter this room until I unreal it. Before you all start talking, I need to tell you a prophecy and ask two main questions and yes it will affect all of your group Cinder. I thought I would have more time before these events occurred and had hope it be after my time.

Let me give you all a shortened version first then ask my questions then you can make yourselves known. About a thousand years ago there was a foretelling basically these things are very vague but it foretold of a person being born with duel souls that could free our land from demonic bite seals forever.

This being would gain the strength and durability of demons in one soul but retain its purity in it other soul allowing it the magic and freedom of choices of humanity. This fated being would be able to enter into the final great boundary that protects the demons citadel while not allowing the fallen into our world. Allowing the chance for humanity to send these beings into the Netherlands far from our reaches.

Now my two questions, First to you Rose, If you were this two souled being and given the chance and time would you choose to fulfill this prophecy and stop the tide of demons? Would you even dare to walk alone into the realm of demons most likely to perish or be sealed in the Netherlands for eternity with them?"

"Yes, I would do so without hesitation, for not only what they have done to my own family but for every marked beast and human. Their presence here will forever make us the worst that we can become not that we are saints but because with choice we can be saved even from ourselves. With no choice, we can only follow their cruelties and no soul means no chance to redeem oneself," I swore it outloud and within my soul.

Then he turned to Castle, "Castle if I could promise you that Rose would never become more then half corrupted and that she is our salvation would you help her with this unique prophacy at least till she is stronger. Until she has a chance to walk those final steps on her own and fulfill the role given possibly to her by this insane world of ours?"

Castle got down on one knee and touched his fist over his heart on his armour and replied, "I Castle the Third, accept this heroic quest and will assist as much as possible even if it should lead to my death." Castle then stood and turned to Rose "Since we came upon her, I have felt she was a innocent and good young lady which should not live the faith of a doomed corrupted."

Cinder immediately shoved him away from Rose, "how can you make that pledge, you are not only our party leader but our friend, this effects us all? If he goes we would all have to follow and what if she's not the one? It would all have been all for absolutely nothing and most likely kill us all as well." How can you promise she is two souled and will not be corrupted fully?"

Creator replied, "We will have her tested and sealed by a old friend of mine, the Witch of the West. Amber the Golden is her real name and she can preform many miracles don't look down on her abilities or believe the lies. Come to the guild house later and I will get you a letter of introduction and a map to her current location. She owes me so in turn most likely will do this task and make Rose safe for a long, long time.

I recommend that you go the first part of the journey by the carrier service and will provide you with some things you can use on the trip. In addition I suggest you get ready for at least a two week trip and rent mounts for the last part of the trip ok. Meet at the guild by three to catch the carrier and start your first journey in this quest.

We scurried out when the seal was broken and headed to pack and get neccessities for our trip. It didnt take me long to pack but I raced because I wanted to get some beginning spell books and potion recipes. Wendy had promised to help me with learning them and promised to tell me if I had no aptitude for potion making.

I got a basic book on magic theory and basic magic conjugation like how to draw forth water, fire, wind, earth, light, and dark. These were spells for like five year olds but that's what I needed first. I bought a potion pot, flint, small drying rack and a grinding stick. The used book was the cheapest I could find.

However my biggest purchase was a scroll of teleportation which I set to open in my room. It could be used once a day for a week and only could teleport non living entities so like pelts, furs, loose goods like meat plants etc. It had cost 550 silvers. Then we all met up and headed out for the guild.