
Demon with you

A young girl, marnie silkt a beautiful and daring girl , is on a quest to regain her lost memories. She along with her demon prince go through hardships to get her lost memories, will the people around her agree to let her regain her momeries, stay tunes to find out.

calmeryashi · Adolescente
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5 Chs


Marnie: why didn't you fucking tell me before you brought me here.

A few minutes later

Marnie: wait, that's a demon or ghost or spirit or whatever you said.

Marnie said in a panicked voice

Jordan: are you going mad?

Marnie: no.

And she goes towards the demon

Marnie introduces herself to it

Marnie: hi, my name is Marnie silkt and I'm 16 years old, and um... I'm in the tenth grade, and I attend down high.

The demon was wondering how she saw him. And he stared at her. And she looked at her wrist watch and started whistling.

Marnie: wait, I think your name is luscious.

Shocked by the revelation, he turned himself human.

Luscious: how do you know.

Marnie: I always know every thing, now just scare us.

Luscious: why?

Marnie: I just want to go home.

And luscious did want she asked. And they all left, a few hours later, he went to her house, when she was about to sleep. And started to ask her questions. He transformed himself into a human.

Luscious: where do you come from.

Marnie: I don't even know, my parents didn't tell us about where we come from.

Luscious: why??

Marnie: I don't know.

Luscious: ok, how old are you.

Marnie: I'm almost 16 years old.

Luscious: ok, when is your birth day.

Marnie: um... 17th July.

Luscious: who are you close with your parents or twin.

Marnie: none of them.

Luscious: why.

And she became emotional and started crying.

Marnie: they treat me like am their servant , and I hate that. They always boss me around, and to them I'm just a worker. And he asked so many questions, and when he was about to ask the final question, she got angry and said to him I'm sleepy and I want to sleep.and she slept, and he left her.