

I know the first 5-10 chapters are not very good, but if you fold and progress, then it gets better. -------------------------------------------- In a world of humans, demons, and half-humans, people all over the world have abilities given by the gods. While these abilities are given to humans by the gods, half human and devils are given these abilities by blood lineages. Our main character (jake), on the other hand, does not have any skills. And one day, when he was beaten by many men in his school, including his closest friends, he swears a sincere oath, 'one day I'll take my revenge on you all', just then two panels open in front of his eyes. {have completed the requirements for the demonic sytem, ​​hell has heard your oath. Would you like to enable the demonic system?} {yes} {no} looked at the other panel after reading this. {heard your heavenly vow and answered it. Do you accept that heaven will reward you if you remove your sense of vengeance? } {Yes} {No} {note: you can only select 1 of them.} friends, this is my first novel attempt and my native language is not English so if I have mistakes, I would appreciate it if you let me know :) Join My Patreon https://www.patreon.com/DEADLY_SHADOW

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65 Chs

CHAPTER 8 : New skills

After I looked rewards I looked my status.



{Name: Jake Snowtail} {?}

{Title: 7 sin's son}

{Race: Lesser Demon}

{Bloodlines: Ifrit, Vampire, Incubus, Dragon, Ghoul(Can't be used for now)}

{Sins: Ira, Superbia, Luxuria, Avaritia, Gula(Locked)}

{Level: 1 }

{HP:200/200} {MP:120/120} {DP:120/120}

{STR:140} {INT:40}

{AGI:150} {DRB:200}

{Mind: 100}

Available points to distribute: 160



1) Cynthia Rudowell (temporary)


{OBSERVE: lv: 3 }

(Allows to user observe any person or object or monster general information will be available. Info depends on skills level.)

{Hell's Martial Arts lv: 1}(passive)

{Lesser-demon's Resistance lv: 1}

(The mental and physical resistance of a lesser-demon.)

{Mana Zone}

(unleveled skill : An evolution of the mana control skill. Creates a mana zone and gives full control over the mana inside. For example: wall, obstacle from mana...)

{Slavery spell lv: 1}

(This spell enslaves caste regardless of gender. It can be cast directly as a spell for use, or added to food and drink, but for food and drink, one must completely finish it. As the level increases, the effect will become stronger)

{Lust overdrive lv: 1}

(This spell will increase the lust of the opposite sex until it becomes unbearable. The higher the level, the stronger the spell will become.)

{Charm eye lv:1}

(This spell allows you to charm the opposite sex by looking into your eyes.)

{Drink blood lv:1} (passive)

(This ability allows you to heal and replenish your mana and dp when you drink blood.)

{Hypnosis eye lv:1}

(This ability allows you to hypnotize the person looking into your eyes.)

{Blood magic lv:1}

(Allows you to do blood manipulation and blood control. For example: Blood knives, blood mist...)

{Blood puppet lv:1}

(This skill gives control over a person by donating one's blood to another's body.)

{Elemental affinity of the black dragon(black magic) lv: 1}

(This skill allows one to use the dark magic of dragons and gives great affinity over the dark.)

{Dragon scale skin lv: 1}

(This skill turns one's body into an armor by covering it with dragon skin.)

{Elemental affinity of Ifrıt demon (Hell fire) lv: 1}

(This skill allows the use of hellfire. And gives resistance to all kinds of fire elements and high element affinity.)

{Berserk of wrath lv: 1}

(Allows the person to go into a berserk and increase their abilities by 200%. The % increases as the skill level increases.)

{Blessing of goddess ********}

(This skill grants 50% immunity to holy magic, 50% buff and 50% stat effect increase.)

{Chat with goddess}

(Allows you to chat with the goddess.)


"What are these skills like, yesterday I only had 4 skills, but now there are too many."Jake said and a message appeared.


{Charm eye + Hypnosis eye (has combined new skill appeared) = The hypnotic eyes of the charming demon.}

{The hypnotic eyes of the charming demon}

(unleveled skill: A high-level demon spell that combines the charm eye and hypnosis eye abilities.)


"What! You have created a high-level DEMON skill" A voice appeared again

"Who are you tell me" Jake said

"Oh~I didn't tell you who I am right. My name is North. I am a personality created by the system to guide you." North said

"Then why haven't you made a sound since my transformation? Instead, you sounded when a skill was developed.?" I asked

"I didn't want to distract you. But do you know what it means for a lesser demon to be able to take a demon spell? It's almost impossible!" North said

"Oh~ Is that so."I said

"Be more excited!!"North shouted

"So much has happened from yesterday until today that I guess it will be hard for me to be surprised by anything else." I said with chuckle

"HEH~ HEH~ That's right." North said with chuckle

I looked clock and it was almost 7.00 am so I stood up. I wearied my clothes. I wrote a note on a piece of paper and put it on the nightstand and left the room. After paying the money to the hotel, I started to go home.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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