
Demonic contactor: Rise of an abomination

Marcus your regular young human adult, you will think but most who know who he truly his had been sent to the after life. After all it wasn't easy to survive after learning the secret of a reincarnated devil especially one who wanted to be left alone after his betrayal, Lossing a large portion of his memory of his past he survived in the body of a human toddler harmless but sinisterly dangerous after all Devil or human the body is but a shell that is to be nurtured into a weapon of war. In a world where power is synonymous to authority what would he strive for, will he regain his memory, how will his revenge be served. If you are curious then you are welcome to join the ride though this is my first novel so bear with me please.

THE_BLOOD · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

Chapter 4 - Unexpected ambush

Some minutes ago, kelvin could be seen sitting under the shade of a well prepared carriage, hands under his chin while he was lost in thought "thirteen years of taking care of him and I am already attached to him, but what can I do about it he is quite similar to my son and also has the vibe of a warrior, if only my stupid grand daughter not only fell for him but could also steal his heart the I know that she will be in safe hand and my legacy will continue. He may be a reincarnated being but at least he isn't one to go into mindless slaughter. Separating from the boy will be hard but we have to move on. My only hope his for that boyish girl to somehow charm or persuade him, but if only it was that easy. I can't even decide what is going on in his mind, not to talk of his arrogance which is like those of the blessed species like Dragon, Angel, Devil, Phoenix, Royal Elves and the likes, this is such an headache If she can't persuade him then she will probably remain single for life cause I can't imagine anyone being as good as him at their age group. If only she fell in love with someone else then this would have been much easier" releasing a long sigh he rose to his feet only to stubble on a rock before making a sharp turn while falling. A glitter flashed while a figure could be seen materializing in the shadow armed with two daggers one standard size while the other 2 inches longer than the first, a trail of blood could be seen at the tip on the longer dagger while kelvin who was back on his feet after a spin could be seen with a cut on his face. Kelvin body started to regain mass and age going back to the appearance of a 30 year old while his aura and presence increased proportionally, pulling out a spear from his storage ring he took a battle stance, "Hahahaha" the figure laughed "As expected even after all that patience you still survived my first strike your title as the predatory eagle serves you well and your reputation as the Silverbane family hunting dog is no lie I see, but will you survive Tonight with my poison already in your blood. Let see if my poison is the best or your Silverbane family innate poison resistance, though am not nice enough to stop attacking since I have a task to execute. Any last words" standing at the other side kelvin analysing his opponent just as his opponent was doing the same while in his head he thought 'A technique that makes a human blend into the dark, the technique and vibes of an assassin, such confidence. Oh no a Shadow. which means the kids are in danger. I have to finish this fast' with widen eyes kelvin thought. The figure seeing kelvin reaction smile then spoke "No words, that also okay but it seems like you have realized that am a shadow and shadows are always with their shades so your little ones will not live for long. No hard feeling but that just what happens when you go onba rampage on others family, but don't worry my shades will make it seem like the work of a beast so you don't have to think to much and die in peace. But just so you know if you offer me a fight that delight my battle carving I swear to not let anything happen to your wards so don't die to soon and if you are taking my deal be fast time wait for no one"."Deal" kelvin replied. Two ethereal chains could be seen chained on each of their right hands linking them togethe.Silvery white flames covered the blade of kelvin spear while the shadow daggers where covered in a poisonous dark liquid with two steps their blades crossed their each other only to be repelled by the other apparently their strength matches which was no coincidence. The next five exchanges were also similar but the balance was bound to be broken with kelvin poisoned they crosses blades once more but this time they passed by each other. The shadow could be seen with a cut Coated by silver flames on his shoulder while kelvin could be seen with a large cut on his back which slowly but surely healed feeling the itch on his back he smiled while the shadow looking at his wounded arm shake his head 'this is going to be a long night' he thought, and their dance of blades and death continued

