
Demonic Ascendancy: The Path of Blood

Demonic Ascendancy: The Path of Blood showcases the journey of Xian Yu, a demonic cultivator who rises to ultimate power through ruthlessness, cunning, and unyielding ambition. His path is fraught with challenges, betrayals, and moral dilemmas, culminating in his ascension to the highest realms and his eventual rule over all. The story delves deeply into themes of power, ambition, and the cost of one’s actions.

nen67 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The Birth of Desolation

The sky above the village of Shanxi was a tapestry of storm clouds, their edges tinged with the dying light of the setting sun. Thunder rumbled in the distance, a foreboding prelude to the chaos that was to come. Amidst this turmoil, a new life emerged into the world. The cries of the newborn mingled with the hushed whispers of villagers, huddled in their homes, fearful of the approaching storm. This was the world into which Xian Yu was born—a world teetering on the edge of desolation.

Xian Yu's early years were marked by an uncanny awareness that set him apart from other children. At the tender age of four, he was already keenly observant, his sharp eyes taking in the details of his surroundings with a precision that unnerved even the adults. His mother, Mei Lin, often found him staring into the distance, as if contemplating secrets only he could fathom.

"Xian Yu, what are you thinking about?" she would ask, her voice soft and filled with concern.

"Nothing, mother. Just the wind," he would reply, his tone betraying nothing of the intricate thoughts swirling within his young mind.

It wasn't long before the villagers began to notice Xian Yu's extraordinary intellect. He could solve problems that left others perplexed, and his strategic thinking in games of chance and skill was unmatched. His father, Jian, a former soldier hardened by the unending wars that ravaged their land, recognized a glint of something more profound in his son—a cold, calculating edge that spoke of a potential for greatness, or perhaps, destruction.

One evening, as they sat by the flickering light of their hearth, Jian spoke to his son, his voice gruff but not unkind. "Xian Yu, do you know why our village suffers? Why we are constantly under threat?"

Xian Yu looked up from the wooden carvings he was meticulously arranging on the floor. "Because we are weak, father. We have no power to defend ourselves."

Jian nodded, a grim smile tugging at his lips. "Yes, and that is why we must be strong. Only strength can bring peace."

These words took root in Xian Yu's mind, intertwining with his burgeoning intellect and budding ruthlessness. He understood that power was not just a means to an end, but the very essence of survival. This lesson would shape his actions in the years to come, carving out a path strewn with both brilliance and brutality.

The day the bandits came was one that would forever be etched into Xian Yu's memory. It began like any other, with the village stirring to life at dawn. Farmers tended to their fields, children played in the dusty streets, and the ever-present tension of impending conflict hung in the air, a silent specter haunting every moment.

Xian Yu was in the woods, exploring with a group of boys when the attack began. The first sign was the acrid smell of smoke, curling through the trees like a malevolent serpent. Then came the screams—shrieks of terror that sliced through the air, sending the boys scrambling back toward the village.

When they arrived, chaos had already descended. Bandits swarmed through the streets, their faces twisted into masks of cruelty. They set fire to houses, looted what little wealth the villagers had, and cut down anyone who stood in their way. Xian Yu stood frozen at the edge of the carnage, his mind racing. 

"Xian Yu! Run!" one of his friends shouted, but Xian Yu did not move. His eyes were fixed on his home, where his mother and father fought desperately to defend themselves.

He watched as Jian felled two bandits with swift, deadly precision before being overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Mei Lin, clutching a kitchen knife, tried to shield her husband but was swiftly cut down. Blood pooled around their bodies, dark and viscous against the parched earth.

Something snapped within Xian Yu. He felt a cold fury settle over him, a clarity that burned away the paralysis of fear. He picked up a discarded knife, its blade still wet with blood, and moved with a predator's grace through the chaos. 

A bandit spotted him and sneered, raising his sword. "A brave little rat, aren't you?" he taunted, swinging the blade toward Xian Yu. 

But Xian Yu was faster. He ducked under the swing and drove the knife into the bandit's side, twisting it with a ferocity that belied his age. The man crumpled, a look of shock etched on his face.

Xian Yu stood over the body, breathing hard, his eyes dark and empty. He felt no remorse, only a cold satisfaction. He understood now what his father had meant. Strength was the only thing that mattered.

By the time the bandits retreated, their sacks laden with stolen goods, the village was a smoldering ruin. Survivors staggered through the wreckage, their faces blank with shock and grief. Xian Yu stood amidst it all, his small frame silhouetted against the flames that consumed his home.

An elder, her face streaked with tears, approached him. "Xian Yu, your parents... I am so sorry," she whispered, reaching out to touch his shoulder.

He shrugged off her hand, his expression unreadable. "They were weak," he said simply, turning his back on her and the remnants of his old life.

From that day forward, Xian Yu dedicated himself to the pursuit of power. He studied the art of war, trained his body to be a weapon, and sharpened his mind to a razor's edge. He vowed never to be helpless again, to never let weakness define his fate. The village of Shanxi became a distant memory, a ghost of the past that fueled his relentless drive.

As the years passed, tales of a young warrior of unparalleled skill and ruthless cunning began to spread. They spoke of his strategic brilliance on the battlefield, his cold, calculating nature, and the fire that burned in his eyes—a fire born of desolation and a promise of retribution.

Thus, the boy who watched his world burn grew into a man who would set the world ablaze, forging his destiny in the crucible of war. His name, Xian Yu, became synonymous with fear and power, a testament to the birth of desolation.