On the run within the forest a white haired youth could be seen leading a silver haired lady and not to far from them three shadowy figure could be seen tracking them down. They were no other than Marcus and Elsa who were head towards Marcus desolate garden, though the reason was unknown to Elsa. Well it wasn't like the young lady was in the right senses to think of that since having a handshake with death wasn't common for those her age. Looking behind him Marcus could see Elsa shivering and oddly silent but that was a good thing for now since his mind was all on losing his pursuer, running into his garden and reach his first check point he slide and retrieved a Black dagger in the root of an ork tree, it was an ordinary dagger with the only worthwhile thing about it appearance was the mana crystal embedded on the handle. With the first component in his hands he headed to the next which was near the center of the garden. Pulling Elsa while rolling on the floor to dodge two arrows aim at them, "Tssk.... The boy sure knows how to dodge, why don't we spice it up a bit and bet our pay for this job on who would kill him" a voice could be heard sounding from a distance while another replied"I have no problem with that you guys should just be ready to do a free job cause am winning this and why don't we add the girl to the bet" the last voice replied"According to our deal earlier the girl is mine but if you insist then get ready to lose" the first voice then stated"We will have to insist here, just look at how much of a beauty she is. How can I let a brute like you let your hands on her such a crime. I must have been blind to agree to your early request, just looking at the flesh on her body arouse me they should taste like heaven on earth and do you know that the flesh of ladies taste better after experiencing pleasure" the second voice spoke out unable to contain it anymore"indeed she is to beautiful to be handed to that brute but you have no say in this too psychopath. When I win I will first have my way with her alive before turning her into a stuffed figurine so her body can always take care of my needs it would have be best if I can get a necromancer to seal her soul In the figurine. " He said before letting out a sinister laughter. It was obvious that the shade were catching up and that was with out any obvious effort to close the gap. Hearing what was in store for her Elsa shivered and almost stop only to be pulled forward by Marcus. While Marcus on the other hand look almost the same with some slightly difference his crimson pupils had covered more than two-third of his eyes, his white hair had gained a crimson glow and his body physique increasing in size little by little leaving his normal 1.8 meter and beginning to cross the 2 meter mark, his body becoming more robust this was caused by the increase in pace of his now dark crimson blood. If any one with a bid of awareness of low and impure blooded demons and devils the would recognize this has the well know [Berserk rage mode] of demons when they loss about 70% of their sanity to anger. Elsa the only one close enough to notice any change was not in the condition to do so. Arriving at his second check point and the beginning of the changes in this hunt, another but bigger ork tree could be seen. Marcus rushing pass this ancient ork tree stabbed the dagger in his hand into it and kept moving on. If anyone could see the mana flowing in the tree they would see that the dagger was clearly dividing a mana vein in the tree causing all others to connect to the low grade mana crystal of the the dagger this started an unknown sequence. First a group of Life preying snakes could be seen escaping from the root of the ork tree while visibility in the garden began to reduce. Life preying snakes were a group of modified snakes by demonic magic that will predate on all source of life force within their ranges except for life source already registered in the formation. With a demonic smile Marcus made a sharp turn passing though a canopy under the ork tree, he arrived at his destination a hidden cavern Within the forest with the only noticeable feature, a utterly sinister looking black and red flower. The flower was no other than the about to mature Devils blessings. Letting Elsa go he then said to her "don't leave, don't move and don't touch anything. If not you might not live until I return" shivering lightly she responded with a nod her eyes nearly lifeless. Marcus who was doing his best to control him self finally lost it at that point, looking at her vulnerable appearance went towards a tree nearby to retrieve eight unique looking stakes and a octagon shaped middle grade mana crystal, coming to the front of the Devils blessing he the arranged the stakes into a octagon while place the mana crystal in the center. He had just activate the second eye of the grand formation his garden. With slightly crazed eyes Marcus shed his blood on the mana crystal, awaken [Endless garden of despair], an illusion formation with touches of death curses. Meanwhile the shade outside could be seen chasing an invisible enemy, any outsider would think they were mad except they themselves stepped into the formation, were they would see a figure of a white haired youth and a silver haired lady being chased. Indeed the shades were already in an illusion yet the main dangers of the formation were the harmless looking life preying snakes following them slowly.

The life preying snakes was modified in the footsteps of the great Essence devouring dragons of the star beast race, though they were called dragon it was because of the little dragon blood in their body and their dragon-like shape. It was a beast that causes calamities just by sleeping, carving a place for it self as one of the calamity bringers in the universe. It is believe that if a Essence devouring dragon is seen in a location it should be immediately killed or all living around the location to migrate since the beast devours all essence just by sleeping both of the living and the dead in an area until it becomes barren land in a few decades then it would awaken and set for a new location to prey on. They were the source of a lot of dessert within planets and barren planets in the universe. The life preying snake also would prey on life from a distance though not as strong as its predecessor it was a prefect fit for any illusion formation, was often used as a guard and life force material in different crafts of the demons and devils.

For any man it would be enough to wait for the shades death but not for a demon in [berserk rage mode] stepping out of the hidden cavern while mumbling under his breath Marcus could be seen, "How dare they, How dare they, to touch those a king take fancy of, to defile a king, to disturb a king, to go against a God, to stand before my path, to show their face before me. Such atrocities deserves for their souls to be forever tormented for eternity." Madness could be seen in Marcus now fully crimson eyes with a black dot in the center acting like a compressed pupil, only the sensitive would notice something more sinister in the middle of his madness. Retrieving his dagger from the ork tree he walked away from the tree while he began to trail after his prey.